Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 357 Can antivirus software be free?

Chapter 357 Can antivirus software be free?

On November 11, the solar term of Xiaoxue, the sky in the capital was snowing heavily.

It was less than 9 o'clock in the morning, and a conference hall in the World Trade Hotel, which could accommodate more than 300 people, was basically full.

More than 260 media reporters were invited from all over the country, representing 220 media.

There are more than 130 media outlets outside the capital, and a total of 150 people were invited. They all arrived yesterday and checked into the International Trade Hotel.

51 Group is responsible for their round-trip air tickets and two-night hotel stay in the capital.

51 Group held a grand press conference at China World Trade Center today, and budgeted as much as 100 million for this event.

It's just that, before the press conference started, none of the media knew the content of the conference.

For today's press conference, Yuanda Public Relations Company began to contact media from all over the country half a month ago.

In the invitation letter sent to the media, there is only one rather mysterious message:
At 11 a.m. on November 22, 9 Group will hold a press conference at the World Trade Hotel to announce an explosive news...

The media invitation letter also stated: Mr. Ding Lei, the founder of Yiwang, and Mr. Li Yan, the founder of Baidu, will be invited to attend...

At 8:200 in the morning, more than [-] journalists were already seated in the conference hall. The writers had to fight for the front row seats, and the TV reporters even had to fight for the plane seats.

The media who participated in the press conference of the 51 Group know that the press conference of the 51 Group will always have hot news. What's more, this press conference did not disclose the specific content in advance.

Just declare, to announce a very explosive news!

"Brother, what news is Group 51 going to announce today?"

"I still want to find someone to ask!"

"Today's scene is so big. It's even bigger than Lenovo's acquisition of IBM's PC business last year. Something big must happen."

"Aren't you talking nonsense, Ding Lei and Li Yan both came out to help the platform, there must be something big."

"The 51 Group is quite generous, and even organized us to travel in the capital..."

Many of the media reporters present today participated in the press conference when Lenovo announced the acquisition of IBM's PC business in December last year.

The conference was held in Lenovo's office building, but more than 100 media were invited, and the conference ended after more than an hour.

Today's press conference held by 51 Group almost invited well-known media from all over the country, paid for the round-trip expenses of foreign media, stayed in a five-star hotel, and arranged to play in the capital in the afternoon and tomorrow morning.

It's too embarrassing.

At 8:50, Gao Yang accompanied Ding Lei and Li Yan into the venue from the VIP lounge and took a seat in the front row.

All the top executives of the 51 Group sat in a row with smiles on their faces.

At 8:55, a section of shocking BGM sounded on the stereo, and the media reporters in the audience immediately laughed.

This is the soundtrack in "A Chinese Journey to the West", in which Monkey King turns into a hero of the world and comes out somersaulting.

Later, in the movie "Kung Fu", which took three years to shoot and caused a global sensation, a similar style of BGM was also used.

A reporter in the audience dropped book bags with the people around him: "This piece of music is taken from the traditional folk music "Small Sword Club Suite". This piece is the prelude. It starts with suona, pipa and erhu help out, majestic and heroic... "

The music stopped, and Shen Xin and Zhou Wenbin, the hosting partners, appeared together with smiles on their faces.

Shen Xin, who has become a mother, is calm and elegant:

"My friends from the media industry, I have kept you waiting for a long time. Today is the most grand press conference held by the 51 Group since its establishment.

In the media invitation letter, we did not disclose the theme of the press conference. Now, it is finally time to reveal the topic.

The gentleman next to me is Mr. Zhou Wenbin, Vice President of 51 Group. Now, I would like to invite Mr. Zhou to announce the theme of today's press conference. "

Zhou Wenbin answered with a smile: "Friends in the media industry, good morning everyone, Ms. Shen Xin beside me, and many colleagues in the company, like me, are all from the media background, and we have all been reporters.

Today's press conference may make media friends feel very mysterious. Now, on behalf of 51 Group, I announce the theme of today's conference:

51 Group announced the establishment of a security protection software company, 51 Guardian Technology Co., Ltd., and released the first version of desktop-level free antivirus software 51 Guardian.

Friends from the media, please remember that 51 Guard is purely free software, and users can download and install it at will on all major platforms of 51 Group. 51 Guard will also launch its own official website today to provide download channels. "

Shen Xin went on to say: "Now, the answer to the mystery has been revealed, and colleagues from Grand Public Relations are invited to distribute written materials to friends from the media."

In the audience, more than 20 Yuanda PR staff who had been waiting for a long time began to distribute paper meeting materials and press releases to the reporters on site.

On the stage, Zhou Wenbin announced: "Next, we invite Mr. Liu Xu, CEO and Chief Scientist of 51 Guardians, an anti-virus expert of the 863 Project, to introduce 51 Guardians and the first free anti-virus software in China, 51 Guardians 1.0 version. features.

Mr. Liu has rich experience in anti-virus software development, and he is honored as the No.1 domestic anti-virus software in the industry.

In 1999, there was a virus called CIH, which could damage computer hardware. It was terrifying that Mr. Liu was the first to discover and conquer the CIH virus.

Let us invite Mr. Liu..."

There was thunderous applause from the audience. Many journalists in the media, especially the IT media, knew about Liu Xu, and also knew that Liu Xu was one of the founders of Ruixing, a major antivirus software company. Later, he broke up with his partner Wang Xin. Left Ruixing and founded Guardian Software.

Afterwards, Weidian Software was reported to spread poison again, and then the company was shut down and a lawsuit was filed. Liu Xu once went public to call for grievances.

Not long ago in mid-November, the police had announced the relevant case of the Weidian software virus transmission incident. It became a hot news at that time, but the media reporters searched all kinds of channels, but failed to contact Liu Xu, and Liu Xu did not appear in public. speak.

The media only interviewed the engineer who was detained by Weidian Software. The engineer did not say much, but simply stated that he always believed in the rule of law.

Now, Liu Xu has made a public appearance, joined the 51 Group, and became the CEO and chief scientist of a new company of the 51 Group.

That in itself is big news.

In contrast, the more exciting news is that the 51 Group is going to launch free antivirus software.

Antivirus free?
How much does this cost?
It's really scary. The 51 Group's actions are always unexpected, and they are the creators of hot news.

Many mass media journalists at the scene who don't understand the IT industry and the software industry also understand this truth.

Really shocked, 51 Group pushes free anti-virus software, so colleagues like Ruixing, Jiang Ming and Jingshan, can they still survive?
The arena of anti-virus software, starting today, thieves stimulate...

(End of this chapter)

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