Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 347 51 Wealth Substitution

Chapter 347 51 Wealth Substitution
Gao Yang made up his mind, so he called Ding Lei and made an appointment to have dinner together on Friday night, and then he added Siwen above to talk about the development of 51

Gao Yang invites these two people to eat hot pot, and asks them to bring their wives, Gao Yang intends to take Gu Yawen with him.

Gu Yawen is almost 4 months pregnant, and it is okay to eat hot pot once in a while to relieve slander.

On September 9, Wu Ruohan came to the office. Following Gao Yang, he operated 14 accounts to reduce positions for three consecutive days. By the end of the afternoon on September 8, 9% of the positions had been reduced, and about 16 million funds had been released.

Just as Wu Ruohan predicted, once the Shanghai stock index touched the annual line of 1220 points, it began to lose strength. It traded sideways for three days, with relatively small intraday fluctuations, and the trading volume also shrank sharply from more than 150 billion to 105 billion .

After the market closed, I heard that Gao Yang and Gu Yawen were going to treat guests to hot pot at night, and Wu Ruohan also clamored to go, so the three of them went together.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, both Ding Lei and Fang Siwen came with their wives as promised. As for Gao Yang, the two are sisters, Ding Lei and Fang Siwen have known each other for a long time.

Gao Yang hasn't gone to Haidilao to eat hot pot for several months, and Jian Yu is the manager of the Dahui Temple store, so naturally he has already arranged private rooms.

Gao Yang introduced Jian Yu to Ding Lei and Fang Siwen. Seeing that Jian Yu treated Gao Yang like a subordinate, very respectful, Ding Lei and Fang Siwen were a little curious.

After Jian Yu toasted a glass of wine, Gao Yang let her go on her own, and then said with a smile: "Brother Lei, Siwen, I am actually a shareholder of Haidilao, holding 20% ​​of the shares."

The two of Ding Lei suddenly realized, and Ding Lei asked curiously: "Haidilao is doing very well. It is unique in the catering industry, and the service is very good. When did you invest in the stock?"

Gao Yangdao: "I invested in the stock in the first half of 2001, when Haidilao was still relatively weak, and there were two old stores in Jianzhou, a small city in Shuchuan, where it originated, both of which were common small stores.

Then there is a store in Chang'an, and there is a store in Shu, with an annual turnover of more than 5000 million.

After I became a shareholder, Haidilao soon came to Beijing to open a store. Now, there are 3 stores in Beijing, 3 stores in Sichuan, 12 stores in Shanghai and 6000 stores in the special zone, except for the two old stores in Jianzhou. The average annual turnover of each of the 7.5 stores is about [-] million, and last year's total turnover was [-] million.

By the end of the year, three new stores will be opened in East China, South China and Central China..."

Ding Lei raised his thumb: "You have a good vision. When I was in college in Shudu, I liked to eat hot pot. The taste of Haidilao is not the best. The key is to do well in management and service. Find Own unique chain business model.

I think if it continues to develop like this, there is hope that it will be listed in the future. "

Gao Yang nodded: "That's right. At that time, I just saw that its management and service were well done, standardized, and it could continue to replicate and expand. So I looked for opportunities and negotiated a shareholding."

Fang Siwen asked curiously: "Mr. Gao, how much did you invest to get 20% of the shares?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "I invested 1000 million."

Ding Lei's eyes widened immediately: "Good guy, at that time, a small company with an annual turnover of only 5000 million, you dared to invest 1000 million, and you only needed 20% of the equity."

Gao Yang smiled again: "The founders of Haidilao are Mr. Zhang and Mr. Shi. At that time, they each held 50% of the shares. I also invested with two friends. We invested a total of 2000 million, mainly Take this money to the capital to open the first store.

Because we are optimistic, we dare to invest. We invested 2000 million and received 40% of the shares, which is already the limit. Otherwise, how can Mr. Zhang and Mr. Shi be at ease. "

Ding Lei nodded: "That's the truth. I didn't expect you to invest so boldly in 2001, and then you started to be a partial industry media such as solar energy. After that, the Internet projects one after another, fast, precise and ruthless, are one of your major projects. Features, good brains, accurate vision, fast and ruthless shots."

Gao Yang smiled and toasted a glass of wine: "Brother Lei, today I invite you and Siwen to have dinner, I want to discuss a big matter with you two, or call it a plea, I hope Siwen will leave Yiwang and come to trade 51 Fortune What do you think of this project?"

Ding Lei was a little upset: "What do you mean, put it on the table to poach the wall?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Brother Lei, we are partners, and you are also a shareholder of 51 Fortune. When it's time to support, you must support it."

Ding Lei smiled: "Tell me the reason. If you can convince me that Siwen is willing to go, then I have no objection."

Gao Yang said earnestly: "That's right. 51 Fortune is developing very fast, exceeding expectations. Now it has more than 200 million users, with a daily activity of around [-] million. It is time to consider exploring a profit model.

I feel that Wan Hong is a bit struggling to manage this project. It is not because of his ability, but because he is not familiar with finance, especially the field of investment and financial management.

This project still needs a person who is both capable and knowledgeable in this field to manage it. Siwen is very suitable.

Next year, I plan to make 51 Wealth Investment a fund information website. In the future, if I have influence, I can seek to apply for agency fund sales. If the A-share bull market resumes next year, the website of 51 Fund is very likely to grow rapidly.

Wan Hong is not familiar with these fields, and it will be even more difficult for him at that time. If Siwen comes to trade, these problems will not exist.

If the 51 Fund website is implemented, 51 Fortune will have two websites, and the traffic will increase significantly, and cash flow may be generated soon. Then, in about five to six years, there is hope for listing and financing.

Therefore, this trader is very important, and Siwen is the most suitable. "

Ding Lei thought about it seriously: "There are good reasons, what plans do you have for 51 Wealth?"

Gao Yang also talked about the plans that he had explained to Wan Hong and Yuan Ye two days ago, such as the stock trading competition, star author training support, and annual forum.

Ding Lei looked at Fang Siwen: "Siwen, are you willing to do 51 wealth?"

Fang Siwen smiled: "Mr. Ding, if you agree, I'm interested in giving it a try."

Ding Lei looked at Fang Siwen, then at Gao Yang: "Have you two already talked?"

Fang Siwen hurriedly said: "No, I only now know what Mr. Gao thinks."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Brother Lei, you don't trust me so much, how could I poach Siwen behind your back."

Ding Lei said with a smile: "I believe you, but you also gave me a problem. Siwen is gone, what about Yiwang?"

Gao Yangdao: "I suggest that Wan Hong succeed Siwen. Wan Hong has worked in IT media for seven or eight years, and has been vice president of CPI for four years. He understands content and management, and has a background in computer science.

In addition, the biggest characteristic of Wan Hong is his diligence, and there is no problem with his ability. The main business of Yiwang is games. Wan Hong will be the deputy editor-in-chief of Yiwang, and he will be able to work on content. Maybe it is more suitable than Siwen. "

Fang Siwen said: "Wan Hong does have the characteristics Mr. Gao said. After all, he has worked in IT media for so many years, and he is responsible for the portal content on Yiwang. It is very likely that he can do better than me."

Ding Lei thought about it: "Okay, let Wan Hong try it, if he can't do it well, I will return it."

Gao Yang said: "Don't worry, Brother Lei, based on my understanding of Wan Hong for many years, he is fine. If it is really not suitable, 51 Group will arrange him again. 51 Group needs a talent like him, but let him It is not appropriate for him to trade 51 fortunes."

After talking about the exchange of Fang Siwen and Wan Hong, Gao Yang was completely relieved.

In Gaoyang's plan to copy homework all the way, 51 Fortune is the most promising company to be listed first, and it will be listed on the A-share market.

Let Fang Siwen manage 51 Wealth, and Gao Yang control the general direction. I don't know if there will be a financial platform like Xiqiu in the future.

Gao Yangneng is convinced that there is a high probability that Dongcai will not be able to get up, and Gao Yang also has a way to keep Fang Siwen in the 51 Group, as long as he gives enough benefits.

The current Fang Siwen is only 30 years old, and he is far from the abbot.

Dongcai in Gao Yang's memory has reached a market value of more than 2021 billion in 4000. 51 Wealth can naturally do better.

The next day, September 9th was Saturday, Gao Yang invited Wan Hong to dinner again, and communicated with him about exchanging with Fang Siwen.

Wan Hong readily agreed, the current Yiwang, after all, is much stronger than the 51 Group.

Gao Yang finally said: "Wan Hong, we have known each other for 6 years, and we are already brothers. 51 Group will invest in some new projects in the future. If you are interested, you can come to invest.

In addition, I have a hunch that A-shares are likely to emerge from a wave of bull market, which will change many people's concept of investment and financial management. If you have funds in your hand, you can invest more, just like you are now, just hold it all the time. "

Wan Hong smiled and said: "Okay, I believe your vision, I still have more than 100 million in my hand, so I just increase my position by 100 million."

Gao Yang said: "Ruohan analyzed and judged that the stock index is likely to pull back to the 1080 point line for consolidation. I believe her vision. When it returns to this position, you can add more positions."

Wan Hong nodded: "Okay, then I'll wait for this 1080 point."

Wan Hong is the CEO of 51 Fortune, so he naturally knows that the company has a stock account with 5500 million funds in it, and Wu Ruohan is in charge of the operation.

In just two months, this account earned just over 2000 million.

After persuading Wan Hong, Gao Yang called Ding Lei in front of Wan Hong. Gao Yang hoped that Wan Hong and Fang Siwen would exchange and complete the handover before the National Day holiday.

Ding Lei also agreed, and asked Wan Hong to meet at Yiwang's office building on Monday and chat with Fang Siwen.

(End of this chapter)

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