Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 366: The Twins Are Born, Gao Yang Gets Angry

Chapter 366: The Twins Are Born, Gao Yang Gets Angry

January 1nd, the 22rd of the twelfth lunar month, is a small year in the north.

In the afternoon of this day, Gu Yawen was admitted to Xiehe Obstetrics and Gynecology Department and began to expect labor.

After 1 o'clock in the morning on January 23, before Gu Yawen entered the delivery room, Gao Yang still said the same words: "Yawen, if you can't hold on, you can consider caesarean section."

Wu Ruohan also said: "Sister, if you can't hold on, you can consider it."

Gu Yawen is pregnant with twins, the prenatal checkup just now, the situation is not ideal, the fetal position is a bit abnormal.

Gu Yawen just smiled slightly: "Don't worry, it's not the first time for me to have a baby, so I will definitely be able to persist, unless the doctor tells me to have a caesarean section."

In this era, the proportion of caesarean sections is quite high, many of which are chosen by the mothers themselves, and some hospitals deliberately guide them.

Anyone with a little knowledge knows that natural delivery is the best. This is the first test in life and the first self-effort before the baby lands.

Children born by caesarean section generally have the characteristics of timidity.

Wu Lan accompanied Gu Yawen into the delivery room. Gao Yang, Li Xiuzhen, Wu Ruohan and Wu Xiaoyue were all waiting in the ward.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Gao Yang persuaded Li Xiuzhen to go home, but Li Xiuzhen was unwilling, so she had to let her and Wu Xiaoyue sleep in the ward first.

Gao Yang just leaned on the sofa and took a nap, Wu Ruohan also fell on the sofa, half asleep and half awake.

At 6:36 in the morning, Gu Yawen was finally pushed out. After nearly 5 hours, she gave birth to a pair of siblings. The elder sister weighed 4 catties and 3 taels, and the younger brother weighed 4 catties and 2 and a half.

It is rare for twins to be born at full term, and most of them are premature, with a weight of about 4 catties.

The pair of babies born by Gu Yawen are significantly higher than the average weight of twins.

Gu Yawen was really exhausted and fell asleep when she was pushed into the ward.

Wu Lan, who had been suffering all this time without closing her eyes, was full of joy: "My sister was born at 6:10, and my younger brother was born at 6:22. It's not easy for Yawen..."

The two children fell asleep soon after feeding. Gao Yang looked at the two little ones and felt a little dazed for a moment.

At almost 9 o'clock in the morning, Gu Yawen woke up. Although she was still a little tired, her face was full of happiness: "My husband, am I amazing?"

Gao Yang nodded with a smile: "Amazing, very powerful, super willpower."

Wu Lan asked with a smile: "Gao Yang, have you decided on the child's name?"

Gao Yang said: "Mom, I've made up my mind. I want to ask you, is the child's surname Gu or Gao?"

Wu Lan was startled, and said with a smile, "It's not bad to be surnamed Gu."

Gu Yawen was dissatisfied: "Mom, what do you think, the child must be named Gao!"

Gao Yang said: "Yawen, the child can be named Gu."

Gu Yawen shook her head straight: "Husband, the child's surname should be Gao, and it must be Gao."

"Okay, then the surname is Gao." Although Wu Lan felt a little regretful, she also knew that it was impossible for her daughter to let her child's surname be Gu.

Gao Yang looked at the two children beside Gu Yawen again, and thought about it: "How about this, one's surname is Gao, and the other's surname is Gu. The older sister's name is Gao Yao, and the younger brother's name is Gu Lei."

Seeing that Gu Yawen still had opinions, Gao Yang persuaded: "Yawen, isn't it normal for a child to follow his mother's surname, so don't be stubborn..."

Under Gao Yang's persuasion, Gu Yawen finally stopped insisting: "Okay, but let my sister and my surname be Gu Yao, and my brother's name is Gao Lei, okay?"

Wu Lan immediately smiled and said, "I think this is the best way. Boys should follow their father's surname."

Seeing the mother-in-law's attitude, Gao Yang said: "Okay, then let my sister's surname be Gu."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Gu Yao, Gao Lei, the name is very nice, the elder sister's nickname is Yaoyao, and the younger brother is Shitou, okay?"

Gao Yang was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Okay, nice nickname..."

Gao Yang greeted Wu Lan and Li Xiuzhen: "Mom, you all go home and rest, and Xiaoyue also goes back to rest."

Wu Xiaoyue said: "Brother Yang, I'll stay, you go back and rest."

Gu Yawen also persuaded: "Gao Yang, take mom and the others home to rest, you have to attend the company's annual meeting tomorrow."

Gao Yang said: "I'll go home to rest at night, let's arrange it like this, Zhang Wei's car is waiting downstairs."

Zhang Wei is the driver that Gu Wenlong helped Gao Yang find, and he also works as a bodyguard. He is 27 years old this year and has worked as a secret service for several years. He is very skilled.

At home, I found two other female drivers, both retired female soldiers in their 20s.

In the end, Li Xiuzhen and Wu Lan went home to rest first, and Wu Xiaoyue also returned, but they will come back soon, to bring chicken soup home.

Gao Yang stayed in the hospital until after 8:25 p.m. before he was ready to go directly to Xiaotangshan Hot Spring Resort. Tomorrow is the 51th of the twelfth lunar month. Today, because of Gao Yang’s family affairs, the annual meeting of the 1 Group was also moved to January 24.

Gu Yawen hadn't been discharged from the hospital yet, but Gao Yang had to leave.

The driver Zhang Wei and his assistant Shao Hanyun were already waiting downstairs in the hospital.

Wu Ruohan and Wu Xiaoyue sent Gao Yang downstairs, Wu Ruohan advised Gao Yang to take care of his work, Wu Xiaoyue also said: "Brother Yang, don't worry, we will take good care of the second sister."

Gao Yang nodded, took a look at the slim Wu Xiaoyue, and suddenly said: "Xiaoyue, don't call me brother Yang anymore, just like your second sister, call me brother-in-law."

"Ah..." Wu Xiaoyue was startled, then smiled, "Okay, brother-in-law."

After 9 o'clock in the evening, Gao Yang and his party rushed to the hotel where the company held the annual meeting. Shao Hanyun sent Gao Yang into the room, then put down Gao Yang's computer bag, and made a cup of tea for Gao Yang:
"Mr. Gao, I have sorted out the relevant materials of the annual meeting and sent them to your mailbox. In addition, on the company's intranet forum, there have been some discussions in the past few days about the group's investment in Hengsheng Electronics. I have also sorted it out. Please hurry up." rest……"

Gao Yang nodded: "Okay, you should go to bed earlier."

Although Gao Yang was sleepy, he still lit a cigarette and looked at the information. When he saw some discussions on the employee forum on the 51 Group intranet, Gao Yang frowned.

At 24:9 am on the 51th, the 2005 annual meeting of the 180 Group began. The participants were mainly middle and high-level members of the group and various project companies, with a total of more than [-] people.

Among them, more than 20 people from Yuanda Company and Yueju Company attended the meeting.

The current total number of employees of 51 Group has reached more than 1400. If Yuanda Company and Yueju Company are included, the number of employees has reached more than 1700.

The annual meeting of each company has been held a few days ago.

The group's annual meeting lasted for one and a half days, mainly for the companies to report and summarize the work in 2005, and to look forward to and plan the work in 2006.

At the group level, we must also report to everyone, work harder, and guide the goals for the coming year.

First, the CEO of each project reported and summarized, and then the group CFO Zhao Lei reported to everyone.

In 2006, 51 Group’s main business revenue was just over 2.8 million yuan, mainly because Sunshine Company contributed 2.16 million yuan, and 51 Tongcheng contributed over 8000 million yuan. Other items can basically be ignored. 51 Renren and 51 Fortune are all losses on the books of.

As for the investment income in the stock market, only some senior executives of the group know, because the stock is held and has not been carried forward as income.

On the morning of January 1, Gao Yang made a speech as the chairman and president of the group. He first praised the impressive achievements of the project companies in 25, and then the conversation changed:
"In 2004, we held the annual meeting, and most of the company's employees participated. This year, we can only hold the group annual meeting. Each company held its own annual meeting before, because the business scale of the 51 Group and the speed at which new projects are established are very fast, and the employees already have There are more than 1400 people.

Including Yuanda Company and Yueju Company, there are more than 1700 employees.

In 2006, as established stations in more than 20 key cities across the country, as well as the development of other project companies and the launch of new projects, the number of employees of 51 Group will soon exceed 3000.

In addition, in 2006, Yueju Company will also start to deploy in more than 10 key cities across the country.

The first project of 51 Group, the solar energy media of Sunshine Company, was founded in 2002. The project started after the Spring Festival of that year, and the publication was launched in May 2002.

At that time, I was still working at CPI, Sunshine Company was led by Mr. Wu, Sun Chengyi, He Jin and Zhou Wenbin, old CPI colleagues, and Tong Hua and Hu Lin, who had not yet graduated from university at that time, a total of more than 20 people started their business of.

In just over three years, we have developed into a group with more than 1400 people, nearly ten project companies, and dozens of branch companies.

Some time ago, the board of directors of the group discussed and made a major strategic decision to invest 2.4 million yuan and become a shareholder of the listed company Hengsheng Electronics, which once aroused heated discussions in the industry.

Inside the 51 Group, on our intranet staff forum, there were some discussions about this matter.

In the past few days, I have no time to pay attention to the company's affairs because of family affairs. Last night, I saw a document compiled by the president's office, which left a deep impression on me.

What is my impression?

It's ridiculous, ridiculous!

The 51 Group has only more than 1400 employees, and such an absurd phenomenon has appeared. How about it grows to 3000, 5000, or even tens of thousands of people in the future?

If this continues, what kind of situation will it be..."

Everyone in the audience suddenly looked serious, and the atmosphere became tense.

This is the first time that Gao Yang got angry in public, and it was at the group annual meeting...

(End of this chapter)

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