Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 367 1 letter to all staff

Chapter 367 A letter to all employees (seeking double monthly tickets)
On the stage, Gao Yang took a sip of tea, and then said:

"From the company's intranet, some employees' comments on the group's investment in Hengsheng Electronics, I feel a very bad side.

51 Group is developing too fast, because the general direction of our development strategy is the Internet, and the establishment of many projects has to rush for time, and the layout must be completed as soon as possible.

During this process, we may have neglected the construction of corporate culture, neglected team building, and failed to keep up with the rhythm of the company's development in management.

What is an enterprise intranet?
This is a workplace for online and open communication within the company, and a place for every employee to offer advice and suggestions for the development of the group and each company. It is not an Internet cafe, an Internet forum outside, or a vegetable market!

In our internal management of the company and in the guidance of the working atmosphere, there is obviously a problem, and it is a big problem.

The management and middle-level cadres of all companies present here today must reflect, conduct self-reflection, and think about what is wrong with our internal management.

Some employees discussed on the intranet about the group's investment in Hengsheng Electronics, so I won't list them one by one, but just give an example.

An employee posted on the intranet that the stock price of Hengsheng Electronics was only more than 5 yuan before the suspension of trading. We spent 10 yuan per share and spent 2.4 million yuan to take over the 2400 million shares held by the founding shareholders. It feels unbelievable. Even if you go directly to the stock market to buy stocks, you can't spend so much money.

Such remarks appear on our intranet, and some employees agree with them, which is simply ridiculous.

Not to mention that the strategic investment in Hengsheng Electronics is a major decision discussed and decided at the board of directors level. Even at the level of common sense, such remarks appearing in the 51 Group also make people feel ridiculous, even sad.

I don't have a little common sense about equity and stock trading, so I just talk nonsense like this. Doesn't this look like those keyboard warriors on the Internet who talk nonsense and like to talk to people out of thin air?
Before we negotiate with Hengsheng Electronics to buy shares, whoever can use 2.4 million funds to directly buy 2400 million shares of Hengsheng Electronics in the stock market, I will reward him with 1000 million!
For a major strategic investment of the group, our internal employees do not understand and think about the company's strategic purpose, nor do they understand what kind of company Hengsheng Electronics is and what its value is.

On the contrary, as a layman, he pretends to understand when he doesn't know, talking, giving pointers, and pointing fingers!

Talk about the decision of the board of directors of the group!

It is sad and terrifying for a person to open his mouth instead of learning and thinking about a professional field that he does not understand or understand.

In the past two or three years, we started from Solar Energy Media with more than 20 employees, and now we have grown to a group with more than 1400 employees.

Among the more than 1400 employees, more than 60% are university graduates, and there are many high-achieving students who graduated from key universities.

Now, such a phenomenon has appeared in the 51 Group, what does it mean?
It means that we have a big problem in management!

Of course, as the chairman, I first have to conduct a self-reflection. The more humane and looser management model that 51 Group advocated in the past is no longer suitable for the current scale of enterprise development.

In the past, when we were colleagues at CPI, everyone advocated teamwork, worked together, and worked hard towards the same goal.

Such a tradition may still exist in Sunshine Company, Yuanda Company and even today.

But with new projects, new companies, and new teams, it is doubtful whether such a style and teamwork spirit still exist.

If things go on like this, sooner or later we will become a group of rabble, a project may have a bunch of critics, and only a few people are hard-working doers.

Today, I remind every colleague here that 51 Group does not need critics, but doers and strong performers!
For the decisions made by the group company and the board of directors, all project companies need to do is to resolutely implement them.In each project company, from each department to each position, the first thing to do is to quickly implement the relevant decisions and work plans of the company's management.

On this basis, you must first do your job well in your position, complete your tasks, and achieve your goals before you are qualified to make suggestions to the company's leadership. Based on your own work and your professional field, you can put forward corresponding suggestions suggestion.

The 51 Group does not need boastful employees, let alone people who use strange talks to fight for their positions.

Starting after the Spring Festival, the human resources department should do more work on the induction training for new employees, and conduct systematic research on the training and promotion of all employees in the group, and come up with a set of scientific and executable plans.

Career planning training for employees. If necessary, we should hire experts.

In short, there must be an executable and clear plan and rules, so that every employee can see their career direction, what the career ladder looks like, and how to achieve their career goals step by step.

Everyone present this year also needs to reflect, to summarize, and to continue to learn and improve.

51 Group has developed to its current scale, and from 2006 onwards, the speed of development may be further accelerated.

Every colleague here today has contributed to the development of the 51 Group. In the future, I don't want to see anyone falling behind because of complacency.

So, let us work hard together, learn and improve together, and work hard together..."

In the morning, the group's annual meeting is over, and we have a meal together at noon, and in the afternoon, we should break up and have the Spring Festival holiday.

During lunch, Wu Bo, Jin Yang, He Guangwen, Fang Jian, Zhou Wenbin, Sun Chengyi, He Jin, Chen Sen, Zhang Tao and others sat at the same table with Gao Yang.

When Gao Yang spoke today, he was very angry. This is something that we have never experienced in the past few years.

Zhou Wenbin took the lead in toasting Gao Yang with a glass of wine: "Our 51 Group's intranet, imitating the CPI, has set up an employee forum and made anonymous speeches. A few days ago, I saw some people talking about the company's investment in Hengsheng Electronics. .

I suggest that the network administrators find out all these people and get rid of them directly. "

"Right, such a person should be found out and fired." He Jin and Chen Sen also agreed.

Gao Yang thought for a while: "Let the network administrator find out, but there is no need to expel him.

My speech at the annual meeting today will be organized by the president's office, and then an email and an open letter will be sent to all employees of the group in my name.

Talk about the development strategy of 51 Group, the boundaries of words and deeds of employees in work, and so on.

When going to work after the Spring Festival, all companies and departments can organize employees to study and discuss this open letter.

This time, the employees who talked about the decisions of the board of directors on the intranet, after finding out, arrange the human resources department to observe their work attitude and performance. If they really do not perform well, they can be eliminated according to the company's system. "

Fang Jiandao: "I suggest that anonymous speeches should not be made on the intranet, all with real names. The group can register a special mailbox. If employees really have good suggestions on work, they can send emails to the email address of the board of directors, or send emails directly to relevant leaders. .”

Gao Yang thought about it: "Yes, then the real-name system will be implemented on the intranet, and then let the president open a mailbox to collect suggestions from employees."

Next, while drinking and eating, everyone discussed the organizational management reform of 51 Group in 2006. They all agreed with Gao Yang's point of view that the company does not need critics, but doers and executors.

After the meal, the office staff began to arrange for everyone to check out collectively and return to the city for vacation.

Gao Yang stayed and asked Shao Hanyun to call Fang Jian and Chen Sen to stay, while he himself carefully read the speech records of the annual meeting compiled by the President's Office.

After half an hour, Gao Yang changed it and asked Shao Hanyun to use his mailbox to send emails to all the employees of the group.

This is also the first time Gao Yang sent an open letter to all employees in the name of the chairman.

Later, Shao Hanyun found Fang Jian and Chen Sen.

Gao Yang handed Fang Jian and Chen Sen a cigarette: "At the work level of the group, there are a lot of big things to do in 2006. I think about it again and again. At the group level, we still need a general coordinator and a CEO position.

Lao Fang, CEO of the group, you do it. "

Fang Jian was startled: "I'm not suitable, Mr. Wu or Jin Yang, would it be better?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Didn't you always like to read books on management, you talked about one thing after another, now you are asked to stand up, and you feel guilty instead?"

Fang Jian laughed and said, "I'm just talking on paper."

Chen Sen said: "Old Fang, you are hypocritical, if you let me do it, you can do it."

Gao Yang said: "Old Fang, Mr. Wu is not suitable to be the CEO of the group, and Sunshine Company is now the largest cash flow project of the group, he can't do without it. For Jinyang, will make great strides in expansion this year, which is also important.

Your strengths lie in the fact that we have worked together for so many years and know each other the most. Second, you also have rich workplace experience in the Beijing branch of CPI, and you have more accumulation in this area than Jinyang.

Starting in 2006, I will spend more time on investment and strategic control. In addition, this year we may establish a strategic partnership with Yiwang and Baidu, and we will jointly build an Internet Research Institute.

I don't have much time for the day-to-day management of the company, so I need you to step up.

In terms of management structure, a CEO is also needed to preside over daily work, sort out organizational and management changes, adapt to the rapid development of 51 Group, and coordinate many resources at the group level.

More importantly, to ensure that the decision-making at the group level is implemented in place in each project company, a set of feasible working methods and systems for target management must be proposed. "

Fang Jian thought for a while: "Okay, then I'll give it a try. 51 people, are you planning to let Chen Sen replace me?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, since Chen Sen founded the DM business in Jinyang, he has been practicing in various positions for the past five or six years, and has been working hard. Now it's time to try to stand alone. The foundation of the 51 Renren project has been laid. Now, the focus now is on operations, Chen Sen, are you confident in taking Lao Fang's position?"

Chen Sen smiled and said: "No problem, anyway, I want to fight wherever I mean, just resolutely implement it."

Gao Yang nodded: "Then let's make it like this, go to work after the Spring Festival, and when it is settled at the board of directors, I will announce that you will find time to communicate more during the Spring Festival..."

(End of this chapter)

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