Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 370 Restructuring the Division

Chapter 370 Restructuring the Division

On February 2, the ninth day of the first lunar month, all employees of 6 Group officially went to work.

In the morning, Gao Yang held an enlarged meeting of the board of directors, discussed and announced several major events:
51: The 3 Weibo project has officially started operation. The CEO of the project company is Zhang Yue, the former vice president of the Beijing branch of the CPI Group. The current stage focuses on product development and internal testing, and the public testing is guaranteed to be launched in early or mid-March;


Two: Fang Jian will serve as the CEO of 51 Group, and will be fully responsible for the management and operation of the group level. Chen Sen will succeed Fang Jian as the CEO of 51 Renren;

Three: After completing the Yiwang POPO transaction, the operation team of Yiwang POPO will be merged into 51talk. The integration of the two projects should be completed as soon as possible, and the users of Yiwang POPO will be diverted into 51talk. The duration of POPO will be maintained for one year;
Four: 51pay will officially start research and development in late February, and must complete research and development in the first half of the year. 2 Financial Technology Information Service Co., Ltd. completed registration in February with a registered capital of 51 million;

Five: The company management structure of should consider a major reorganization, and at the same time promote the completion of the establishment of sub-stations in 20 key cities across the country this year. The reform of the management structure of will be announced and implemented after full discussion;

Six: The human resource needs of each project company and 51 Research Institute will be drafted in February, and will start in March, organized by the human resources department of the group, to organize campus tour recruitment in key universities across the country;


This enlarged meeting of the board of directors lasted until noon.

At 02:30 in the afternoon, Gao Yang called Fang Jian, Jin Yang and Lu Yanran, the human resource director of the group, to have a small meeting to discuss the adjustment of the management structure of

Gao Yang said: "Jinyang's side may be under the greatest pressure this year for the entire group. On the one hand, will basically complete the national layout within this year, and complete the overall layout next year.

On the other hand, 51 Tongcheng must also complete the adjustment of its internal management structure this year to adapt to the next development needs with a new management structure.

The mid-term goal of is to achieve an overseas listing around 2010, with the Hong Kong stock listing being the first choice.

In order to achieve this goal, operations and cash flow must have a great improvement.

At the current stage, the cash flow of mainly comes from advertisements in the real estate industry.

After the development of 51pay is completed, it can be fully promoted and applied on various project platforms of the group. Catering, job hunting, intra-city e-commerce, online travel, and housekeeping services can all be independently accounted for internally to explore development directions and business models.

My opinion is that 51 Tongcheng will eventually develop into a group management structure for intra-city life applications, and each internal project will gradually grow into an independently operated profit center.

The existing organizational management structure cannot meet this kind of development needs. After completes the national layout, the number of employees may reach 4000 or even more.

The adjustment of the organizational management structure of must be carried out simultaneously with the regional expansion this year. The task is heavy and the pressure is also great..."

Fang Jiandao: "Old Gao, according to the short-to-medium-term development goals of, I suggest considering a matrix management structure centered on the business department, reorganizing each business direction into a business department, and then setting up a general manager of the business department. management.

Then, internal service departments such as finance, human resources, technology, etc., will be combined with the management of regional branches by dispatching personnel from the headquarters. "

Jin Yang said: "I agree with the matrix management structure suggested by Lao Fang. It is imperative to reorganize the business department of At present, the real estate business is the strongest, and other business directions are weak."

Lu Yanran said: "51 Tongcheng has made such a big adjustment in the management structure, and the company's human resources demand for middle and high-level positions is too great."

Gao Yang said: "Then let's show our courage. The heads of the regions are all promoted to the vice president of the company, and the general manager of the business department is equivalent to the vice president. These positions can start with an annual salary of 30 yuan, which is linked to performance appraisal.

51 city's human resource needs, on the one hand, promote capable employees within the company, and on the other hand, openly recruit.

During the expansion process of, it is necessary to prevent registered merchants from cheating or deceiving users. This point must be firmly controlled. Once such a phenomenon occurs, it must be checked in time, and the ban will be banned.

In addition, you also need to discuss and judge with the technical department, after the business direction is changed to the business department management structure, whether needs to transform to the SNS technical structure..."

Later, Gao Yang asked Shao Hanyun to call Wu Bo, the CEO of Sunshine Company, and Liu Yue, the vice president in charge of distribution.

Gao Yang said: "Teacher Wu, Liu Yue, I called the two of you here to discuss how to further coordinate the development of Solar Energy Media and

Now, Sunshine has established more than 30 regional companies in various regions across the country, and its main task is to organize its own distribution and cooperate with regional exhibitions.

I suggest that from this year, based on these regional companies, Sunshine registers a logistics express company, recruits new employees, and begins to explore intra-city express logistics services.

The existing distribution team is all included in this logistics express company. With these employees as the backbone of the express company's team, they can explore and contract the local business of other express companies.

After starts to develop intra-city business, it needs logistics express service, and the express logistics company of Sunshine Company can smoothly undertake it.

From a long-term perspective, we will stop doing solar energy media in the future, and the employees of Sunshine can also be smoothly transferred to and other projects of the group..."

Liu Yue said: "Mr. Gao, I was thinking about the regional branch entering the express delivery industry last year, but the express delivery license is difficult to obtain."

Gao Yang said: "Let's build up the team of this express company first, and scale up the business.

The regional companies of Scorching Sun are responsible for delivering our solar magazines every week. They can act as an agent to contract express delivery business, or cooperate with local urban media to undertake their newspaper delivery business.

The important thing is to have a business that can support a large number of employees.

Our business direction is intra-city express. After we have a certain foundation, we can acquire a national express company to solve the license issue. "

Liu Yue's eyes lit up: "This is a good way."

Gao Yang said: "So, first of all, we need to do it, start the business first, and then consider the next step."

Wu Bo smiled and said: "Doing express delivery is a good direction, so I will leave this company to Liu Yue."

Gao Yang said: "Liu Yue, after the company is registered, your task, in addition to continuing to manage the distribution work of Sunshine Company, the focus is to start the express delivery business.

You go to Mr. He and place an order with the research institute to develop an express logistics information management system for you. First, start the information management and gradually improve it later. "

Liu Yue raised his head: "President Gao, I promise to complete the task!"

After Liu Yue and Wu Bo left, Gao Yang continued to discuss with Fang Jian and Jin Yang about the development of various business directions in

Gao Yang told Fang Jian and Jin Yang about the business models such as Dianping,, Ctrip and even Meituan and Are You Hungry in his memory.

The eyes of Fang Jian and Jin Yang soon lit up: "If these Internet business models can be implemented, then will be able to achieve a very large scale in the future."

Gao Yang nodded: "That's right, as long as you plan well, step by step, and follow up with management, can completely develop into an Internet giant..."

(End of this chapter)

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