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Chapter 335 Tracking Subprime Loans?

Chapter 335 Tracking Subprime Loans? (ask for tickets and order)
After Wu Fei and Chen Lan finished their science popularization, Gao Yang sighed:

"The financial and capital markets in the United States are indeed well-developed. Huaxia's A-shares have price limits, and this year they are working hard to implement the share split reform to solve the problem of full equity circulation."

Wu Fei said: "Yes, the United States is very developed in many aspects and is far ahead of China. The reason why I went to study in the United States back then was to get in touch with the most cutting-edge research in global economics.

Another major advantage of the United States is that it can bring together outstanding talents from all over the world.

For example, as I mentioned just now, the talented person who published the asset quantification theory in the "Fixed Income" magazine and built a theoretical model is actually a Chinese. His name is Qin Xianglin, and he is really amazing.

In the future, I wouldn't be surprised if he wins the Nobel Prize in Economics.

Qin Xianglin's mathematics is very good. He has a degree in mathematics and economics in China. Later, he went to Maple Leaf Country to study abroad, studied finance, studied actuarial science and statistics, passed the North American actuary exam, and received a doctorate.

Dr. Qin later worked in a large bank in Maple Leaf Country, focusing on financial market risk research and exposure calculation. In the next few years, he published the risk quantification research paper that caused a sensation on Wall Street. "

Qin Xianglin, Dr. Qin?
Gao Yang suddenly remembered that in his previous life he had read related articles on the Internet, saying that the cause of the US subprime mortgage crisis in 08 was due to the madness and greed of investment banks, but the theoretical model was based on this talented person.

Gao Yang then asked: "Brother, do you know this Dr. Qin?"

Wu Fei shook his head: "I don't know him, I just heard that many professors in our Columbia University admire him very much. Dr. Qin seems to have returned to China. I heard that he is a professor in a university."

Gao Yang said: "Brother, do you know which university he is in?"

Wu Fei shook his head again: "I don't know."

Gao Yang thought, as long as it is easy to find in China, it can always be found.

It would be great if I could visit and get to know this talented person, or it would be of great help to the plan I had envisioned.

At this time, it was getting late, Gao Yang told Wu Fei and his wife to go to bed early.

After that, he also chatted with Wu Ruohan, and Gao Yang went to Gu Yawen's room after Wu Ruohan fell asleep.

On August 8, Gao Yang came home from get off work. In the evening, he invited Wu Fei and Chen Lan to the study to discuss matters.

Tonight, Gao Yang is going to talk about a big event.

Gao Yang said: "Brother, sister-in-law, after you return to the United States this time, it may take another year or two for us to see each other."

Wu Fei smiled and said, "When Yawen has a baby, next summer, your family will come to America for a few days."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "If we have time, we will consider it. Brother, today I want to discuss a very important matter with you.

Sister-in-law is going to have a baby in October. I wish you a happy life and peace in advance.

At the end of this year or early next year, if the market value of stock holdings exceeds 2000 million US dollars, please register and set up an investment fund. "

Wu Fei was surprised and said, "Gao Yang, you want to issue a fund for stocks?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "No, this matter can be done in the future, and now we set up a fund company with our own funds, mainly to set up a company, have an organization, and recruit employees. This is one of them.

Second, after the fund company is registered and established, please start recruiting personnel, and ask for those who are good at doing statistical surveys.

After these employees take up their jobs, my sister-in-law can be the person in charge of the fund company and assign a survey task to these employees, which is to track and investigate the mortgage loan situation in the US real estate market for a long time.

Including relevant institutions in the MBS and CDO markets, transaction scale, changes in market conditions, and all other situations, they must be summarized and analyzed on a regular basis.

In addition, it is also necessary to conduct regular visits and surveys in hot real estate markets and hot cities in the United States, mainly to track the situation of mortgage purchases, changes in house prices, mortgage loan defaults and default rates, etc.

I will arrange the operating expenses of this company, so I don't need my elder brother and sister-in-law to worry about it. "

Wu Fei asked in surprise, "Gao Yang, what do you want to do, you want to invest in American MBS or CDO?"

Gao Yang nodded: "It can be regarded as a plan in this regard, but I need to have first-hand investigation materials, and at least one year of follow-up investigation is required before I can have a clear idea. Brother and sister-in-law must pay attention to this matter. .”

Wu Fei and Chen Lan looked at each other, and Chen Lan explained: "Gao Yang, in fact, there are reports from relevant institutions in the United States. If you want to know about these situations, you can buy research materials. There are many such research reports."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Sister-in-law, I only believe in the conclusions that I have investigated and analyzed. Please really ask me about this matter."

Chen Lan said with a smile: "Well, as long as you are not afraid of wasting money, there is no problem with us."

Wu Fei said: "Gao Yang, if you really want to understand the MBS and CDO markets, you may need to read a lot of materials, some of which are very professional."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "It's okay, I really don't understand many aspects, don't you need your help, besides, Ruohan is also a master's student in financial engineering, she has a mentor, Ruohan is also very good at investment and trading. Talented, she can help me too."

Wu Fei said: "No problem, this is just a trivial matter. In the United States, it is no problem to register a private equity hedge fund company and then recruit a few students who have just graduated from college to do these researches."

Gao Yangdao: "I just have two requirements. One is to track market conditions, and there must be regular quantitative data statistics and analysis. Second, when doing field research, you must seek truth from facts, and you must investigate the real situation and not cheat."

Wu Fei smiled and said, "Don't worry, there are two ways to solve the problem for the company's personnel, one is to recruit full-time employees, and the other is to recruit part-time college students.

Like our Columbia University, there are many foreign students from China and Asia. You can find a few of these students and use weekends and holidays to do research. As long as you have money to earn, many people are willing to do it.

As for the candidates, we will check them out when the time comes. "

Gao Yang said: "Okay, then I'll thank elder brother and sister-in-law first."

In fact, Gao Yang didn't need these follow-up investigations at all, it was Wu Fei and Chen Lan who needed them.

In 2007, when they found out the truth behind the madness of the US real estate subprime mortgage market, they would dare to help Gao Yang short the subprime mortgage and make a lot of money.

This is their area of ​​expertise, especially Chen Lan.

Gao Yang himself didn't know how to short subprime mortgages. In his previous life, the information he had read was just a movie after all, which was said to be based on the real experiences of several short-sellers.

As for true or false, who knows...

(End of this chapter)

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