Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 380 51 Group Helps You Realize Your Dream

Chapter 380 51 Group Helps You Realize Your Dream
The dinner and meeting ended after 8:[-] pm. Gao Yang and his party shook hands with Chen Hua and Zhang Yiming to say goodbye.

Chen Hua drove Zhang Yiming back to the company, and suddenly asked, "Yiming, do you think Kuxun should be sold?"

Zhang Yiming asked back: "Mr. Chen, Kuxun has just been established for more than 3 months and has 8000 million. Are you not interested?"

Chen Hua sighed, "Yeah, it's hard not to be tempted. President Gao is too courageous. No wonder 51 Group is developing so fast..."

Gao Yang and his party were also discussing this topic on the road.

He Guangwen said: "Gao Yang, is it too expensive to acquire a small company like Kuxun for 8000 million yuan? Our research institute and Baidu will work together to make a similar search engine within three to five months."

Gao Yang said: "Guangwen, 8000 million seems like a lot. For us, time is more valuable and talents are more valuable. We must pursue efficiency.

Regardless of whether it is or the entire 51 Group, except for Sunshine, which has established an absolute advantage in the solar media industry, in the Internet industry, our traffic is developing rapidly, and our business model is developing relatively slowly.

Generally speaking, 51 Group has not yet formed its own moat. After the launch of 51pay, the business model has a good tool to support it. With a formed business model and strong cash flow, 51 Group will have a better An increasingly stable moat.

A-shares are now in a very clear bull market trend, 8000 million, for the market value of our company's holdings, a small increase, maybe in a day or two, it will rise..."

Gao Yang took the profit of the stock as an example, Fang Jian and Jin Yang simply stopped talking.

To be rich is to be arrogant.

Gao Yang continued: "We will jointly invest in the establishment of an Internet industry research institute with Baidu and Yiwang, and we will have to wait for the second half of the year at the earliest.

When this research institute is established and R&D is on the right track, in the future, it may not be necessary to acquire start-up companies to solve the technical needs of project companies.

Of course, there is no need to completely rule out the shortcut of acquisition..."

On April 4, Chen Hua's Kuxun entrepreneurial team held a meeting with investor Lianchuang Fund to discuss the overall acquisition of the company by 25 Group.

The representative of Lianchuang Fund was overjoyed. Lianchuang Fund invested 200 million US dollars in Kuxun and got 45% of the shares. It was just over a month later. If Kuxun was acquired by for 51 million, the 200 US dollars would become More than 440 million US dollars.

A fool would not sell it.

The other members of Kuxun's entrepreneurial team are naturally happy. Kuxun's initial investment is only 300 million, and it has increased in value by more than 20 times in just over three months. Idiots would not sell it.

It's a pity that it would have been better if it hadn't received investment from Lianchuang Fund.

Seeing the attitude of the team members, Chen Hua also knew that everyone felt that they had hit a big luck, and Kuxun really had to be sold.

On the afternoon of April 4th, Chen Hua rushed to the Weber Building, met with Gao Yang, and said that he and the investors of Kuxun agreed to sell Kuxun and related technical intellectual property for 25 million yuan.

Gao Yang said: "Mr. Chen, the acquisition of Kuxun by is based on a mature life search engine and a technical team. Is there anyone in Kuxun's technical team who is unwilling to join"

Chen Hua said: "Mr. Gao, the entire technical team of Kuxun are willing to join"

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Then what about Mr. Chen?"

Chen Hua said, "Mr. Gao, personally, I tend to start a business again."

Gao Yang asked again: "Mr. Chen, what is the purpose of your business and what is your vision?"

Chen Hua thought for a while: "There are two aspects. One is the sense of accomplishment brought by the success of technological innovation, and it also contributes to the development of Huaxia's Internet industry. The second is naturally for wealth."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, your two visions can actually be realized in 51 Group, and compared to starting your own business, the realization speed is faster and the possibility is greater.

In terms of technology research and development, 51 Group has now established a research institute whose current main direction is to apply technology to serve the actual needs of various project companies.

In the next step, 51 Group will jointly invest with Yiwang and Baidu to establish an Internet Industry Technology Research Institute. The research and development direction will be layered, from basic technology to application layer, and will be fully developed in the form of research institutes or projects.

I believe that this joint research institute will become one of the largest industrial technology research institutes in China with the highest research and development level.

In the future, this research institute will also establish close cooperative relations with key domestic universities, and even participate in some national-level technical research projects.

If Mr. Chen's ambition is to serve the country with technology, this institute is very suitable for you.

As for wealth, it is even simpler. In a few years, 51 Group's Internet projects will apply for IPO one after another. According to the current development speed, the probability of successful listing is very high.

Before the IPO, the project company will be transformed into a joint-stock company. One is to promote employee stock ownership, and the other is to introduce PE institutions.

In the future, Mr. Chen will be able to achieve financial freedom by investing and holding the equity of each project company of the 51 Group, which is much easier than starting your own business..."

Chen Hua thought for a while: "Mr. Gao, then I'll try it in Group 51 first."

Gao Yang got up and shook hands with Chen Hua: "Mr. Chen, I believe that 51 Group will not let you down. You are a first-class technical expert in search engines, so I ask you to be the vice president of 51 Research Institute and focus on search. Engine research and development tasks.

After the 51NB Research Institute is completed, you will have more room to play. "

Chen Hua asked curiously, "President Gao, what is 51NB?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "The abbreviation of 51 Group, Yiwang and Baidu, our three companies have established a strategic partnership. This is not false. One is that we want to establish a joint research institute; , have invested in the three Internet projects of the 51 Group."

Chen Hua praised: "Mr. Gao is really amazing. He has established such a deep cooperative relationship with Baidu and Yiwang."

Gao Yang said: "This is because everyone shares the same goals and is willing to work together to promote industrial progress..."

The acquisition of Kuwang was quickly finalized, and the next step was to go through the process and prepare for the press conference.

Gao Yang felt that it was worth buying such a start-up company as a whole with 8000 million yuan. The most important thing was to acquire such an excellent technical team and also captured Zhang Yiming, the future boss.

Zhang Yiming has just graduated from university and is still relatively immature. 51 Group has plenty of room for him to grow and develop.

As for whether Zhang Yiming will leave 51 Group to start his own business in the future, Gao Yang is not worried at all.

Zhang Yiming really started to shine, it was the mobile Internet era later, Gao Yang had a lot of ways to make him reluctant to leave the 51 Group.

Or, Zhang Yiming still wants to start a business in the future, it is also very simple, I support you, invest in you, and let you venture boldly.

At that time, whether it is the 51 Group or Gao Yang himself, there will be plenty of money...

(End of this chapter)

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