Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 340 Jingdong Multimedia?

Chapter 340 Jingdong Multimedia?
August 8th is the Qixi Festival of the lunar calendar. Gu Yawen is almost three months pregnant, and the morning sickness is basically gone, and she is more pregnant.

Gu Yawen has gained a lot of weight. After no longer having morning sickness, she also has a big appetite. She just wants to absorb more nutrients for her baby. She also found a nutrition expert in the hospital for pregnancy and childbirth, and listed a daily nutrition recipe.

There are two babies in the belly, but they are not the same.

Gao Yang also tries to get home from get off work as early as possible. Today is Qixi Festival, which is Chinese Valentine's Day. On the way home from get off work, Gao Yang asks Wu Ruohan to help him buy a large bouquet of roses.

Back home, when Gao Yang presented bright roses, Gu Yawen also smiled and felt warm in her heart.

In Gu Yawen's eyes, although Gao Yang is emotionally awkward sometimes, on special days like today, he will not forget to express his emotions and manage the relationship between husband and wife.

It's just that Gao Yang never puts words like "I love you" on his lips, and even rarely speaks.

Gu Yawen is already used to it now. Feelings are not just talked about, but integrated into every day life.

After dinner, they walked home, Gu Yawen took a rest early, and Gao Yang was used to sitting in the study for a while, drinking a cup of tea, reading a book, or browsing news on the Internet, and also paying attention to industry trends.

On the science and technology channel of a portal website, there was a large article reporting on e-commerce, which caught Gao Yang's attention.

The focus lies in five words: Jingdong Multimedia.

Gao Yang took a closer look. This e-commerce entrepreneurial platform launched in early 2004, named Jingdong Multimedia Network, is located in Zhongguancun. After more than a year of development, the current average daily orders have stabilized at around 400 orders.

The founder's name is Liu Dong, who graduated from Renmin University of China with a bachelor's degree. He founded Jingdong Company in 1998, starting from setting up a counter in the computer city and acting as an agent for optical and magnetic products.

A college student majoring in sociology, but was obsessed with computer programming back then, and worked in a foreign company after graduation...

This is actually a promotional soft article written by entrepreneurs in Zhongguancun.

After Gao Yang took a closer look, he was amused. Isn't this person the Liu Dong who he remembered in Jianghu, known as Brother Dong?

Gao Yang subconsciously lit a cigarette and made a decision after a little thought.

It is necessary to invest and tie this brother to the future chariot of the 51 Group.

In the other corner of the study, Wu Ruohan was immersed in reviewing the market, researching stocks.

In the past six months, Wu Ruohan has changed a lot, and she really let go of her feelings for Gao Yang, and concentrated on the company's financial work and research on stock market investment.

Wu Ruohan, who just passed her 25th birthday a few days ago, has really matured, eating and sleeping, exercising or going to work, her work and rest are quite regular, and she is no longer depressed.

Gao Yang greeted: "Ruohan, come here."

Wu Ruohan immediately came over: "Brother-in-law, what's the matter?"

Gao Yang first let Wu Ruohan read the report on Jingdong Multimedia's entrepreneurial history, and then said: "Ruohan, brother-in-law has given you a task. Together with Shao Hanyun, you will represent 51 Group and visit the founder of this company, Liu Dong. Learn about the real development of Jingdong Multimedia, an e-commerce platform."

Wu Ruohan asked curiously, "Brother-in-law, are you also interested in such a small company?"

Gao Yang pointed to some details of the report on the computer, and said with a smile:

"Ruohan, look at the founder of this small company, Liu Dong, who is actually quite interesting. He was born in a poor family in rural Suzhou, but he worked hard and was admitted to a key university like the National People's Congress.

After graduating from university, he quickly gave up his job and started his own business at the computer mall. He has achieved this level in just a few years, which is still very impressive.

I think that such a person with strong foothold and hard work is likely to have a bright future in the future. I appreciate such a person. You and Han Yun should go to understand and communicate first.

If Liu Dong is willing to cooperate, our 51 Group will invest in him and support him in expanding his e-commerce business. "

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother-in-law, I think this Liu Dong is far behind you. If the investment fails, the money will be wasted."

Gao Yang was suddenly a little upset: "Ruohan, are you the boss or am I the boss? This is a task assigned to you by your brother-in-law."

Wu Ruohan grinned: "Brother-in-law, you are the boss, don't worry, I promise to complete the task, and I will visit this small company with Hanyun tomorrow."

Wu Ruohan is a certified public accountant, it is very easy to understand the business development of a company.

Wu Ruohan asked again: "Brother-in-law, if Boss Liu is willing to accept investment, how much are you going to invest in him?"

Gao Yang said: "You go and understand first, how to invest, how much to invest, I also need to see what long-term strategic plan he has for this company, as well as his ability and character.

Regarding investment matters, I will talk to him myself when the time comes. "

Wu Ruohan said: "Okay, brother-in-law, I understand."

On the morning of August 8th, Liu Dong, who was busy in the company, received a report from the office staff, saying that he was the assistant to the chairman of the 12 Group, and a financial director, representing the 51 Group, wanted to visit Jingdong Multimedia Network, and was stunned for a while. Living.

51 Group is now a rookie in the Internet industry and has a very good reputation.

Liu Dong asked: "Did the other party specifically say what happened?"

The employee replied: "The assistant surnamed Shao said that it was arranged by the chairman of 51 Group. He wanted to learn about the development of Jingdong Multimedia, and hoped to meet and communicate with you."

Liu Dong thought about it: "Okay, then you can reply, we warmly welcome."

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Wu Ruohan and Shao Hanyun rushed to the office of Jingdong Multimedia. Liu Dong summoned several management staff and received them solemnly.

What Liu Dong didn't expect was that two young and beautiful girls came here on behalf of the 51 Group, especially Wu Ruohan, who was pure and beautiful, with a very good figure and extraordinary temperament. She probably didn't come from an ordinary family.

Such a young girl, unexpectedly, is a financial director of 51 Group.

Liu Dong solemnly talked about the PPT for more than half an hour, explaining Jingdong Multimedia's entrepreneurial history, as well as its future development goals and vision.

After listening to Liu Dong finish the PPT, Wu Ruohan said, "Mr. Liu, can we talk to you alone?"

Liu Dong smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Wu, no problem."

After Liu Dong signaled the rest of the company to leave the conference room, Wu Ruohan said: "Mr. Liu, Mr. Gao, the founder of 51 Group, is my brother-in-law. My brother-in-law saw a report on Jingdong Multimedia's entrepreneurial process on the Internet yesterday. The company, as well as Mr. Liu and you personally, are more interested.

My brother-in-law asked me to ask, is Jingdong Multimedia willing to accept investment? "

Liu Dong suddenly looked surprised: "The 51 Group will also invest in entrepreneurial companies?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Yes, this is my brother-in-law's idea. If Mr. Liu is willing to accept the investment, he hopes to talk to you in person."

Liu Dongdao: "Then I would like to thank Mr. Gao and 51 Group for their attention to Jingdong Multimedia. Mr. Wu, when will Mr. Gao want to talk to me?"

Shao Hanyun said: "Mr. Liu, I'll ask Mr. Gao for his opinion right away, please wait a moment..."

Shao Hanyun left the conference room, called Gao Yang, and came back soon: "Mr. Liu, our Mr. Gao said that if it's convenient for you, he will treat you to dinner tonight."

Liu Dong hurriedly said: "It's convenient, please tell Mr. Shao to Mr. Gao, I'd rather be respectful than follow orders."

(End of this chapter)

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