Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 37 What a Big Bowl of Chicken Blood

Chapter 37 What a Big Bowl of Chicken Blood
Faced with Xiao Jin's question, Gao Yang thought about it seriously before answering:

"The biggest cost of DM Yellow Pages is the printing fee.

For this yellow page, we can consider a quarto format, which is half of the page area of ​​Jinyang Metropolis Daily.

Then, each issue is calculated as 8 to 16 editions, 1 copies are printed, and the printing cost is calculated at 3 cents per copy, which is the hard cost of 5 yuan.

In the early stage, one issue was issued every week, which was 1.4 yuan per month.

The next thing is labor costs, one phototypesetting, one editor, one writer, and one accountant. These four people, based on the average salary of 800 yuan, are 3200 yuan a month.

The last is the salesman. In the initial stage, we can consider recruiting 10 people, with a basic salary of 300 yuan per person, but we must limit the completion of basic tasks. For the salesman, the basic salary is 3000 yuan per month.

Then add office expenses, such as renting a house with three bedrooms and two living rooms, and comprehensive expenses such as water, electricity and telephone, and the total is calculated at 1000 yuan per month.

Almost, the monthly operating cost is around 2.2 yuan.

Then, 4 issues are issued in January, and each issue achieves 8000 yuan in advertising. After deducting 20 points of commission for the salesman, there is still an income of 6400 yuan in each issue, and the monthly capital can be guaranteed.

If you invest, rent a big house, buy a set of phototypesetting equipment, install a landline phone, and a desk, etc. In fact, with an investment of 5 yuan, you can start this project.

Of course, in the first few months, you may even lose money. Ideally, it is more appropriate to invest 10. "

Xiao Jin thought for a while: "Don't say 10, 5 is not a lot. Who will manage this project?"

Gao Yang looked at Chen Sen and said with a smile, "This project can only be led by Chen Sen."

Chen Sen said with a smile: "This means, you are not going to take me to the capital?"

Gao Yang said: "Going to Beijing to be an IT reporter, you are also part-time job, earning at most 15 a year, it is still very hard.

I think the DM Business Yellow Pages project has great potential. As long as you are not afraid of hardships and build a team with combat effectiveness, it is normal to achieve 1/5 of the turnover of Jinyang Metropolis Daily.

There is no problem for Jinyang Metropolis Daily to achieve 4000 million a year in advertising revenue in about five years, because the market scale must be so large.

At that time, our project will achieve 800 million advertisements a year, which will be easy. With an income of 800 million and a net profit of at least 400 million, think about how much you can earn in a year. "

Yang Yong said: "Gao Yang, you have such an idea, why don't you go to the capital and stay in Jinyang to work on this project."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "I won't stay in Jinyang. I work in the capital. Earning some money to support my family is only one aspect. I need to accumulate resources in the capital. I have some plans in the future that cannot be separated from the accumulation in the capital."

Xiao Jin asked with a smile: "Gao Yang, what other plans do you have?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "There are too many plans, just take this DM business yellow page as an example, in the future, it can be moved to the Internet.

You can make a website, slowly expand to every city with a population of more than one million, and finally cover most cities in the country.

Then, it makes many people's lives inseparable from it, such as finding a job, finding a house, finding food, and so on.

To invest in such a website, you need to accumulate a lot of resources and invest a lot of money, such as millions or even tens of millions.

I stay in Jinyang, I can't do such a project..."

Yang Yong patted the table and pried up his thumb: "After three days of farewell, I will look at you with admiration, brother has courage!"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "This is just a superficial idea, and it is estimated that it will be possible to implement it in three or four years. Now, the most important thing is to implement the two projects of supermarket and DM in Jinyang."

Xiao Jin shook his head: "Gao Yang, these ideas of yours are good, but it's enough for the four of us to invest 8 yuan to build a supermarket, and you said that the DM will invest 10 yuan."

Gao Yang said: "My suggestion is to build a supermarket first. This project is the most feasible and the risk is not too high. When the supermarket is built, you can spare part of the funds. At that time, everyone will invest a little more, and the DM project can be launched.

In addition, if the supermarket project meets expectations, the investment can be recovered in about a year, which means that the operation is relatively mature. At that time, Lao Yong can be spared to work on the DM project with Chen Sen.

Chen Sen can work part-time and continue to work at Jinyang Metropolis Daily. As a reporter, he can accumulate a lot of network resources.

At that time, Chen Sen will be mainly responsible for DM content and production.In terms of business, Lao Yong is in charge, leading the team of salesmen to fight, which is also Lao Yong's strong point. "

Xiao Jin smiled and said: "Yes, I always eat every bite, so let's do the supermarket project first."

Gao Yang said: "The supermarket project should not be underestimated. If it is well managed, it can be considered to expand and become a chain supermarket.

Jinyang now has more than 70 people, and it may reach a million in a few years. At that time, we will open ten stores in the city, and it is estimated that there will be no problem.

Then the provincial capital, sooner or later it will be a megacity with a population of tens of millions, and it will be no problem to open dozens of stores.

It is not difficult to expand to other cities in the province and expand to hundreds of stores.

Going a step further, expanding to other provinces and cities, reaching [-] to [-] stores, may have a yearly revenue of hundreds of millions and profits of tens of millions, and they are eligible to apply for stock issuance and listing.

Once it is successfully listed, it may have a market value of billions or even billions..."

Chen Sen laughed aloud: "It's such a big bowl of chicken blood, it makes people's blood rush."

Wang Yun smiled and said, "Yeah, I have goosebumps."

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "It's just an imagination, it's a vision. It's one thing to dream, but it's another thing to actually do something. Everything is difficult at the beginning. If you want to make a career, you will not only suffer a lot, but you may experience it every day." You need to accumulate and learn every day.

Taking a supermarket as an example, it is easy to build one store, but it involves a lot of things to set up a second store, such as management personnel training, supply chain, brand building, etc. It is not so easy to take this step forward. "

Zheng Xiaohong said: "As soon as I imagine what Brother Yang said, I feel so nervous and my scalp goes numb."

Xiao Jin laughed: "Xiaohong, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. A career is built step by step. No one is born with it. Don't worry. Just like Gao Yang said, continuous learning and continuous accumulation are very important. .”

Gao Yang said with a smile: "If you dare to think and do everything, you will have hope. If you don't do it, you will never have hope. Our greatest asset is our youth. Young people have unlimited possibilities. We are not afraid of failure. If we fail, we will start all over again." Come again."

Yang Yong patted the table again: "Yes, I'm afraid of a ball, at worst, I'll start all over again."

After finishing a bottle of wine, Yang Yong was about to open another bottle, but Gao Yang stopped him: "Don't open it, since we decided to make a supermarket, we have to discuss a regulation first."

(End of this chapter)

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