Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 375 Who is panicking?

Chapter 375 Who is panicking?

On the weekend of April 4st, Gao Yang's family took their children, including Gu Yawen, and Yaoyao Shitou, twin siblings, back to Jinyang.

Tomb-sweeping day is approaching, Gao Yang will accompany his parents to visit the tomb and pay respects to the ancestors.

Yaoyao and Shitou are two months old, and they want to show their grandpa and grandma.

Gu Yawen took Tian Tian, ​​who was almost three and a half years old, to accompany Gao Yang and his parents back to their hometown to visit the grave.

Wu Lan and Wu Ruohan also went to Gaoyang's hometown, bringing Yaoyao and Shitou with them, and Li Xiuzhen also stayed behind.

Gao Yang, his father Gao Yingxue, his elder sister Gao Yue, and Gu Yawen took Tian Tian with them to visit Gaojiashan's tomb and worship their ancestors.

Wu Ruohan also followed to join in the fun.

After sweeping the tomb, Gao Yang asked Tian Tian to ride on his shoulders, and went home along the path in the forest.

Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan walked behind arm in arm, chatting quietly about the things they did when they visited Gaoyang's hometown for the first time during the National Day holiday in 2000.

Fast forward to 6 years, how time flies.

Gu Yawen whispered: "Ruohan, do you have a goal when it comes to your partner?"

Wu Ruohan stopped: "Sister, I've already said it, don't worry about these things for me."

Gu Yawen was silent for a moment, then asked again: "Ruohan, then...will you still be depressed in the future?"

Wu Ruohan shook her head and smiled: "No, for me, this kind of life is pretty good now, feelings and so on, after all, it depends on fate.

My brother-in-law started an offshore asset management company on Hong Kong Island and needed someone to take care of it.

Sister, in the future, I may often go to Hong Kong Island, and I may live there for a period of time every year. "

Gu Yawen said: "If it's arranged like this, then what should you do, stay single like this?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Sister, I've said it all, let's see fate, I'm only 25 years old, still young, don't worry.

In addition, my brother-in-law said that the asset management company on Hong Kong Island is estimated to enter normal operation in the second half of next year.

In the future, we can also buy a house on Hong Kong Island. You can go to Hong Kong Island for vacation every year. "

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "It will be very good to buy a house on Hong Kong Island in the future, Ruohan, you remember, we will always be a family."

Wu Ruohan said: "Sister, I've already made up my mind, when I go to Hong Kong Island, I won't just live there, but for investment.

My brother-in-law has big dreams, 51 Group will continue to grow bigger and stronger, capital is the key, I have to help him with the investment..."

Gao Yang rode Tian Tian on his shoulders, walking in front with Gao Yingxue.

Gao Yang said: "Dad, you have returned to Jinyang this time, and you have to stay again. If you have a cold in the future, don't delay, go to the doctor in time. In addition, if you feel unwell, don't hide it. "

Gao Yingxue said with a smile: "I am in good health now, you can rest assured to take care of your business."

Gao Yang nodded: "I won't be too busy with the company's affairs now. This year's National Day holiday, if you come to the capital again, I will take you to the medical academy for another examination."

Gao Yingxue said: "In the past few years, you have been asked to go to the hospital for examination every year, and what kind of tumor are you checking for? I have always been fine, and I have to go for examination this year?"

Gao Yang said: "Dad, in the past few years in Shimen Village, a dozen people who are about your age have already suffered from cancer. There may be some problems with the water and soil in Shimen Village. Anyway, it is very necessary for you to have an inspection every year."

Gao Yingxue said: "If there is any water and soil problem, it is tiring. You asked Tang Fei to build an orchard in Shimen Village, recruit workers in the village, and help build a road. This is very good. All the villagers will thank you."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Dad, I understand what you mean, don't worry, if the orchard is built and can make money, in the future, we will invest in other agricultural projects in Shimen Village..."

When Gao Yang returned to his hometown to pay respects to his ancestors, Zou Hongwei was organizing the entrepreneurial team to discuss the company's development plans in the capital city of Qihu Company, which has been in business for half a year:
"51 Group is too powerful. In just three years, one project after another, one product after another, one after another, centering on social networking, has built a traffic platform perfectly.

Our team, starting from 3271, has also adopted a traffic strategy. Now that we have founded Qihu, we feel that the road ahead is almost blocked.

One is the Goose Factory and the other is the 51 Group, which have become two big mountains standing in front of us, and we have to find a new way out in the gap..."

"Mr. Zou, for the current plan, I suggest returning to the original idea of ​​3271 on the premise of continuing to do a good job in BBS search.

I suggest building a browser with search and security features, which can generate a lot of traffic if done well. "

"I support Mr. Zhao's suggestion. Following the idea of ​​3271, building a browser with a search function has a lot of market space. When the traffic is established, it is easy to generate cash flow..."

On April 4rd, at the Goose Factory, the high-level executives held a strategic-level seminar. The meeting had only one theme, which was how to deal with the rapid rise of the 3 Group.

Boss Ma has a serious face:
"Gao Yang, the main founder of 51 Group, was the editor-in-chief of an IT media in 2000. At that time, he wrote a review article called "Death of .com". For example, I discussed the Internet winter with you.

It has been almost 6 years now, the 51 Group founded by Mr. Gao has developed at an incredible growth rate, and has become an opponent we have to face.

In 2004, Goose Factory was listed on the Hong Kong stock market. On the eve of our listing, appeared.

Afterwards, acquired Foxmail for 4000 million yuan, which attracted our attention. We went to negotiate the acquisition of, but after being rejected, we gave up immediately.

Soon, 51 Renren, a very imaginative SNS website, developed even faster after it came out.

We also paid more attention to it, and went to negotiate the acquisition again, but was rejected.

In this way, in less than two years, 51talk, 51 fortune, 51 game, 51 guard, and 51 Weibo just came out...

51 Group has launched platform-based products one after another, and popular apps one after another.

In particular, 51 Weibo, a very imaginative social and media platform, has become a banner in the Chinese Internet circle in terms of application innovation.

All this makes us both dazzled and incredible.

However, this is the reality that has happened.

51 Group, according to its publicly announced product layout with social platforms as the core and pan-media business as the main direction, has actually been fully formed, forming a very powerful product matrix with a lot of room for development, and has evolved into a quite Complete system now.

In the past, after we were listed on the Hong Kong stock market, we had a large amount of cash in our hands. In terms of user traffic, using a client product such as QQ as the core also has a huge advantage.

In less than two years, we have made major mistakes in investment decision-making and external acquisitions. We must reflect, summarize, and make up for it.

In the past, we looked at a newcomer in the industry such as 51 Group from an overlooking attitude. Now, 51 Group has rapidly grown into our main competitor.

51talk acquired POPO, and its development has accelerated significantly. Although QQ still has a great traffic advantage in the face of 51talk.

However, in the face of such a systematic traffic platform combination as 51 Group, our comprehensive traffic advantage is no longer obvious, and we no longer have an absolute leading advantage.

The 51 Group is already a respectable, even terrifying opponent, we must seriously discuss from a strategic level, how to deal with the possible competitive situation..."

The Goose Factory's strategy seminar lasted all day, and the final result of the discussion was:
To start developing free antivirus software;
It is necessary to quickly establish a project and develop products like 51 Weibo;
In response to the rapid development of 51talk, we must find a way and take measures to suppress it...

A client platform like QQ is the lifeblood of Goose Factory. It should not and cannot allow competitors of the same level to exist in the market.

However, in just over two years, 51 Group quickly completed a platform-based product layout, interlocking, like a battle formation without any obvious loopholes, like a tortoise shell, which made Goose Factory feel helpless... …

(End of this chapter)

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