Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 359 Antivirus Tornado

Chapter 359 Anti-Virus Tornado (seeking ticket for order)
At 11:10 in the morning, in a meeting room of the World Trade Hotel, the interview of the 51 Guardians press conference officially started.

Ding Lei and Li Yan were invited by Gao Yang as special guests to participate in the exclusive interview.

Both of them also understood that after the press conference, they would definitely be surrounded by reporters, so they simply came to participate in the exclusive interview, answered a few questions, and then sneaked out.

A total of 20 media outlets participated in the interview.

After the interview started, the host Shen Xin said: "Reporters, Mr. Ding and Mr. Li will participate in the interview as special guests. However, their time is limited. Each of them will answer two questions. Please ask Mr. Ding and Mr. Li first."

Immediately, a reporter asked: "Mr. Ding, Mr. Li, you also attended the press conference held by 51 Fortune last time. May I ask if Yiwang and Baidu have a cooperative relationship with 51 Group? What kind of cooperation is it? relation?"

Ding Lei glanced at Li Yan, who smiled and motioned for him to answer first.

Ding Lei replied with a smile: "That's right, Yiwang does have a cooperative relationship with 51 Group. We invested in 51 Fortune and 51 Guardian, so we can be regarded as minority shareholders.

Yiwang is very optimistic about the development model and prospects of 51 Group. In addition, as far as I am concerned, I am also friends with Mr. Gao. "

Li Yan then replied: "Baidu's situation is about the same as that of Yiwang. Baidu has investment cooperation with 51 Group. I am also a friend with Mr. Gao. Like Mr. Ding, I am optimistic about the development prospects of 51 Group.

51 Group has unique insight and deep understanding of the development trend of the industry, especially in the direction of social applications, and has a strong ability to innovate. "

Another reporter rushed to ask: "51 Group established 51 Guardians, aggressively entered the anti-virus software market with a free service model, and Yiwang and Baidu also followed up with investment.

After the news came out on the Internet, it also caused heated discussions among netizens. Many people, including some insiders, believed that the free mode of 51 Guards was like a tornado blowing in the market, which would lead to a reshuffle of the entire desktop antivirus market. .

May I ask Mr. Ding and Mr. Li how to view this matter? In addition, how to find a profit model for the free model of 51 Guardians? "

This time, Ding Lei asked Li Yan to answer first, and Li Yan said: "From the perspective of Baidu, the free model of 51 Guardians can benefit tens of thousands of users, and it can be regarded as a new type of user traffic entrance." , and this is where its value lies.

The free model may indeed lead to a reshuffle of the entire market, which is an inevitable trend. Under the 2C business model of the Internet, free services have already existed, such as instant messaging, portal information, free email and other products.

It is normal and inevitable that there will be a free model in the antivirus market.

As for the future profit model of 51 Guardians, I think this question should be left to Mr. Liu and Mr. Gao to answer. "

Ding Lei also said: "I agree with Mr. Li's point of view just now. The free model is beneficial to both 51 Guardians and users. 51 Guardians have obtained traffic by providing free services, which can also enhance the overall user traffic of 51 Group. This is A very natural choice.

Users get free services provided by 51 Guardians, and then 51 Group has other service platforms, centered on social networking, forming a similar one-stop user service model, which is where the value of 51 Group's user-oriented innovation lies..."

After answering these two questions, Ding Lei and Li Yan immediately got up to leave, and Gao Yang also got up to see them off.

Walking out of the conference room, Ding Lei smiled and said, "Gao Yang, next, in the antivirus software industry, many colleagues will scold you."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "If you scold, you can scold. Natural selection, times have changed, and 51 Guardians just follow the trend of the times. Brother Lei, Brother Yan, have you considered our 51NB alliance?"

Ding Lei thought about it seriously: "My opinion is to discuss it after the Spring Festival, Lao Li, what about you?"

Li Yan nodded: "Then let's discuss it after the Spring Festival."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, let's discuss it after the Spring Festival. The 51 Group has already established a research institute."

Li Yan asked curiously, "Do you have any new moves?"

Gao Yang smiled and said, "I'm considering a new project. I'll tell you guys after the Spring Festival."

"You guys are always mysterious..."

Ding Lei and Li Yan smiled and left together, and Gao Yang went back to accept the interview.

The time is coming to the end of the year soon, a month has passed since the press conference of 51 Guardians, and Tiantian has turned 3 years old.

Gu Yawen has been pregnant for more than 7 months. Because she is twins, it is difficult to conceive for a full month. Usually, she will give birth after she is pregnant with 8 or so.

The doctor's estimated due date is just a few days before the Spring Festival. This Spring Festival, Gao Yang's family will have to spend the New Year in the capital again.

December 12th is Tiantian's third birthday and Christmas Eve in the western world.

Gao Yang doesn't like this kind of foreign festival, and his family never celebrates Christmas.

The son's three-year-old birthday is naturally time to celebrate. The family made a big table of delicious food and prepared a birthday cake for Tian Tian. There are grandparents and so on to say a few words.

This month, Gao Yang's career went smoothly, his family was happy, and the development of each project company of 51 Group was very good.

In just one month, the user development speed of 51Guard is astonishing, and the number of registered users quickly passed the 500 million mark.

Behind this, there are 500 million computers connected to the Internet.

According to the data released by CNNIC, in 2004, the number of Chinese netizens reached 9400 million. In the first half of 2005, this figure was 1.03 million.

Of course, Gao Yang believes that the real number of netizens is more than three times this number, because many people go online through Internet cafes, and Goose Factory’s QQ has more than 3 million users, and the total number of users of the 3 Group’s various platforms currently exceeds 51 million.

From the perspective of the number of computers connected to the Internet, according to CNNIC's survey, in 2004, nearly 5300 million computers in China were connected to the Internet, and in 2005, it is expected to be close to 6000 million.

Now, the download address of 51 Guardians, in addition to the platforms of 51 Group, there are also the websites of Yiwang and CPI, and more than a dozen mainstream websites that provide software downloads, all of which can provide downloads of 51 Guardians.

Free is delicious. 51Guard's user growth rate is getting faster and faster, and now it has reached the level of 20 new users every day.

The desktop-level antivirus software market is gloomy, and sales are declining rapidly, like a cliff.

As many people predicted before, a free 51 guards appeared, and the whole industry was like a tornado and began to reshuffle.

Previously, for international brands such as Norton and Kabbah, desktop-level products could sell for a few hundred yuan, and domestic brands could sell for about 200 yuan.

Now, the price of domestic brands is reduced and promoted, and few people buy it when it sells for 50 yuan.

The business model of the entire industry has been upended.

Some anti-virus software agents and retail stores spit on online forums and attacked 51 Guardians.

As a result, some professionals will post back immediately:
"Times have changed, let's accept the reality. 51 Guard is not only free, but they really do a good job. The evaluation results show that the protection level of 51 Guard is not inferior to any desktop antivirus software on the market.

They still use proactive anti-virus software, online patching, and the 51 Guardian firewall is also free..."

This month, Liu Xu, CEO of 51 Guardians, once approached Gao Yang and talked seriously about the company's plan to vigorously develop the enterprise-level market while making desktop-level free products.

In the end, Gao Yang's answer was: "Mr. Liu, the task of 51 Guards at this stage is to make every effort to make free products, develop users, ensure that users are updated with patches as quickly as possible, and strive to be the first to monitor and discover new viruses. or virus variants.

In short, user experience, user scale is everything.When will the number of users of 51Guard exceed 5000 million, and then we will consider vigorously developing the enterprise market.

The R&D and service teams of free software can recruit as soon as they need to, without worrying about funding..."

Seeing Liu Xu's worried face, Gao Yang had no choice but to open the stock account of 51 Guards.

As a result, Liu Xu was immediately dumbfounded.

In just two months, the 1500 million funds in the account turned into just over 2000 million.

Gao Yang said: "Mr. Liu, 51 Group has made a profit of more than 51 million yuan in stock investment this year. You don't have to worry about the funding of the [-] Guardian project.

Taking advantage of the current reshuffle of the industry, many outstanding technical talents may change jobs. 51 Guardians should seize the opportunity and try their best to recruit more talents.

Starting from next year, the investment department of the group will report to you the income of the stock investment account of 51 Guards every month. Please keep it confidential. This matter can only be communicated to the vice president level of the company.

In addition, in terms of marketing and promotion of 51 Guardians, the money that should be spent should be spent boldly, and there are more than 400 million funds in the company's bank account, so don't worry about anything..."

Liu Xu breathed a sigh of relief: "Mr. Gao, don't worry, 51 Guardians strives to break through the 2006 million user scale in 5000. According to the current development speed, this goal is expected to be achieved."


For the 5000 million, it took Gao Yang a few days for the financial arrangement to be registered, and then it was transferred back to the stock account.

There's no way he could actually have that much money sitting in a bank account.

The 51 Group did the 51 Guardian project. In fact, without paying a penny, Gao Yang put 1500 million funds into the 51 Guardian stock account, and then let it snowball.

At the beginning, Liu Xu led the Weidian software team, and after adding the 51 Group, Gao Yang asked Liu Xu to take back all the more than 600 million funds in the Weidian software account.

Then, including Liu Xu, the entire technical team invested in 51 Guardian Company with technology, accounting for 20% of the shares, of which Liu Xu personally held 12% of the shares.

Yiwang and Baidu each invested 51 million in 1000 Guardians, accounting for 14% of the shares.

51 Group holds 60% of the shares, but it is equivalent to no real investment.

The entire platform launched by 51 Group, without the drainage of various platforms under 51 Group, and without the group's support for 51 Guardians, it is impossible for 51 Guardians to develop a user scale of 500 million in just one month.

On November 11, the press conference of 22 Guardians, the cost of nearly 51 million was also paid by the group, and it did not cost 100 Guardians a penny.

In Gao Yang's eyes, money has never been an issue...

(End of this chapter)

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