Chapter 355

October 10th, Saturday, Beijing in the late autumn season, the autumn air is crisp and the sky is clear and clear.

Today, the third National Solar Energy Industry Expo opened at the Agricultural Exhibition Hall on the East Third Ring Road of Beijing.

In 2005, the solar energy national touring industry exhibition held by Sunshine Company moved to the Beijing Agricultural Exhibition Hall for the annual exhibition, held for two and a half days, and then concluded.

This year's annual exhibition, because it is held in the capital, the preparations for the exhibition activity center of Sunshine Company are very easy.

In 2005, the solar media business continued to maintain high revenue growth, because the sales scale of this industry also continued to grow at a high speed.

Hot Sun has set up regional branches in 30 key cities across the country to conduct its own distribution. 30 regional branches and stations have been set up in more than 160 prefecture-level cities across the country, and the distribution has covered more than [-] solar water heater terminal dealers across the country.

The solar DM magazine founded in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, has never been able to grow up, failed to step out of the Inner Mongolia market, and its annual advertising revenue is still less than 1000 million.

For the first six regional exhibitions held by Sunshine this year, the average revenue per event reached over 1200 million. In the area of ​​exhibition activities alone, the revenue scale reached more than 7600 million, which is only less than last year’s annual exhibition activities. 1000 million.

This year, Gao Yang completely let go of the operation of Sunshine Company, letting Wu Bo, Zhou Wenbin, Sun Chengyi, Liu Yue and He Jin do it.

Wu Bo and Zhou Wenbin are both vice presidents of 51 Group.

Sun Chengyi, Liu Yue, and He Jin are all vice presidents of Sunshine Company, and their annual salary exceeds 50.

At the beginning, Gao Yang promised He Jin an annual salary of one million yuan, but this year it has been realized.

The national exhibition officially opened at 10:15 am on October 9th. Gao Yang attended and delivered a speech as the chairman of Sunshine Company.

The one who gave the opening speech was Wu Bo, the president of Sunshine Company.

Then a director of the Ministry of Information Industry spoke in less than 10 minutes, praising the rapid development of the solar industry.

Then, Gao Yang took the stage to give a speech:

"Respected leaders, distinguished guests, friends from the solar industry:
Today is the third national industry expo held by Sunshine together with partners in the solar energy industry.

Recalling that in 2002, we founded two industry professional media, "Solar Industry" and "Solar Distributor", and now three years have passed, I am very moved.

My hometown is in Shuchuan. Every year when I go back to my hometown, I can see that the number of solar water heaters installed on the roofs of farmhouses is increasing. The market size of this industry has been maintaining a rapid growth rate of more than 30%.

why?Because it meets the needs of ordinary people's lives.

Solar water heaters, in an energy-saving, innovative and cheap way, solve the life and hygiene needs generally faced by rural users and improve the living standards of farmers.

When I was a child, I grew up in the countryside. Every summer, the boys went down the river together or went swimming in the weir pond.

As for women and girls, no matter how hot the weather is and they sweat all over, they can only shut themselves in the house and take a bath with a basin of water.

It's not that everyone doesn't want to be like the people in the city, taking frequent showers and living a hygienic and comfortable life, but there is really no such condition.

There is no gas in the countryside, and the economic conditions are limited. Electric water heaters cannot be bought or used. At the same time, the electricity supply in rural areas cannot meet the energy consumption needs of electric water heaters.

Therefore, solar water heaters have emerged as the times require, and hot water sales are increasing year by year, which is in line with market demand.

In 2003, Sunshine, together with partners in the solar energy industry, held the first national industry expo. Now three years have passed, and we still remember the grand success of that expo.

This year is the third time, and it is also the first time that we hold a national industry expo in Beijing. We feel that the development of this industry is more prosperous, and it has attracted more attention from channel merchants and consumers.

According to the survey data of our industry research company, 51Research's solar energy department, our investigation found that solar energy channel merchants have generally appeared in the county market, and even many key towns have appeared solar water heater distributors.

The market scale is expanding at a high speed, and both brand manufacturers and channel merchants can make money. The national market sales scale of solar water heaters is already about 300 billion, and the annual shipment is about 800 million units. The overall user coverage is also high. Not around 10%.

Therefore, this industry is still an emerging industry with huge development potential. Even if the market size grows to around 25 billion yuan, the market coverage rate can only reach 100%, that is, on average, 25 out of every [-] rural households have installed solar water heaters. .

In the past three years, the rapid development of the entire solar energy industry and the hot sales of products from major brand manufacturers are not our boasting. The solar energy industry exhibition has indeed played a significant role in promoting it.

For example, there are dozens of foreign businessmen who came to participate in the exhibition today.

Over the past three years, with the help of such an exhibition platform, at least 300 million people have come into close contact with and understood the industry and solar water heater products. This is the role of the media and the value of industry exhibitions..."

Gao Yang spoke for less than 10 minutes, and then Zheng Weiqiang came to the stage on behalf of 51Research to introduce the company's survey review of the entire industry this year, a brief annual survey report, and the market outlook for 2006.

In 2005, as of now, 51Research has achieved a performance of just over 500 million in the solar energy industry, and it is expected to exceed 600 million in the whole year. The detailed annual survey report of the industry requires customers to buy it with money.

Brand manufacturers in this industry are making too much money. The company with the largest sales volume this year will have a revenue close to 30 billion, and there are three or four companies with a revenue of more than 20 billion.

These customers are really rich, and they are willing to invest money in promotion.

On the afternoon of October 10th, the exhibition ended. It was grand and smooth. The popularity flow in two and a half days exceeded 17 people.

Last year, the second national exhibition was held in Quancheng, Lu Province. The total income from the exhibition plus the journal activities exceeded 2600 million.

This year's third national exhibition, the total revenue of the event reached more than 4300 million. After the implementation of the seven exhibitions throughout the year, the total revenue of the event reached 1.2 million. Wu Bo and others were not excited.

I think this is too normal.

In 2005, as of the first ten days of October, the advertising revenue of the two magazines "Solar Energy Distributor" and "Solar Energy Industry" has reached nearly 10 million, and it is expected that the annual advertising revenue will exceed 7000 million.

The total revenue of Sunshine Company in 2005 is likely to reach about 2.1 million, and everyone is not excited.

Because Gao Yang once said that the annual revenue of Sunshine Company can reach 3 million or even 4 million, and there is still room for growth to double in the future.

After more than three years of starting a business, Wu Bo, Zhou Wenbin, Sun Chengyi, He Jin, Liu Yue and other senior executives have become more mature and stable.

Of course, there are also many employees who are very excited and shocked, such as many regional company managers and new employees who joined this year.

Song Liangqiu and Zhang Yue, who are already the vice presidents of CPI's Beijing branch, also came to the exhibition site to observe this year. Although they are both shareholders of Sunshine Company, they are still very shocked.

In three years, Gao Yang let a solar media company surpass the CPI Group in terms of revenue, and the revenue of CPI Group in 2005 is estimated to be only about 1.8 million.

Among them, it also includes about 1500 million revenues from IT professional websites.

Compared with 2002, the year when Gao Yang became the vice president of CPI Group, CPI generated nearly 2 million revenue, and CPI's paper media revenue has dropped by about 3000 million.

In 2005, the advertising revenue of the entire IT media circle and paper media declined, just as Gao Yang had predicted...

(End of this chapter)

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