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Chapter 336 Free antivirus software?

Chapter 336 Free antivirus software?
On August 8th, Wu Fei's family returned to the United States, and the next time we meet again, there is a high probability that it will be in 4.

On August 8, Gaoyang held the first board meeting of 5 Group, which was still an enlarged meeting.

In addition to most of the directors, all vice presidents of the group participated, as well as the main personnel of the technical committee led by He Guangwen.

In the past seven months in 2005, the development of the project companies of the 7 Group is on the road of prosperity.

As of the end of July, Sunshine, the group's largest cash cow, has preliminary statistics of more than 7 million operating data, and is expected to reach 8500 million or even 1.4 million for the whole year.

Yuanda Company and Yueju Company are not the assets of 51 Group, but their operations this year are also very good.

Yuanda's revenue in the first seven months has already exceeded 5000 million, and it may reach 8000 million this year.

Yueju Company, this year’s operation is expected to reach about 1300 million. The focus is on the two first-tier cities of Shanghai and the Special Economic Zone. It has opened up more than 10 stores. Including the stores in Beijing, Yueju Company has nearly 40 storefront.

Under the leadership of Chen Sen and Zhang Tao,, Modu Station and Special Zone Station have over 200 million registered users since their launch after the Spring Festival, and they have generated business cash flow in real estate and other industries.

In the first seven months of this year, the total number of users in has reached more than 51 million, and this year's revenue is expected to exceed 2300 million.

51 Renren has more than 4500 million registered users. Although it is very restrained in advertising and does not want to affect the user experience, this year's advertising revenue is still expected to exceed 1000 million.

51talk has more than 4200 million registered users.

51 mailbox users, reaching 1600 million.

51 Fortune Online was launched for one month, and the number of registered users of 51 Stock Bar quickly exceeded 500 million.

Because the A-shares successfully bottomed out in mid-July, the stock index has rebounded above 7 points, and the broader market index has rebounded by 1100%. Many stocks have risen by about 10% from the bottom.

51 Happy Farm has completely exploded, becoming the hottest web game this year, with more than 3000 million users and more than 1500 million DAU, which is very scary.

Every day, 51 Happy Farm continues to spread like a virus, with an average of one million new users every day, driving the rapid development of 51talk user registration.

In the past few days when Gao Yang returned to the capital from Jinyang, he had already received several calls from venture capital, but Shao Hanyun politely blocked them all.

According to Gao Yang's instructions, Shao Hanyun responded like this: "Thank you for your attention to 51 Group. At present, all project companies of 51 Group have no capital needs, and there is no plan to introduce angel investment. I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future."

These venture capital institutions, no matter how big their wrists are, can't even see Gao Yang's face.

Some people were friends with Ding Lei and Li Yan, knowing that these two had friendship with Gao Yang, they tried to pass Ding Lei and Li Yan's dinner with Gao Yang, but they still failed.

Ding Lei and Li Yan also thought it was amazing. Starting a business in the Internet circle and refusing the favor of venture capital, Boss Gao is definitely No.1 in history.

In the board meeting on the morning of August 8th, Gao Yang and Shao Hanyun reported the gratifying achievements of the group in the past 5 months, and then Gao Yang spoke:

"Today's enlarged meeting of the board of directors has a topic:
51 Group wants to register an anti-virus software company and set up a technical team to develop free anti-virus software.

I would like to discuss with you. There are two ways of thinking. One is to directly acquire an anti-virus software company with good technical strength, and the other is to introduce talents and build a development team by yourself.

If you have relevant network resources, or know the circle of antivirus software, you can make suggestions.

In addition, 51 Group now has an investment department, which is headed by Wu Ruohan, but the main energy of this investment department is to make securities investment for the group's project companies, and does not involve such project investment or external acquisitions.

Therefore, it is necessary to establish an investment company, or a second investment department as soon as possible, to introduce talents in this field, and to form a team to be responsible for things like the acquisition of an antivirus software company.

At the same time, he is also responsible for paying attention to and examining start-up Internet projects that have development potential and are in line with the development direction of 51 Group, and propose acquisition or investment proposals to the board of directors..."

After Gao Yang finished talking about the theme of today's meeting, most of the people present were very surprised.

Go crazy, buy an anti-virus software company, and then come to make free anti-virus software, is this a waste of money?

He Guangwen first raised a question: "Gaoyang, the anti-virus software market is currently developing very hotly. The two major domestic brands, Ruixing and Jingshan, are quite profitable. Let's enter this market where domestic and foreign brands are fiercely competitive, and What’s the point of doing free products?”

Gao Yang said: "The question raised by Guangwen may be shared by everyone here, so let me explain it in detail.

Anti-virus software is very profitable. According to the data released last year, there are more than 4000 million computers connected to the Internet nationwide, and the number of Internet users is close to 1 million.

But the statistics on the number of netizens are definitely not accurate. For example, Goose Factory claimed that the number of registered QQ users exceeded 4 million in April last year.

We don't care whether the user data of Goose Factory is watery or not, but our 51talk has developed more than 4000 million users so quickly, which shows that the real number of Internet users must be more than 3 million.

It is not surprising that many people register through Internet cafes. I also registered for QQ in Internet cafes.

With the development of the Internet to the present, the speed of popularization is getting faster and faster. Our understanding of Internet products should not stop at whether it can directly make money.

Just like the 51 Happy Farm we launched, it quickly became popular, but we insist on being free forever. This game has brought huge new traffic to our various platforms, and this is its core value.

At this stage, anti-virus software should also be regarded as a traffic entrance, which is its most important core value.

Imagine that when there are more than 51 million computers connected to the Internet in China, and hundreds of millions of netizens, we have an antivirus software that users can download and install for free, an IM software such as 51talk, and 51 Renren, 51 Tongcheng, [-] Wealth and other platforms.

51 Group, how large a flow of popularity will there be?
51 Group does not lack funds, but what it lacks is traffic portals and product platforms. With traffic and platforms, it is like a huge market, and there will be too many value-added service businesses in the future.

What is the most expensive thing in this world?

Free is the most expensive, free can make users rely on and enhance user stickiness.

If Goose Factory didn't have a free IM product like QQ, would it be able to develop to where it is now?

Wool comes from sheep, which is a traditional business thinking that should be abandoned.

The wool comes from the pig, and then the puppy pays the bill. This is the essence of Internet business logic! "

clap clap clap...

There was applause in the conference room.

Gao Yang's explanation made everyone suddenly realize.

It's absolutely amazing!
 Chapters 318 and 324 were screened, and I felt that there was no way to change it, so I gave up. For those who haven’t read it, you can go to search...

(End of this chapter)

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