Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 358 Punching the old master to death?

Chapter 358 Punching the old master to death?
Liu Xu, in a suit and leather shoes, stepped on the stage confidently, with a smile on his face:
"Friends in the media industry, hello everyone, before I formally introduce 51 Guardians, please allow me to say a few words about Guardian Software.

A few days ago, Weidian Software was framed by a business opponent for spreading poison, and was able to be rehabilitated. I know that there are many journalist friends who want to interview me through various channels.

It's just that I have been busy with the technical research of 51 guards, and I have no time to be distracted. Besides, this matter has passed, and I don't want to say more.

Today, I take this press conference to respond to the concerns of friends from the media in a unified way. All I want to say is that justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

In a market economy, in normal commercial competition, it is natural to admit failure.But those behaviors without any bottom line will definitely be punished.

In addition, I want to tell everyone that Guardian Software has been cancelled, and our entire technical team has joined 51 Group, and we will go all out to do a good job in the new project of 51 Guardian.

51 Group is a forward-looking, innovative and powerful new Internet company, and also a company with a strong sense of social responsibility.

I have been engaged in computer virus prevention and control work for 17 years, and I deal with computer viruses almost every day.

Viruses are very harmful to computers and the entire Internet industry, so the market demand for anti-virus is also great.

In the past, the scale of the antivirus software market grew rapidly, and it was also very profitable to manufacture antivirus software. In the early days of well-known foreign brands, a set of desktop-level antivirus software could sell for thousands or even thousands of dollars.

After the domestic brands are established, such as Jiangming and Ruixing have grown up, a set of anti-virus software can be sold at a terminal price of 300 yuan or [-] yuan, which is still very profitable.

Now, 51 Group has established 51 Guard, determined to launch a permanent free anti-virus software product for the desktop market, which is of epoch-making significance.

The software is free to download and use, patched and updated for free, benefiting tens of millions of computer users. Such a move is undoubtedly an industry revolution and will have a profound and positive impact on the development of the entire industry.

Today, 51Guard released version 1.0, which allows all users to install and register for free, and provides free permanent version updates and online patching.

Here, I want to emphasize that 51 Guard is not an anti-virus software in the traditional sense, but an anti-virus software that combines anti-kill and features active defense in its technical route.

This is one of our innovations, and 51 Guards has also applied for related intellectual property patents for this, and has applied for 6 patents so far.

The so-called active defense, in terms of technical route, we have built a dynamic, real-time updated computer virus database to track and monitor new viruses or virus variants that appear around the world at any time.

Then find a solution in time to provide users with real-time online virus protection, as well as related patches, or software version upgrades.

This free anti-virus mode is the first of its kind by 51Guard.

We do not make money in the desktop market. 51Guard will maintain investment in desktop products by providing professional security protection solutions for enterprise users.

In addition, we have strong support from the 51 Group level..."

When Liu Xu was speaking on the PPT on stage, many media outlets had already rushed to release news.

Like Yiwang and CPI, Wan Hong, who is now the deputy editor-in-chief of Yiwang, and Song Liangqiu and Zhang Yue, the vice presidents of CPI's Beijing branch, are all insiders. They all prepared webcasting equipment at the press conference today.

In fact, it is just a transcript of the speech, and at the same time, there are reporters writing press releases, taking pictures and so on.

Then plug in the wireless network card in the laptop and rush to send the news.

Four to fifty journalists from news websites were invited today. Broad PR has invited almost all IT-related news websites, including several portal websites, even the portal website of Goose Factory.

Before Liu Xu's speech on stage was over, the news on the Internet had already come out.

"51 Group enters the antivirus software market and announces that desktop products will be permanently free!"

"No.1 anti-virus software, Liu Xu, joined the 51 Group with a technical team as the CEO and Chief Scientist of 51 Guard."

"51 Guards made a high-profile debut: Welcome to the era of free antivirus software!"

"Ding Lei and Li Yan attended the press conference of 51 Group together again, and will cut the ribbon for the establishment of 51 Guardian Company."

"The era of free antivirus software is coming, and the industry is facing a reshuffle."

"51 Guardian claims to launch the industry's first anti-virus software, which combines active defense and anti-killing."

"51 Guards has obtained 6 technical invention patents..."

All of a sudden, the press conference of 51 Guardians has not yet ended, and it has become a hot news on the Internet.

At 9:51 in the morning, the official website of 51 Guardians was also officially launched. All platforms under the 51 Group began to promote 51 Guardians according to the previous plan, introducing the technical features and advantages of 1.0 Guardians [-] version.

The key is that it is free to download, one-click installation, and free to use after registration.


Both provide the link address for downloading 51 guards.

Registered users of various platforms under the 51 series can install 51 Guard with one click, without registration, and if you check your own 51 account, it will be defaulted as the registered account of 51 Guard, which is very convenient.

Of course, you can also re-register an account.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Liu Xu's speech ended. Gao Yang, Ding Lei, Li Yan and He Guangwen took the stage, and the five cut the ribbon for the official establishment of 51 Guards.

After that, Ding Lei and Li Yan came to the stage to deliver some congratulatory speeches, and then Gao Yang spoke on behalf of the 51 Group.

Gao Yangdao: "My friends in the media, today is a memorable day. 51 Group's Internet service projects have been further extended, and we have entered the anti-virus software market.

The establishment of 51 Guardian is gratifying. With the leadership of senior experts like Mr. Liu, we believe that 51 Guardian will be welcomed and loved by the majority of computer users. 51 Guardian also takes serving users well and meeting their security needs as their highest purpose.

Everyone has noticed that the 51 Guardian desktop products released today are free to install and use. We also solemnly promise to provide permanent free services in the desktop market.

The 51 Group now has a number of free Internet products, such as 51 Mailbox, 51talk, 51 Happy Farm, Kung Fu Panda, and so on.

Free is also a mode of Internet development. The Internet platforms of 51 Group cover intra-city life applications, social networking, investment and financial management, etc., and today they have anti-virus software.

From the day when 51 Group founded its first Internet project,, we have always believed that the Internet will profoundly change the production and lifestyle of the entire society.

In the web2.0 era, there are huge potential opportunities for every Internet user, every Internet company, and even the entire country.

We have a population of 13 billion, and we will have the largest Internet market in the world. We also firmly believe that 51 Group will achieve rapid development by serving every user well.

During this process, 51 Group will grow and change together with users through continuous innovation, continuous efforts, and continuous improvement of user experience.

We hope that 51 Group can win the love of users, meet the needs of users, and win everyone's respect.

Providing free services to users is an attempt by us, and we are unwavering in this, because we believe that if we win users, we can win the future..."

While Gao Yang was talking on stage, the major anti-virus software companies outside the venue were stunned after seeing the news.

In the office of Huaxia Company of a major American manufacturer, several executives discussed: "Crazy, so crazy, how can it be free, why should it be free..."

As the general manager of a certain Russian brand Huaxia, the company's executives turned black: "Made, there are tens of millions of computers, and the anti-virus software is free?"

In Ruixing Software, Boss Wang threw his teacup on the ground hard, and some senior executives gathered together and whispered: "Lao Liu is using the 51 Group to get revenge. The boss was too ruthless at the beginning. Are we also free in the desktop market?"

In Jiangming Company, Boss Wang discussed the matter with the company's senior management, and murmured: "Young people are scary, this is to beat the master to death with one punch, the world of anti-virus software, starting today, has changed..."

Jingshan Software, Rebs and the executives gathered together, with a heavy face: "Jingshan finally made a breakthrough in the anti-virus software market. As a result, Lao Liu used the 51 Group for revenge and came to a bottom line. This market I can't play anymore..."

All companies whose main business is antivirus software understand today that times have changed.

51 Group can afford to play for free, but they can't afford to play, and they can't afford to burn the money.

In a villa complex in Huairou, Qihu company was quietly registered and established in September. After Ali acquired Yahu Huaxia in October, he withdrew with a technical team. While arguing with Ali and Yahu, the former president of Yahu Huaxia Zou Hongwei is discussing the development plan of Qihu Company in 9 with the senior management of the team today.

At this time, after Zou Hongwei answered a phone call, he sat down with a slumped face, and couldn't help but swear:

Everyone was shocked, and Zou Hongwei sighed again:
"The 51 Group is holding a press conference. Liu Xu led his team to join the 51 Group, established an anti-virus software company, and released its first product, 51 Guard.

Do you know what the 51 guards are going to do?

What the hell, facing the desktop market, it will be free forever! "

Everyone immediately looked at each other in blank dismay. Today, they are discussing launching a free antivirus software project, trying to develop it in six months to seven months, and then sweep the entire market, reshuffle the antivirus software market.

Unexpectedly, this project has just been discussed, and 51 Group has already made it and released the first product.

Someone asked: "Then, do we still need to discuss this project?"

Someone sighed: "It's meaningless. Even if we organize the research and development tomorrow, it will take half a year at the earliest. By then, the day lily will be cold."

Someone sighed again: "Yeah, it's meaningless. When Liu Xu was in Weidian Software, the product should have basically been developed and formed. Boss Wang failed to stamp him out, and Liu Xu turned the tables. Now he joins the 51 Group for free. With hundreds of millions of user traffic on several major platforms of the 51 Group, we have no chance..."

Zou Hongwei lit a cigarette, smoked half of it, and then smothered it: "Free anti-virus software, we can't do it, first do a BBS search, and then consider other projects, everyone think about it..."

(End of this chapter)

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