Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 327 51 Wealth, Waving the Flag for Share Reform

Chapter 327 51 Wealth, Waving the Flag for Share Reform
In Gao Yang's eyes, Fang Siwen is actually the most suitable to be the CEO of 51 Fortune, but this year he just joined Yiwang as the deputy editor-in-chief, so it is really impossible to jump out.

51 Group, there are still many things to do in the future, and it needs to cooperate with Yiwang.

After seeing off Ding Lei and Li Yan, Gao Yang returned to the hotel to participate in the media interview.

Today, more than a dozen media are arranged to do exclusive interviews, including Mass Metropolis Media, CCTV Finance, IT Media, Internet Media, and three or four financial media.

Gao Yang walked into the meeting room, Wan Hong, He Guangwen and Yuan Ye had already chatted with the reporter for a while.

Wan Hong and Yuan Ye knew most of the journalists from the Beijing media who were invited to do an exclusive interview today, and Gao Yang also knew some of them in the past two years.

In the past, everyone interviewed IT companies together, but now, Gao Yang, Wan Hong and Yuan Ye have become the interviewees again.

The reporter's questions about the 51 Group were mainly answered by Gao Yang and He Guangwen.

Gao Yang talked about 51 Group's business direction, investment layout, operation model, views on Internet development trends, etc.

He Guangwen mainly answered reporters' questions from the perspective of technological development. Many reporters are concerned about the development trend of SNS websites, especially the profit model.

Some financial media asked: "51 Fortune is going to be the first SNS financial platform in China, and the core of it is 51 shares.

This year's A-shares are very bearish, and the market index has fallen below 1050 points today.Before the May Day, the pilot measures for the reform of state-owned shares splitting were announced, and four companies were identified as the first batch of pilot companies.

This major policy is also controversial in the media and among investors. Many investors even believe that the current situation of A shares has a lot to do with the share reform. The market is worried that state-owned shares will be reduced after full circulation.

I don't know how 51 Fortune views the share reform, and what do you think of the A-share market in the share reform?

In addition, 51 Fortune chose to start in such a bear market environment, how to face the competition from established financial websites such as the financial industry? "

The three of Wan Hong all looked at Gao Yang, they didn't understand the stock market.

The current management of 51 has obvious shortcomings in this regard.

Gao Yang nodded and smiled at the reporter who asked the question:
"That's a good question.

There are historical reasons for split shareholding. Huaxia has always been crossing the river by feeling the stones when it engages in the capital market.

A-shares have only been born for more than ten years, while the stock exchanges in western developed countries have a history of more than 200 years.

I personally think that equity is good for A shares, and it is a very important good.

As for the reasons for promoting the share reform, the policy background has made it very clear. The interests of shareholders of tradable shares and non-tradable shares are inconsistent. Major shareholders do not care about stock prices, and they cannot form effective equity incentives through the secondary market. Further development is clearly hindered.

As for the current decline in A-shares, there are trend factors and psychological factors. If the share reform can be promoted smoothly, the market is expected to usher in a reversal.

Investors are worried about the reduction of state-owned shares in the future. I think it is completely unnecessary. The state-owned economy is the cornerstone of China's economy. In key industries, state-owned capital must maintain an absolute controlling position in listed companies, and there is also the reality of making listed companies bigger and stronger. need.

After the share reform is completed, in the secondary market, the profits of major state-owned shareholders and other investors are consistent, and the value and price of stocks are determined by market games.

According to the share reform policy, if the non-tradable shares want to obtain the right to trade, they must pay consideration to the tradable shareholders. According to the share reform plan announced by the pilot company, if the consideration paid reaches 10, 3.5 shares will be given away, and cash will also be distributed.

For investors who bought before the share reform, it is completely a waste of money.

For example, the share reform consideration plan announced by Sanyi Heavy Industry, 10 to 3.5 shares and 8 yuan in cash, the cash distribution accounts for 5% of the stock price, and the tradable shareholders have picked up 40% of the benefits..."

The reporter laughed and said, "Mr. Gao, no matter whether you give out shares or cash, the stock price will be ex-rights on the day of resumption of trading after the share reform."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "The stock price will be ex-rights, but on the resumption day of the share reform, there will be no price limit, let the market play the game.

This ex-right is completely different from the ex-right of the share price after the stock bonus in the past. Non-tradable shareholders take out their shares and give them to tradable shareholders. The total share capital will not change. The pilot share reform plan also clearly requires that borrowing shares to increase share capital is not allowed.

All in all, tradable shareholders get this part of bonus shares, which is real equity, not a number game. If the stock price is filled in later, this part of the share reform bonus will be fully obtained.

I think that there are some people who say in the media or on the Internet that the state-owned shares are expected to be reduced, and that the outstanding shares after the share reform will increase greatly, which will put pressure on the market. Either they really don’t want to understand the logic of the share reform dividends, or Deliberately, trying to trick investors into handing over their chips.

The management department also said that the shareholding reform work has 'no turning back' and must be successful.

Huaxia's economy has been developing steadily and rapidly over the years. In the past, due to the split of shares, the stock price in the secondary market was distorted and fluctuated greatly.

After the share reform is completed, A-shares can truly demonstrate the barometer function of the capital market to reflect macroeconomic development.

Personally, I am optimistic about the A shares after the share reform, and I also look forward to and wish that the share reform can be completed smoothly.

51 chooses this opportunity to start because we are optimistic about the future prospects of A-shares.

Last year, the savings balance of urban and rural residents across the country was nearly 12 trillion, and there was a huge demand for investment and financial management. The stock market is one of the markets that can best accommodate funds.

Therefore, we are very confident in the future development space of 51"

After the interview, both Wan Hong and Yuan Ye looked at Gao Yang: "We don't even understand what you said about the stock market."

Gao Yang said: "You two, one is the CEO and the other is the executive editor-in-chief. The development of 51 is also closely related to the A shares. You have to learn.

I suggest that you both open a stock account, invest [-] to [-] in stocks, and experience what the stock market is all about.

The core of 51 is whether 51 Stock Bar, an SNS investment and wealth management community, can be developed to generate huge popularity traffic.

If you can't even understand what the community users are discussing, how can you do a good job of this platform?

According to the plan, in the next step, we will launch a 51 fund website soon. To prepare for the future application for agency fund sales, you need to have close contact with people from all walks of life in the financial and investment circles. Therefore, you must learn, for stocks, For the capital market, you must have the most basic understanding. "

Both Wan Hong and Yuan Ye nodded with wry smiles.

Gao Yang said again: "You all know some financial media reporters, find a way to invite a few influential people to discuss the topic of share reform, and organize a series of articles. 51 must wave the flag for the share reform. These reporters, arrange for them Reasonable remuneration."

Yuan Ye said: "I'll go find Fang Sifang and ask him to write some articles. Gao Yang, you also understand the stock market, can I ask you to write some articles too?"

Gao Yang said: "I don't necessarily have time here, try my best. Among the current editors of the website, there are those with professional background in finance and economics, you can also arrange it.

In addition, I discussed with Mr. Ding that Fang Siwen will represent Yiwang as the non-executive director of 51 Fortune.

Yuan Ye, make an appointment with Fang Siwen here, take some time, let's have a good chat. "

(End of this chapter)

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