Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 376 The 3000 Million Gold Doll

Chapter 376 The 3000 Million Golden Doll (Happy Holidays)
On the afternoon of April 4, after sweeping the tomb, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen returned to Xishan Garden.

As soon as he got home, Wu Peng came over from Villa No. 6 opposite.

Gao Yang asked: "Second brother, have you found out about Yaoyao and Shitou's settlement?"

Wu Peng said: "It's clear, let's talk about it after entering the room."

After entering the room, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen welcomed Wu Peng into the tea room on the third floor.

Gu Yawen started to make tea, Wu Peng took out the cigarette case, and handed one to Gao Yang: "According to the 2005 income certificate issued by the two of you in Beijing, according to the policy of collecting social maintenance fees in Sichuan, the part exceeding the per capita disposable income, Gu Yawen Yao is taxed at 2 times, and Gao Lei is taxed at 4 times.

Calculated, the social support fees for the two children will total 3016 million yuan. "

Gu Yawen asked: "Second brother, are you sure?"

Wu Peng said: "I'm sure. I asked Director He of the Municipal Family Planning Commission to calculate it according to the current policy. You can pay 1500 million first, and the remaining money can be paid within two years according to the policy."

Gao Yang nodded: "Okay, then let's do this, thank you, Second Brother."

Wu Peng said: "I have another way, and it doesn't violate the policy. Gao Yang's household registration is still in Anhe Town, so Yaoyao and Shitou are allowed to settle in Anhe Town first, and the social maintenance fees are also paid in Anhe Town.

Yaoyao and Shitou are twins. The situation is special. The part that exceeds the per capita disposable income can be taxed at double. In this way, you can save 2 million. "

Gu Yawen asked: "Second brother, is this really not against the policy?"

Wu Peng said: "It's not against the policy. Twins are indeed rare, and it's not uncommon. Director He said that in the past three years, there have been 6 cases of twins paying social maintenance fees in the city, and 5 of them are based on twice the couple's annual income. standard payment.

There is only one case where one of the children pays 4 times the fee. One is that the family income is affordable and the couple are doing business in other provinces.

The second is that the family waited for 6 years, and the child was supposed to go to elementary school before returning to his hometown to take the initiative to apply for the child's household registration. "

Gao Yang looked at Wu Peng with a smile: "Second brother, you have selfish intentions. You want to increase Anhe Town's financial income by 2000 million? We just let Yaoyao and Shitou settle down in Anhe Town. You have to hand over the 2000 million to the county. most of it?"

Wu Peng said: "Yes, I have this idea. I can discuss it with the county. Ideally, Anhe Town can leave 800 million yuan, which is equivalent to the town's extra-budgetary income for two years. It can do a lot of things. of."

Gao Yang thought for a while, then shook his head and smiled: "Second brother, I can't agree to this matter right now, I have to ask the second uncle's opinion first. If the second uncle agrees, then we will go to Anhe Town to go through the formalities."

Wu Peng suddenly became anxious: "Don't be stupid, my old man will definitely let you go through the formalities in the city, and you have to pay 3000 million yuan, which is 1000 million yuan short, Yawen, look at your husband, isn't he too stupid?" gone?"

Gu Yawen pursed her lips and smiled: "Second brother, let Gao Yang decide on such a big matter."

Gao Yang said: "Second brother, don't be so egotistical, this matter really requires the nod of the second uncle, and grandpa."

Wu Peng was speechless for a moment: "You boy, this is 1000 million. Could it be that it was blown by the strong wind?"

Gao Yang just smiled and said nothing.

In 2005, according to Gao Yang, Haidilao did not pay dividends.Because it cost 2.4 million yuan to invest in Hengsheng Electronics, all companies in the 51 Group, including Sunshine, did not distribute dividends to shareholders.

Yuanda Company under the name of Gu Yawen also borrowed funds to 51 Group, repaid the loan, and did not arrange dividends for shareholders.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen's income mainly comes from Wu Peng KTV's dividends, Gu Yawen's operating profit in Yueju Company, and their salaries in 51 Group.

In this way, the actual income of the two in 2005 was greatly reduced.

Otherwise, the two children, Gu Yao and Gao Lei, would have to pay hundreds of millions of social support fees.

In the evening, Gao Yang's family went to Wu's house for dinner. Gao Yang reported to Mr. Wu and Wu Peng's father, Wu Guanghua, about paying social maintenance fees for Gu Yao and Gao Lei and planning to settle in Jinyang.

After Wu Guanghua finished listening, he looked at Gao Yang and Gu Yawen: "If you do it directly in the city, you have to pay 3000 million. If you do it in Anhe Town, you pay 1000 million less. How do you choose?"

Gao Yang said: "Second Uncle, we will do whatever you instruct."

Wu Guanghua said: "I mean, you can do it directly in the city."

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Okay, Second Uncle, then we will do it in the city."

Wu Peng immediately became dissatisfied: "Dad, Gao Yang's household registration is still in Anhe Town, and Yaoyao and Shitou are settled in Anhe Town. It is not against the policy to pay 1000 million less social support fees."

Wu Guanghua frowned: "Anhe Town's economic development level ranks among the top 15 towns in the city, which is not bad. The 3000 million yuan will be used as extra-budgetary special income, and all of it will be included in the municipal finance. You are already in charge. A department-level cadre who governs a large town must have a sense of the overall situation."

Wu Lan interjected, "Gao Yang, this is a difference of 1000 million yuan. Doing as Xiaopeng said won't violate the policy."

Gao Yang said: "Mom, let's do it directly in the city. If you pay an extra 1000 million, it will be regarded as supporting the city's construction and benefiting the people. Neither Yawen nor I hope that someone will use this matter to say something in the future .”

Mr. Wu suddenly asked: "Xiao Gao, Yawen, do you need the 1000 million?"

Gu Yawen smiled slightly: "Grandpa, we have prepared 1500 million, and the remaining 1500 million will be made up within the time limit specified by the policy, no problem."

The old man nodded and said: "Then it should be done in the city, Wu Lan, Xiao Gao's idea is right, you mother should support it.

And Xiaopeng, your father is the head of more than 580 million people in the city, and he is also in his position to seek his own government.

In the past few years, Hongyang Group, a former large profit and tax household, has not been able to manage well, and the financial pressure in the city is not small. You should not just focus on Anhe Town and make your own calculations. "

Wu Peng immediately bowed his head and remained silent, feeling very displeased with Gao Yang.

Stupid guy, he insisted on spending an extra 1000 million to make a contribution.

Gao Yang said: "Grandpa, Second Uncle, our materials are all ready, and we can handle it tomorrow. We just have a request, and we hope that the relevant departments will keep it secret, and don't publicize this matter in the media."

Wu Guanghua nodded and said, "I will ask someone to greet the family planning department. Tomorrow, let Wu Peng take you to Director He of the Family Planning Commission."

This matter is settled like this.

On the morning of April 4rd, Wu Peng took Gao Yang and Gu Yawen to the Municipal Family Planning Commission, went to Director He, and arranged for Gu Yao and Gao Lei to settle down in Jinyang.

In Gu Yawen's bank account, 1500 million has been deposited in advance, and she went to the bank to handle the transfer.

The settlement procedures for Yaoyao and Shitou were completed, and next, they spent more than 20 yuan to buy an 80-square-meter house in the name of Gao Yang in the third phase of Jinyang Garden.

Gao Yang used this house to move the household registration of Anhe Town to Jinyang City before he could register for Yaoyao and Shitou.

(End of this chapter)

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