Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 371 Investing in Luxshare

Chapter 371 Investing in Lixun (seeking double monthly pass)
On February 2th, which was the first trading day after the opening of the A-share market, the Shanghai stock index gapped and rose sharply that day, and the closing price was close to the 6-point line.

After Gao Yang came home from get off work, Gu Yawen was wrapped in bloated pajamas and a confinement cap, guarding the trading room at home, watching stocks with Wu Ruohan.

Seeing Gao Yang, he said angrily: "Yawen, you've only been in confinement for a few days, so you won't be able to relax so soon."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "That's right, my sister should be criticized."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "I'll just take a look, it's boring to lie in bed all day."

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother-in-law, the stock market opened today, and it gapped and rose sharply. It really looks like a bull market. However, there is a gap of 3 points today. I always feel that I may have to cover it."

Gao Yang said: "Ruohan, if you want to operate, you can practice with a small position. 51 Fortune's real stock trading competition has already started to announce the registration. The competition will start on March 3 and end at the end of September.

After the stock speculation competition is over, the investment department of the group will openly recruit traders, hoping to recruit a few talents from the stock speculation competition. "

Wu Ruohan chuckled: "Brother-in-law, I'm just reviewing and studying every day now, and I won't make a lot of positions."

Gao Yang looked at Gu Yawen again: "Yawen, you should confine yourself to confinement, nurse the child, and wait for Yaoyao and Shitou to be weaned, then you can think about going to work."

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "I listen to you."

On February 2, the eleventh day of the first lunar month, Lu Tao called and informed Luxshare that it was planning to increase its capital and shares. He invited Gao Yang, Ding Lei and Li Yan to go to the Special Economic Zone to discuss capital investment, and at the same time to attend Luxshare's Guancheng factory.

On February 2th, Gao Yang, Ding Lei, and Li Yan flew to the special zone together, and they all brought assistants and security guards with them. There were 9 people in the group.

At the headquarters of Luxshare Seiko in the special zone, the three met brothers and sisters Wang Sheng and Wang Chun, as well as Lu Tao, and listened to Wang Chun and Lu Tao introduce the development of Luxshare Seiko, as well as the current situation and future development potential of the connector OEM market.

Ding Lei and Li Yan feel pretty good, and the Wang brothers and sisters are also a little excited that these two big shots are interested in investing in Luxshare.

That night, I went to live in Guancheng again, and visited Luxshare's Guancheng factory the next morning.

After settling down in a hotel in Guancheng, Lu Tao whispered to Gao Yang, "Brother, there are quite a lot of places to play in Guancheng, do you want to arrange it for you?"

Gao Yang smiled and asked: "Brother Tao, do you often come here to play?"

Lu Tao chuckled: "No, nothing..."

Lu Tao also understood that Gao Yang was not interested in this kind of thing at all.

On February 2th, after attending the Luxshare Guancheng factory, I saw that the workshop was busy, neat and clean, everything was in order, the management was very good, and there were really many orders.

Ding Lei and Li Yan were quite satisfied, and then they returned to the hotel to discuss the matter of investing in shares.

It is not easy to negotiate capital increase and share expansion. According to the intention of the Wang family brothers and sisters, this time the six people jointly increased the capital by 6 million, and each contributed 1.2 million.

Before, the brothers and sisters of the Wang family and Lu Tao invested a total of 4000 million yuan, which should be converted into 8000 million yuan.

Calculated in this way, the registered capital will become 1.6 million, and the total share capital will become 2 million.

Gao Yang, Ding Lei and Li Yan each contributed 2000 million yuan, accounting for 10% of the shares.

Lu Tao invested 2000 million yuan this time, and the actual total investment was 3225 million yuan, calculated as a valuation of 4500 million yuan, accounting for 22.5% of the shares.

The brothers and sisters of the Wang family invested another 4000 million, accounting for a total of 47.5% of the shares.

The premise is that the four people including Lu Tao and Gao Yang are not allowed to act in concert at any time.

In addition, after the capital increase and shareholding, the total voting rights of the Wang family brothers and sisters in the company is 56.5%, and the voting rights of Gao Yang and the other three are 7%.

Ding Lei and Li Yan were a little unhappy about this arrangement, but they were persuaded by Gao Yang.

The brothers and sisters of the Wang family are the most important founders of this company, especially Wang Chun, who is the leader of this company, and they must keep their equity and control of the company.

In the end, the cooperation was finalized, and Wang Chun was also very happy. With the injection of 1.2 million yuan, it plans to open two new factories this year and two more factories next year.

Factories opened, and there were orders.

Gao Yang suggested that among the four new factories Luxshare wants to set up, at least one factory should develop new business, plan to transfer to ODM business, and gradually transition to OEM manufacturing of complete mobile phones.

Wang Chun nodded and agreed. Through Lu Tao, the brothers and sisters of the Wang family already knew that Gao Yang and Lu Tao invested 3000 million US dollars in Silicon Valley to develop an open source mobile phone operating system. Although they are not optimistic about the open source system now, the mobile phone generation Work is indeed a piece of meat and potatoes.

For Luxshare Seiko to develop stably in the future and become stronger and stronger, the OEM of mobile phones must be pursued.

On February 2, the three of Gaoyang initially signed an agreement to inject capital into Luxshare Seiko, and then returned to the capital to start raising funds.

Before the Spring Festival, according to Gao Yang's wishes, Haidilao did not pay dividends in 2005.Gu Yawen plans to borrow 2000 million in the name of Yuanda Company and Yueju Company, so that Gao Yang can invest in Luxshare Seiko.

However, Gao Yang did not intend to invest in his own name, but asked Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan to invest 1000 million each, accounting for 5% of the shares in Luxshare Precision.

Gu Yawen gave birth to a pair of twins. Next, she has to consider paying social maintenance fees for the two children and arrange for their household registration.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen can only reduce the income level in 2005 by not paying dividends and increasing debts at the same time.

After returning to the capital, although Fang Jian, the new CEO, worried about various affairs at the group level, Gao Yang was still very busy.

The bull market has begun, and this year is a good opportunity for the 51 Fortune project to develop by leaps and bounds. The 51 Fortune Real Stock Trading Contest is open for registration.

On February 2th, 20 Fund Network and 51 Fund Bar will also be launched for public testing.

For the research and development work of 51pay, the project expert team sent by Hengsheng Electronics began to discuss the development plan with He Guangwen and others before the Spring Festival.

There is also the release and online public beta of 3 Weibo in March.

In addition, they had to communicate with Ding Lei and Li Yan to form the 51NB alliance and announce the establishment of strategic cooperation between the three companies.

Gao Yang has to keep an eye on and worry about these important matters.

"Zhang Yue, you have been working as an IT media for 8 years. Like the solar media we are doing now, they are all industry media, and the content is relatively professional.

For the 51 Weibo project, we must also pay attention to its media attributes, but it is a popular online media, which is completely different from professional media. If it is done well, the number of users may grow rapidly.

Every Weibo account is equivalent to a self-media. Now the Internet is a bit chaotic. For example, in some forums, users post casually and post all kinds of dregs. After 51 Weibo is launched, we must pay special attention.

This time you joined the 51 Group to be in charge of the Weibo project, and CPI also followed with 5 reporters, which is not enough.

During this time, it is the job-hopping season in the media circle. You find a way to recruit a few experienced editors from the mass media in Beijing. Chen Sen and my friends in Jinyang are also trying to find a way to recruit from Jinyang. The newspaper dug a few editors over.

After the 51 Weibo was launched, the most important task for these colleagues with experience in media work, with the cooperation of the technical department, was to review and screen out vulgar or illegal content that some users may post. Although Weibo has a limit of 70 Chinese characters, it must Take it seriously.

We can’t let such prohibited and illegal content destroy such a product. As the CEO of the project, you must pay attention to content control and strengthen your learning..."

Recently, Gao Yang has been like this, communicating with the operators of various project companies in such a detailed manner.

Zhang Yue said: "Brother Yang, I will work hard. I suggest, should we set up a department responsible for content review?"

Gao Yang said: "There are no conditions yet. Each project company can only arrange personnel audits with the cooperation of the technical department. Next year, the group plans to invest in the construction of a headquarters building. When the office space is abundant, the group will consider setting up a content review Center, to settle this matter."

Zhang Yue exclaimed: "Wow, we can all build our own office buildings?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Yes, in 2007, it should be able to start..."

(End of this chapter)

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