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Chapter 330 God's Prophecy

Chapter 330 God's Prophecy
June 6th, the day to witness the history of the big A shares, has arrived.

In early trading, the stock index opened lower as expected, and then remained sluggish. With a slight rebound in the market, funds were immediately thrown into the market.

At 11:03, it was finally time to witness history. In less than 15 minutes, a wave of smashing funds directly smashed the stock index to 998 points.

Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan ambushed two or three million funds in 20 stocks, but they were also smashed by the thrown chips.

At this moment, Gao Yang chuckled: "Ruohan, sweep the goods."

By the end of the afternoon, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan grabbed nearly 5000 million chips.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index also closed above 1034 points with a bald Yang line, with an intraday shock of 3.65%, and a turnover of 54 billion.

The Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index fell below 6 points on June 3, and did not hit a new low on June 2600. Instead, after a slight drop at the opening, there were funds rushing to raise funds all the way, and the closing price rose +6%, with an intraday shock of nearly 6. %, the transaction amount was 3.89 billion.

After the market closed in the afternoon, Gao Yang's account [I'm really not a stock god] on 51 Stock Bar gained thousands of followers in a day.

"It's amazing, it's a prophecy from God. After the stock index was smashed through 1000 points, it immediately rebounded!"

"Excellent, this fate is really accurate..."

"Actually, I also predicted that it would break through 1000 points today, but I didn't expect the rebound to be so violent."

"1000 points is a very representative integer mark. If it falls below, institutions will naturally come out to protect the market. Today's big rise may not be optimistic tomorrow."

"My lord's prediction is quite impressive, I'm convinced..."

In less than an hour, there have been dozens of comments.

Fans are still growing rapidly.

On June 6th, the college entrance examination in Beijing began. Wu Lan and Gu Yawen took Tiantian to book a room in a hotel near the examination center.

On a hot day, stick here to help Wu Xiaoyue in the exam.

Faced with such a deep love between mother, daughter and sister, Gao Yang could only smile. With Wu Xiaoyue's strength, it is really easy to get admitted to Beijing University, since she has a Beijing hukou.

Naturally, Gao Yang didn't go, and stayed at home with Wu Ruohan, and had to trade seven or eight accounts to pick up chips.

On June 6th, before the stock market opened, Wu Ruohan asked, "Brother-in-law, shall we continue to shop today?"

Gao Yang rubbed his temples and shook his head: "Don't chase highs, buy lows."

Wu Ruohan asked suspiciously, "What if the price rises sharply today?"

Gao Yang said: "Then ignore it, Ruohan, a stock market that has been bearish for 4 years, even if it is now the bottom, is it possible to go directly to V at this position?"

After thinking about it, Wu Ruohan smiled: "I was too anxious, even if 1000 points is really a big bottom, at least it will come out of a double bottom."

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "It's absolutely correct. We use this double-bottom range to shoot all the bullets. If there is a triple bottom or even a quadruple bottom later, then we don't care about it."

Gao Yang has a deep memory of the A-share trend that he remembers most for a period of time.

I can roughly draw a K-line chart for the next month or so in my mind.

At that time, Gao Yang was terrified and almost desperate when the stock index broke through 1000 points. He didn't dare to increase his position after the rapid rebound after bottoming out that day.

There was a sweeping surge in the back, and I hurried to chase in, but within two days I was slapped in the face and harvested.

When the stock index fell back to around 1000 points after panicking and cutting out the meat, it dared not add more positions.


Thinking of these things, the previous life was full of tears, and there are still 08 and 09, 2015 and 2018, 2020...

Gao Yang really doesn't have the talent to do stocks, but Wu Ruohan does.

A lot of things, if Gao Yang is a little bit, Wu Ruohan will get it right away.

After the market opened, the stock index fell slightly for a few minutes, and immediately began to rise.

Starting at 10:5 a.m., in just 2 minutes, the entire index, like an index line, was violently pulled close to [-]%.

Then it started to fall all the way back.

Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan decided on a trading strategy before the market opened. In addition to buying 300 million funds in the morning, after the market opened in the afternoon, when the stock index rose by 2% from the highest in the morning, it fell back to less than 1%.

And instead of sweeping the goods like yesterday, they resisted all the way, constantly ambush small orders to accept delivery.

As a result, when the market closed, the Shanghai Index was still green, and the turnover of the whole day was enlarged to nearly 80 billion. The Shenzhen Index also had a similar trend, with a turnover of nearly 60 billion throughout the day.

Today, the two bought more than 6000 million chips in total. On the 20 selected stocks, the funds for opening positions were close to 1.4 million.

On June 6, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index opened higher, and then rose all the way, closing with an increase of more than +8%, and the transaction funds suddenly increased to 8.2 billion.

The increase in the Shenzhen Index was slightly larger, and the trading volume also increased to 115 billion.

Such a surge is almost equivalent to the daily limit of the market, which is also very rare in the history of A shares.

Today, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan only bought nearly 1000 million funds in the early trading, and then stopped. According to the strategy, they did not chase the rise.

After the market closed in the afternoon, Wan Hong called and was very excited:

"Gao Yang, the stock market has skyrocketed today, the number of registered users of 51 Share Bar has just exceeded 100 million, and there are also 50 million tourists.

Your account has more than 51 fans, you can add V, and you are also the first account added V in [-] shares.

How about you strike while the iron is hot and write something to congratulate? "

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Okay, I'll write a few words right away, and update a popular science post on share reform. In addition, you should hurry up and organize the invited financial reporters to continue writing about share reform dividends."

Wan Hong said: "It has been arranged, and there will be three articles published today."

Gao Yang first updated a share reform science post written in the morning, and then began to comment on today's rare skyrocketing:

"In the future, history will remember the jedi counterattack after the Shanghai stock index fell below 6 points on June 6, and it will also remember the sharp rise of the market today, which is close to the daily limit.

At this moment, there is joy in the 51 shares bar. This community is really great, and it is a good place for stockholders to communicate!

Back to today's skyrocketing, my personal point of view is that in the short term, we should not be too optimistic in the next few days, and we must be careful to catch up and fall into the trap.

The reason is simple, a purely technical judgment:
A stock market that has been bearish for 4 years, even if the 1000-point line is very likely to become the bottom area of ​​​​the long-term, can it really make a big bottom like today? "

After Gao Yang posted this post, it quickly attracted heated discussions among fans.

In the afternoon, after the college entrance examination, Wu Xiaoyue went home with Wu Lan and Gu Yawen.

Wu Ruohan asked, "Xiaoyue, how do you feel on the exam?"

Wu Xiaoyue said with a smile: "It feels good, let's play normally."

Wu Xiaoyue feels that she is performing normally, so there must be no problem. The Department of Mathematics of Peking University should be stable.

On June 6, after the stock index opened higher, there was a surge of funds, and then there was a sudden wave of V. In more than 9 minutes, it rose from -20% under the water to +0.8% in the red market. The shock was relatively large.

As a result, there was another wave soon, and it was smashed underwater at -20% in more than 1 minutes.

Before the market closed in the morning, it rushed to 1130 points again, and the red market was +1.5%.

Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan started to reduce their positions.

In the afternoon, the stock index reached a peak of 1146 points. In the process, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan had already reduced their positions by 8000 million.

Then continue to reduce the position, until 02:30 in the afternoon, a total of 1 million funds have been reduced.

After the market closed, Gao Yang discussed with Wu Ruohan that based on the closing price of 6 points on June 8, the stock index would be reduced if it was higher than 1115 points, until the positions of those 1115 stocks were reduced to 20% or 10%.

After that, if the stock index falls back to around 1050 points, it will start to buy again. In the range of 1050 to 1000 points, burn out all the bullets, and then don't worry about it.

From June 6th to June 6th, the market index rose from a minimum of 6 points to today's high point. In four trading days, the maximum increase was about 9%. Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan bought 998 underlying stocks. With funds in the early 15 million, the highest floating profit is around 20 million.

The funds that can be invested in these 20 stocks and build long-term positions are 2.6 million yuan.

On June 6, the Shanghai stock index suddenly fell by -10%. By June 2, after another sharp drop, the index had returned to 6 points.

On this day, the number of users of 51 Stock Bar on 51 exceeded 200 million, and Gao Yang's embedded account [I'm really not a stock god] attracted more than 3 followers.

Fans called "I'm really not a stock god" as the A-share prophecy emperor, and spread it to other online financial forums.

The prediction was too accurate.

As a result, new user registrations on 51 Stock Bar, as well as fans with the ID [I'm really not a stock god], are increasing every day.

In fact, Gao Yang doesn't want to be a prophecy emperor, but 51 shares needs such a banner ID to promote the platform of 51

Later, Gao Yang will ask Wu Ruohan to register an ID to display firm offers to attract popularity, especially for some trading masters to register at 51 Share Bar.

Create two IDs, one to share the judgment of the market trend and the analysis of investment opportunities in the sector.

The other is used to show firm earnings.

In this way, step by step, a group of influential big Vs were formed on 51 Stock Bar. During the big bull market from 2005 to 2007, the popularity and flow of 51 quickly climbed to a peak that competitors could not match...

(End of this chapter)

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