Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 368 This Guy Is So Ambitious

Chapter 368 This Guy Is So Ambitious (Double Tickets Asked)

After chatting with Fang Jian and Chen Sen, Gao Yang went back to the city and went directly to the hospital. Fang Jian and Chen Sen also drove to visit the hospital.

This year, Gao Yang's family will stay in the capital again for the New Year.

Chen Sen's wife, Feng Lan, has given birth to a daughter who is already confinement, but plans to stay in the capital for the New Year.

Fang Jian's wife, He Zifang, gave birth to a son who will stay in the capital for the New Year after two months.

Zhang Wei drove Gao Yang to Xiehe Hospital in a Mercedes-Benz G, Gao Yang said: "Zhang Wei, you can take the holiday, go home for the New Year."

Zhang Wei said: "Mr. Gao, my house is close. When my sister-in-law is discharged from the hospital, I will have time to go home again."

Zhang Wei's hometown is in Hebei Province. Lion City, known as the hometown of martial arts, is only more than 200 kilometers away from the capital. He is proficient in Bajiquan and is also very good at poking his feet.

Zhang Wei is now a full-time driver in Gaoyang, and his position is located in the president's office, with a monthly salary of 8000 yuan. However, Gu Yawen subsidizes Zhang Wei with 1.2 yuan a month through her family.

These do not include Zhang Wei's monthly allowance and other benefits, as well as year-end bonuses.

After Fang Jian and Chen Sen visited Gu Yawen in the hospital, they made an appointment to play at Gao Yang's house on the third day of the first lunar month, and then went home to wait for the New Year.

In the afternoon, many high-level executives from the 51 Group, as well as from Yuanda Company and Yueju Company, lined up to visit the hospital.

Gao Yang has a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses, which is quite enviable by everyone.

After the news of Gu Yawen's birth spread, Xiao Jin, Yang Yong and others who were far away in Jinyang, as well as Yang Limin and others from CPI Group, also called or sent text messages to Gao Yang to express their congratulations.

CPI, Yang Limin and others are also small shareholders of 51 Group. On the first day of Gu Yawen's childbirth, Gao Yang sent an email to Feng Jinsong, Yang Limin and others, explaining the relationship between investing in Hengsheng Electronics and 51 Group's Internet layout. No one will continue to inquire about the relationship between them.

In order to raise this 2.4 million yuan of funds, this year, Sunshine Company, which has a revenue of over 3 million yuan, and Yuanda Company, which has exceeded 8000 million yuan, have not arranged dividends for shareholders, but only withdraw 20% of the net profit according to the company system. It is used for year-end dividends for all employees.

On January 1, the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, Gu Yawen was also discharged from the hospital, and went home to start confinement.

After the social maintenance fee is paid according to the policy, the two children will apply for Jinyang's household registration.

It is impossible for the old man to ignore this kind of thing, and it is quite simple to go through the settlement procedures.

On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Gao Yue's family of four also rushed to the capital to celebrate the New Year in the capital.

On the third day of the first lunar month, Wu Peng and his wife also rushed to the capital with their children.

On the fourth day of the first lunar month, the group rushed back to Jinyang. Wu Lan and Gu Wenlong brought Tian Tian and Wu Xiaoyue back to Jinyang. They had to pay New Year's greetings to the old man and the old lady. Only Li Xiuzhen stayed and took care of Gu Ya with Gao Yang. Wen.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen stayed in the capital, just calling the old man and the old lady to celebrate the New Year.

The newborn baby really looks different every day, getting cuter and cuter.

Gu Yawen looks happy every day, and puts all her body and mind on the two children.

Still very edible, can eat two chickens and twenty or thirty eggs a day.

Gao Yang also carefully selected sea cucumbers and abalones, cooked a bowl of seafood porridge for Gu Yawen every day, followed the doctor's advice, and did not dare to eat more

The time soon came to the seventh day of the first lunar month. Gu Wenlong returned to Beijing ahead of schedule and was ready to go to work. Wu Lan also came back with Tian Tian.

Wu Ruohan and Wu Xiaoyue will stay in Jinyang for a few days to spend more time with the old man and the old lady.

On the seventh day of the first lunar month, February 2th, it was the beginning of the Spring Festival. Ding Lei and Li Yan returned to the capital after the new year, and made an appointment for dinner in the evening.

In the evening, Ding Lei was the host and arranged to have dinner at a high-end Zhejiang cuisine restaurant. Ding Lei's hometown is Zhejiang Province, and Li Yan is from Jin Province.

Gao Yang brought his computer with him tonight, and there were photos of the progress of the road project that Wu Peng brought over during the Spring Festival. Show them to these two big brothers, and the 800 million donations they donated were not in vain.

The three of them quickly chatted about the fact that 51 Group spent 2.4 million yuan to invest in Hengsheng Electronics.

Ding Lei and Li Yan were a little shocked when Ding Lei heard that Gao Yang used part of the profits of Sunlight Company and Yuanda Company last year, as well as bank loans to settle the funds.

Ding Lei said: "Your wife gave birth before the Spring Festival. Lao Li and I also guessed the purpose of your investment in Hengsheng Electronics. You paid such a high price and voluntarily locked up the shares for 36 months. What is it for? What can you give today? an answer?"

Gao Yang said: "Brother Lei, Brother Yan, in fact, I did this to make third-party online payment."

"You want to make a payment tool similar to Ali Zhifubao?" Ding Lei and Li Yan immediately understood.

Gao Yang said: "Yes, it is to make such a tool. Ali has Zhifubao, and its e-commerce has started, and Goose Factory also registered a payment company last year, called Fortune Tong.

These two companies have long-term strategic considerations, so the goose factory has to pay.

Let me tell you the truth, starting from, we acquired Foxmail later, and became 51 Renren, 51talk, 51 Fortune, 51 Guardian...

All these projects, as I said, focus on social platforms and focus on pan-media development strategies. These projects are all for traffic layout.

Then, we will make a third-party payment tool called 51pay, and these traffic items can be linked together at once.

I chose to invest in Hengsheng Electronics because this company has the strongest research and development strength in the financial IT field, and its equity is relatively dispersed, which makes it easier to negotiate.

With payment tools, 51 Group can string together these traffic projects, and then explore a stable profit model.

For example, made a cash flow of over [-] million yuan last year, mainly relying on the real estate industry to place advertisements on the website.

This year, will make great strides in expansion, and complete its layout in at least 20 key cities across the country. In the short term, real estate can still generate continuous cash flow through real estate advertising, but it may not be stable in the long run.

With online payment tools, can develop internally as independent projects in catering, job hunting, housekeeping services, tourism and even intra-city e-commerce.

When these projects are implemented, cash flow is generated, and 51 Tongcheng achieves nationwide coverage, then it will not be far away from its listing and financing.

Therefore, the payment tool is very important and the key point. This kind of thinking can also be extended to other projects of 51 Group.

For example, 51 Renren, 51 Fortune, 51talk, and 51 Guardian can all launch some value-added service items according to user needs, instead of relying solely on advertising to generate cash flow.

For social platforms, purely relying on advertisements may make the user experience worse and worse..."

Ding Lei understood it completely: "You guys are very ambitious, and you plan to take everything all the way."

Li Yan nodded, appreciative in his eyes: "Old Ding, Gao Yang's thinking about the Internet is very thoughtful and powerful. He is going to build an ecological business closed loop. Once it is completed, the traffic of these projects will The advantages will immediately become the advantages of the business model, and the scale can be very large.”

Ding Lei smiled and said: "Yes, this guy is too smart, but the current policy of online payment is not clear, Gao Yang, aren't you afraid?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I'm not afraid, I believe that online payment is the core of the business model in the web2.0 era, and the probability of the state supporting innovation is much greater than the probability of suppressing it.

With the development of online payment, the ability of Internet companies to innovate business models has increased by more than an order of magnitude, and China has a huge demographic dividend. Our Internet industry has every chance to overtake and lead Europe and the United States. "

(End of this chapter)

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