Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 381 You Will Be the CTO of

Chapter 381 You Will Be the CTO of
For the acquisition of a small company with nearly 50 employees like Kuxun, there is actually nothing to investigate in terms of due diligence.

The main assets of Kuxun are actually some office equipment. There are more than 1300 million cash lying on the company's books, and then there is a team of nearly 50 people.

In fact, 51 Tongcheng only spent more than 6600 million yuan to acquire such a very good start-up company.

Yongzheng Accounting Firm, jointly founded by Zhao Lei and Wu Ruohan, also received its first business order from 51 Group. From April 4 to April 26, Yongzheng completed its due diligence and issued an investigation report.

Next, it is the big holiday of the May Day Golden Week.

Gao Yang indicated that Chen Hua could arrange for Kuxun Company to take a sum of money from the account and give each employee 8000 yuan for the festival, so that they can take a good May Day holiday.

On May 5th, will hold a press conference, inviting only the mainstream media in the capital, and announce the acquisition of Kuxun for 51 million yuan.

Afterwards, the entire team of Kuxun will move to Weber Building and become a member of 51 Group.

Some personnel will be integrated into, and others will be arranged into other project companies.

Today, the 51 Group's office in the Weber Building is divided into 6 offices, with a total of more than 900 people.

The Human Resources Department has recruited more than 200 undergraduates and postgraduates in the past two months.

Regional companies are also aggressively recruiting people this year. Only the 51 local stations newly opened by this year will recruit more than 400 people.

In 2006, excluding Broad Company and Yueju Company, the total number of employees of 51 Group will exceed 2500.

Before the May Day, financial arrangements have been made to China Merchants Bank, the account opening bank of 51 Group, for a short-term loan of 6600 million yuan with a term of one year.

China Merchants Bank is happy to provide loans to 51 Group. All the companies of 51 Group have accounts with China Merchants Bank, and the annual turnover is several hundred million, so there is no need to worry about solvency.

In the second half of 2005, the third-party bank-securities custody was opened, and the stock accounts and fund custody banks of the 51 Group companies all chose China Merchants Bank.

China Merchants Bank is naturally aware that 51 Group is a high-quality customer and is not short of money at all.

Gao Yang chose to cooperate with this bank because it provides the best service and has more high-net-worth clients. It is much easier to deal with than several large state-owned banks.

As far as I can remember, this bank has never exposed scandals such as misappropriation of customer deposits by insiders.

During the May Day holiday, Yaoyao and Shitou just celebrated their [-]th day, and Gao Yang returned to Jinyang with his family to hold a [-]th day banquet for the two children.

On May 5st, Gu Yawen turned 1 years old. In the evening, she celebrated her birthday at Xishan Garden's home. Mr. Wu and the old lady visited Xishan Garden for the first time.

On May 5th, it was still in the guest house of the Jinyang Municipal Party Committee. A banquet was held on a small scale, mainly for relatives and friends. In the end, there were still about ten tables.

Going back to his hometown this time, Gao Yang heard all the good news.

The store opening plan of Jiajiahui Supermarket is going well, and DM Business has finally made a breakthrough in revenue this year. Judging from the past four months, the revenue scale of DM Business this year is expected to exceed 600 million.

In addition, Sihai Liquor has successfully won the distribution rights of Wuliangye in Jinyang. The revenue of the liquor company is expected to exceed 600 million this year, and the probability is very high.

The single-store sales performance of Jiajiahui Supermarket has also increased significantly. Yang Yong and Jiang Bing feel that the retail consumption market has increased significantly this year, and the off-season is not slow.

In 2007, He Yong is expected to be promoted to the head office, and Wu Peng is also expected to be promoted to the deputy office. They are all making progress, and the progress is very fast, all because of their achievements.

As for Xiao Jin, he is also a hard-working career man now. Whenever he has time, he will go to the construction site of Anren Road to check, such as cement grades, steel reinforcement consumption, concrete thickness, etc., and so on.

Wu Peng and Xiao Jin, as the top leaders of the two townships, sent township cadres and village group cadres to work in shifts on the construction site every day to ensure the quality of the project.

Going back to his hometown this time, Gao Yang went to the orchard in Shimen Village to see the renovation situation. His cousin Tang Fei is very diligent and manages well. He has transformed more than 800 acres, and under the guidance of agricultural technology experts, more than 600 acres have been planted with fruit seedlings. .

This May Day holiday, Gao Yang also had a relaxed and happy life. On April 4, the stock index had already stabilized at 28 points. The profit-making effect of the bull market is coming soon...

On May 5, held a press conference for the acquisition of Kuxun, and only invited more than 51 media in Beijing. The location of the conference was the Shangri-La Hotel not far from the Weber Building.

Gao Yang did not attend the press conference, Fang Jian, Jin Yang, He Guangwen and others attended, and the founder of Kuxun, Chen Hua.

51 Tongcheng acquired a start-up company like Kuxun for 8000 million yuan, which still became a big news in the Internet circle.

Ding Lei and Li Yan didn't know about this beforehand, and the press conference was still in progress. After the news came out on the Internet, Ding Lei and Li Yan's jaws dropped in shock.

The two called Gao Yang one after another to inquire about this matter, and Gao Yang explained:

"The acquisition of Kuxun is because this company is good at making life-like search engines, and the entire technical team has joined 51 Group. has completed the reorganization of the business department of the business line. After 51pay is launched, there will be a search engine for life, which will be even more powerful. must race against time and strive to achieve a revenue of over [-] million this year..."

Both Ding Lei and Li Yan knew about the reorganization of the business department of the 51 Tongcheng business line, and Gao Yang had consulted these two big men for this matter before.

Ding Lei was a little worried: "Gao Yang, you spend a lot of money, what if your capital chain breaks?"

Gao Yang chuckled: "Brother Lei, don't worry, 51 Group will never break its capital chain."

Neither Ding Lei nor Li Yan knew that 51 Group had invested a large amount of money in the stock market and was making money almost every week.

On May 5th, the A-shares surged in heavy volume, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose by nearly 8%, approaching 4 points. The stock positions of the 1500 Group companies rose by 51 million on this day.

On May 5, the Shanghai stock index continued to rise in volume, and the 9 Group made another 51 million yuan that day.

The money-making effect is obvious. 51 Stock Bar and 51 Fund Bar are very lively, and new registered users are increasing at an average rate of 400 million per day.

On the profit ranking list of the 51 Fortune Real Stock Trading Contest, the rankings are changing every day. Some people even made a profit of more than 30% in two days.

Gao Yang just looked at the stock market, he has a lot of funds, and he has no interest in making short-term quick money.


The money-making effect has stimulated off-market funds to run into the market. 51 Fortune's real stock market competition ranked first, and its profit exceeded 300% in two and a half months.

Today is also the day when the original Kuxun team officially moved to the Weber Building.

After 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Yiming received a call from the president's office, saying that the chairman wanted to talk to him.

Zhang Yiming was flattered, and when he came to Gao Yang's office, Gao Yang first asked about his personal experience, and then suddenly said:
"Yiming, 51 Group already has a relatively well-established system for employees' career planning.

One is the direction of technology research and development, from interns, assistant engineers, engineers, senior engineers... and so on, the highest level is the chief scientist in a certain technical field.

The second is the direction of management, which also starts from interns to the vice president, CEO and group management of the project company.

How do you think about your career planning? "

Zhang Yiming did not expect that Gao Yang, the big boss, summoned him on the first day he officially came to work in Weber Building, and would ask him such a question.

Zhang Yiming thought about it carefully, and replied: "Mr. Gao, I am a programmer. I want to do research and development seriously at this stage. If I have the opportunity in the future, I also want to try a management position."

Gao Yang said: "The 51 Group already has six or seven project companies in the Internet sector. If you are asked to be the CTO of a project company now, would you dare to take it?"

"Ah?" Zhang Yiming was taken aback, and then he gritted his teeth, "Thank you Mr. Gao for your trust. If there is such an opportunity, I want to try it."

Gao Yangdao: " is the first Internet project we founded, and it is currently the largest project. This year, is also rapidly promoting the construction of regional sub-stations while reorganizing its business line into a business department.

The CTO of has always been co-authored by Professor He. He also has to coordinate the work of the research institute, so he is a bit busy.

You first assist Professor He in the R&D and technical team management of this project as an assistant CTO.

I will give you three months, and after three months, come and tell me if you are qualified for the position of CTO of

Yiming, will expand rapidly this year, and strive to achieve breakthroughs in revenue in the business line.

This CTO position is different from ordinary CTOs. I hope you will help Professor He lead the technical team well, and at the same time, think more about how to combine technology research and development with the business model of the business line. "

Zhang Yiming said: "Thank you Mr. Gao, I will work hard..."

(End of this chapter)

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