Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 361 Investing in a Listed Company?

Chapter 361 Investing in a Listed Company?

Listening to Gao Yang's idea, He Guangwen, Fang Jian and others continued to think, Gao Yang suddenly picked up his Nokia 7610:

"We use mobile phones to compose and send text messages. Is there a corresponding character limit?"

Zhang Xiaolong said: "Yes, Mr. Gao, there is indeed a character limit for text messages. It seems that you can edit and send up to 70 Chinese characters."

Gao Yang asked again: "From a technical point of view, what is the principle of this restriction?"

Although Gao Yang knew that there was indeed a limit of 70 Chinese characters in the first few years of Weibo in his memory, he just didn't understand the technical principles at all.

Zhang Xuan smiled and said, "Mr. Gao, I know a little about this.

There are international standards in communication technology for the editing and sending of text messages on mobile phones. This standard was formulated about 20 years ago.

English characters are limited to 160 characters, and Chinese characters are limited to 70 characters.

This involves encoding issues.

The character limit of 160 characters in English text messages was first determined, because of the problem of wireless transmission bandwidth, the initial use of text messages was on car phones.

After this standard was determined, mobile phone text messages were also applied. The encoding method of English characters is called ASCII encoding. It is a 7-digit conversion, and the 7-digit encoding occupies one letter. After conversion, it is 1120-bit encoding.

Our Chinese character encoding adopts 8-bit UCS-2 encoding. 8-bit encoding takes up one character, and then a Chinese character takes up two characters. Therefore, dividing 1120 by 16 is exactly 70 Chinese characters.

These technical standards were all invented and formulated by the West, and the whole set of telecommunications technology is the same. Huaxia introduced mobile communication technology, and naturally adopted this set of technical standards..."

After Zhang Xuan's explanation, He Guangwen, Zhang Xiaolong and others nodded, indicating that this was the background.

Gao Yang understood roughly, but he really couldn't understand the code conversion.

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "According to the technical principle explained by Zhang Xuan, that is to say, we can directly use the encoding technology of SMS to develop an Internet product like Weibo?"

Zhang Xiaolong said: "That's right, this coding technology is already very mature, we can just take it and use it directly. On this basis, it is relatively simple to develop the microblog you mentioned, Mr. Gao."

He Guangwen said: "Brother Long is right, this is equivalent to moving the text message to the web page, and the technical implementation is relatively simple, and then the maximum input of 70 Chinese characters is limited. Gao Yang, you imagined that it is convenient and fast to use, easy to interact, and then The characteristics of the product, such as making people feel fresh, are immediately reflected.”

Fang Jiandao: "Such a fresh product idea is indeed interesting and has the potential to become popular. Did you arrange for 51 Renren to make this product?"

Gao Yang shook his head: "Old Fang, if 51 Weibo is posted on 51 Renren, it is similar to the reason why we considered launching a SMB special issue on the national edition of CPI. 51 Renren has now formed and has its own distinctive characteristics. It is best for 51 Weibo to register as a separate company and operate independently, so as to achieve rapid development.”

Liu Xudao: "I very much agree with Mr. Gao's point of view. If a product idea like microblog is done well, it may generate huge user traffic.

At the same time, it has a grass-roots and very convenient expression and recording mode. Using the SNS structure to create such a project can reflect Mr. Gao's vision, and at the same time has the characteristics of strong media and social attributes.

If such a platform-based project is successful, popular traffic will have great commercial value. "

Everyone smiled and nodded. Such a project can indeed be tried. If Gao Yang wants to do it, no one can stop him.

51 Group is not short of funds, but short of talents.

Gao Yang said: "Since there is no problem with the realization of the technology, let's hold a board meeting in the afternoon. Let's discuss it again. This project should be approved for research and development as soon as possible, register the company, and form a team..."

The communication ended soon, the others left, and Fang Jian stayed to smoke.

Fang Jiandao: "The 51 Group is expanding so fast, but there is no problem with the funds. There is a shortage of people. Who do you plan to let do the 51 Weibo project?"

Gao Yang said: "I've thought about it, and let Zhang Yue withdraw from the CPI. The operator of the Weibo project must have someone with experience in media operations. Zhang Yue is still very suitable."

Fang Jian said with a smile: "If Zhang Yue comes over, Boss Feng may be upset again."

Gao Yang said: "Come here Zhang Yue, Song Liangqiu and Chen Xiangdong are still there. Besides, Huang Xu and Yan Yong are both capable of topping it. IT paper media is like this, and the CPI can only be maintained."

Fang Jian asked again: "What about the investment in Weibo?"

Gao Yangdao: "For the time being, let the group invest. Let's do it first to see the effect. Once we have a certain traffic foundation, such as tens of millions of users, we can consider increasing capital and shares."

In the afternoon, an enlarged meeting of the board of directors was held. Gao Yang introduced the project concept of 51 Weibo, and He Guangwen and Zhang Xiaolong introduced the technical implementation and architecture model. Everyone had no objection, and then arranged to make a project investment plan, and at the same time set up a technical department to invest in it as soon as possible. research and development.

He Guangwen said: "We are launching new projects one after another. The technical committee has just been reorganized into a research institute, and the research and development manpower is relatively tight. Next, it will also involve the development of third-party online payment tools. There is the biggest talent gap in this area..."

After He Guangwen finished introducing the situation, Gao Yang said: "The research institute will strive to achieve independent operation this year, and the recruitment of talents that should be introduced should be arranged as soon as possible.

In terms of basic research, such as algorithms, after the Spring Festival, we must find a way to recruit a group of undergraduates and masters who have a good foundation in mathematics and major in computer and software. The basic research department must be established as soon as possible. "

"As for the development of online payment..."

Gao Yang connected his laptop to the projector and opened the stock market software:
"Let's take a look at this listed company, Hengsheng Electronics, which is registered in Hangzhou.

This company is engaged in financial IT. Its main business is the development of application software for financial institutions such as securities, funds, and banks. Its technical strength is considered top-notch in the industry.

Hengsheng Electronics was listed on the main board of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2003. It completed the share reform in August this year. It currently has a total share capital of 8 million shares, 1.02 million tradable shares, 3570 million non-tradable shares, and a total market value of 6630 million yuan. It is still a small company .

I suggest that 51 Group contact Hengsheng Electronics, negotiate with major shareholders and small non-shareholders, see if they can take over 20% of the shares, become a secondary shareholder, and then establish a close cooperative relationship, and Hengsheng will help us develop the network Payment tools, our personnel should also be involved.

This is a relatively convenient way.

In addition, the human resources department, including all of you here, is trying to get in touch with some financial software companies with relatively strong R&D capabilities through various channels, and see if we can poach a few capable and experienced R&D talents..."

Become a shareholder of a listed company?

Gao Yang's thoughts startled everyone, and they were dumbfounded.

Does the 51 Group have the strength to invest in listed companies?

Many people think about it, it seems that they have such strength.

so proud...

(End of this chapter)

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