Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 356 Investment Boss, Duan Duan

Chapter 356 Investment Boss, Duan Duan

On October 10, just as Wu Ruohan judged, after falling for more than a month, the stock index finally fell to the 28-point line. It had broken through 1080 points in the day.

The callback range is exactly the golden section of the increase in the previous range, 0.618, which is about 200% of the decline of 60 points.

Typical maximum magnitude band pullback.

From this day on, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan started trading again, buying up the funds withdrawn in mid-September.

This time, with the addition of Gu Yawen as a helper, according to the trading method determined by Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan, the main focus is to undertake the selling of the market, and not to pull up or chase the increase to increase the position.

Gu Yawen has been pregnant for five and a half months, and her belly is about the same size as someone else's seven-month pregnancy, after all, there are two babies inside.

This time, the position building lasted until November 11th before all the bullets were fired.

A total of 4.3 million funds, including 5000 million newly drawn by Sunshine Company, 1500 million newly drawn by Yuanda Company, 51 million newly drawn by 500 City, and 51 million from 1500 Guardian, which has not yet been officially announced. A total of 9500 million additional funds have been added.

The market value of all accounts' holdings in A shares is close to 8 million.

Only Gao Yang knows in his heart that next, the super bull market of A shares will officially start, and there will be no turning back from then on.

Gao Yang also strictly ordered Wu Ruohan not to allow large positions to be traded.

Before 2007 in 5.30, Gao Yang would hint that Wu Ruohan would make a big T, and by that time, the company's investment department would also have a trader team.

Before that, it's good to keep stocks all the way.

On November 11th, Gao Yang finally met Duan Ping, an investment expert, also known as A Duan in Ding Lei's mouth.

In the circle of acquaintances of this talented investor, everyone calls him Duan.

Duan Ping was born in the early 60s, a graduate of a famous university in the early 80s, and later studied for a master's degree in economics at the National People's Congress. He has a strong educational background and a strong ability to think independently.

Duan Ping is exactly the person in the eyes of Ding Lei who once offered charcoal in a timely manner. In 2001, after the stock price of collapsed, he bought nearly 6% of the shares of Yi.

From this point of view, Duan Ping is kind to Ding Lei, and the two have a very good personal relationship.

Ding Lei made an appointment for tonight's dinner, besides Li Yan and Gao Yang, there was also Lu Tao.

Ding Lei made an appointment to eat hot pot in Hai's Lao, saying that he was taking care of Gao Yang's business.

Among the 5 people, Duan Ping is the oldest at 44 years old, followed by Lu Tao at 43 years old.

Gao Yang is the youngest, just turned 31 years old.

Duan Ping is of medium height, close to 170 centimeters, with a slightly fatter body, smiling, and his eyes are full of confidence.

After the meeting, Ding Lei introduced Duan Ping to Lu Tao and Gao Yang.

When shaking hands, Gao Yang naturally called Brother Duan.

In the previous life, this investment expert was worshiped by people, and he created the myth of 10 times investment income in 3000 years.

Among the hot money tycoons in the A-share market, there used to be a mythical figure who had turned over ten thousand times in 8 years, but compared with Duan Ping, it was not in the same order of magnitude at all.

Sitting down to eat hot pot, Duan Ping exclaimed happily, and after Gao Yang asked, he realized that this person was from Gan Province.

There have been many debates on the Internet about the areas in China that eat the most spicy food, such as Shuchuan, Yuzhou, and Lianghu. Some people also say that people in Jiangxi Province can rank first in the country when they eat spicy food.

Ding Lei pointed at Gao Yang and said with a smile: "Duan, do you know why I invited you to eat Haidilao hot pot today? Gao Yang is a shareholder of Haidilao, holding 20% ​​of the shares. In 2001, he invested 1000 million, equivalent to all he had at that time His net worth is estimated to be worth three to four hundred million yuan, isn’t it amazing?”

Duan Ping was a little curious, so he asked Gao Yang: "Brother, what is the current situation of this hotpot company?"

After Gao Yang briefly introduced the current development of Haidilao, Duan Ping raised his thumb: "Not bad, you have vision."

Ding Lei laughed again and said, "A Duan, in 2001, you invested more than 200 million US dollars in Yiwang, and Gao Yang invested 1000 million in Haidilao, both of which were huge gains. Sometimes, I think you two are the same kind He has a very accurate investment vision and is very good at investing.”

Duan Ping chuckled and didn't say anything.

Gao Yang also understood that he was not on the same level as this person, so he asked, "Brother Duan, I heard that you are now living in the United States?"

Duan Ping nodded and smiled: "Yes, I got my green card in 2001. I have been idle for the past few years, just doing some investment. I let my friends take care of the company's affairs. I hardly care about the specific operations.

This time I returned to China, mainly for fun, and by the way, chat with the management of OPO company about the future development direction. "

Ding Lei said: "A Duan, Gao Yang is now a rising star in the Huaxia Internet circle. His 51 Group, one project after another, is very popular, and gradually formed a system..."

After Ding Lei introduced the rapid development of 51 Group in the past two years, Duan Ping's eyes gradually brightened:

"With social platforms as the core, build a system in the direction of pan-media. This is quite a big picture. Gao Yang, your sense of direction is no less than that of those big Internet companies in the United States."

Ding Lei laughed again: "Ah Duan, if you think Gao Yang's ambitions are all about this, then you are wrong, do you know what he wants to do?

At the end of last year, Gao Yang and Tao Ge invested in an open source system company in Silicon Valley. They invested 3000 million US dollars and gave it to a research and development team of only 10 people to develop a smartphone operating system on the Linux platform.

Then, he wants to use this as a basis to build a developer ecosystem and guide an industrial chain cooperation alliance. He and Tao Ge even plan to make their own brand of smartphones.

Is this ambition big enough? "

Duan Ping was finally shocked: "Hey, playing such a big game, where does the confidence come from?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Brother Duan, our confidence comes from the general trend of the industry.

First of all, the era of smart phones has begun, and the replacement speed of traditional mobile phones will continue to accelerate.

Secondly, with China's population base and economic growth level, sooner or later it will become the world's largest smartphone market.

From the perspective of smartphone operating systems, open source systems have their own advantages, and there are countless engineers and geeks advocating open source software around the world.

In terms of the development of the manufacturing industry, Huaxia also has natural advantages such as talents and labor. For example, Brother Tao and the others are currently doing OEM parts, and they can’t get enough orders. Next year, they plan to increase capital and share, and open new factories.

In the era of smartphones, Huaxia has the opportunity to catch up with European and American manufacturers, and local brands are fully expected to rise.

If we build an open source system, improve the user experience, build a developer ecosystem, and make our own brand mobile phones, the cost advantage will be great.

Then there is brand marketing. Learn from Brother Duan that you can make Bawang game consoles, and Bugao Electronics can make learning machines and DVDs. The celebrity image endorsement method, and even become the CCTV standard king, the possibility of success is relatively high.

We make mobile phones, and those who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes. Big manufacturers like Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, Motorcycle, and NEC have made huge profits in the traditional mobile phone business, and the transition to smart phones is a heavy burden.

Nokia is now a giant, it supports the Symbian system, and its status in the world is indeed very high, but the global shipment of smartphones last year was only more than 1200 million units.

As soon as we came up, we directly developed and produced smartphones without any burden.

With the operating system in hand, the design and production of mobile phones, the quality is in place, and then vigorously promoted, it may not be impossible to open the market.

In addition, we engage in open source software and open source code. Those small mobile phone manufacturers in the back row can develop their own personalized operating systems based on this platform. I think some people are willing to try, because this can get rid of the upstream control of big manufacturers. At the same time reduce production costs.

Maybe, just like that..."

Duan Ping thought about it carefully: "Logically, it makes sense. From the perspective of the mobile phone operating system, it is similar to the revolutionary stage of an industry. The initial stage must be fierce battles and chaos. According to the strategic thinking you envisioned, It’s not impossible to succeed.”

Lu Tao said with a smile: "I have always been in the industry. I used to be a branded computer, and now I am an OEM of electronic parts. It is true that as Gao Yang said, China's electronic OEM manufacturing has developed rapidly, and the agglomeration effect of talents, technology, and capital has become increasingly powerful. Obviously, then we have a great advantage in labor costs.

From a logical point of view, I think the idea of ​​making a mobile phone with its own brand conceived by Goyang is feasible, especially in the initial stage when the entire industry needs to transform to smart products. "

Gao Yang said: "Brother Duan, you have rich experience in making branded electronic products. If OPO makes mobile phones in the future, we can cooperate."

Duan Ping smiled: "When are you going to launch the open source system?"

Gao Yangdao: "The Silicon Valley Android company we invested in organized a R&D team of about 80 people at the beginning of the year. The plan is to complete the development in two years. It is expected to be in the first half of 2007. It should be able to complete the test and release the first version. .”

Duan Ping thought about it: "Okay, we can talk about the cooperation here first, but I won't take care of it directly. When I have time, I will introduce Cheng Ming, the trader of OPO Company, to you. When the time comes, you can communicate by yourself."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Okay, Brother Duan, let's talk here first."

Gao Yang knew that Duan Ping didn't think much of himself and the 51 Group at the moment.

However, after 2006 and 2007, Duan Ping had to look at the 51 Group with admiration.

When it comes to mobile phones, Gao Yang still understands the need for an ally and a partner like OPO.

The current Lu Tao should not meet the requirements...

(End of this chapter)

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