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Chapter 382 "Kung Fu Panda" is on fire

Chapter 382 "Kung Fu Panda" is on fire

Wu Xi, CEO of 51game, has joined 51 Group for a year.

In 2005, Wu Xi led his team of more than 20 people to develop the SNS web game "Kung Fu Panda" for 51 Renren by receiving orders, and was later conquered by Gao Yang's idea of ​​"51 Happy Farm".

Afterwards, "51 Happy Farm" went viral when it was launched, and Wu Xi was completely convinced. 51 Game Company began to enter a stage of great development, asking money for money and people for people.

In the past year, 51 Games is an inconspicuous department within the 51 Group, but it has grown to a scale of more than 150 employees.

In the domestic market, apart from "51 Happy Farm", 51 Games has only developed two small SNS games, one called "Lianlianpeng" and the other called "Xiaoxiaole", both of which are played for free on 51talk. Users of Ren, 51 Guardian, 51 Fortune, 51 Weibo and 51 City can play, but they need to register as 51talk users.

Registration is also very convenient, and it can be generated with one click.

According to Gao Yang's requirements, the user accounts of each platform under the 51 Group had a unified number, which was called [51 ID card].

When a user registers on each platform of 51, a digital number will be generated first, and this number is the user's unique number on all platforms of the 51 series.

On the basis of this digital number, the user can set the screen name, nickname or real name displayed on the front end.

Today, the "ID card" numbering scheme for 51 series users, which even He Guangwen despised trouble at the beginning, has won the admiration of all project executives and engineers of the group.

So practical, so great benefits.

This user's "ID card" number is actually a chain connecting the products of 51 platforms.

The rapid development of 51talk's user scale is closely related to this unified identity number.

The user scale growth of almost all platform products has benefited from this user ID number.

This ID number is the user's passport on each platform of the 51 series. You can set a unified user account password, and then easily switch between the platforms of the 51 series.

Registering as a new platform user is also one-click generation, and even the account password can be generated by default.

In order to realize such a platform registration interoperability function, He Guangwen organized a technical team to tackle key problems, but it took more than two months to find a solution and complete the task.

The two small games "Lianlianpeng" and "Xiaoxiaole" developed by Wu Xi's team are just a part of the work for more than a year.

Wu Xi's more important job is to develop the overseas version of "51 Happy Farm" and the online game "Kung Fu Panda".

According to the original idea of ​​"Kung Fu Panda", Gao Yang's request was to develop it for netizens who are interested in Chinese Kung Fu and martial arts culture in overseas markets.

The overseas version of "51 Happy Farm" was launched in overseas markets one after another in November 2005, and it was also very popular. By May 11, the number of overseas users had exceeded 2006 million, with a monthly income of about one million US dollars. Props revenue sharing.

However, in the eyes of Gao Yang, this amount of money is just a small amount of money.

What Gao Yang valued more was "Kung Fu Panda", a real online game.

The development team of this game has expanded from more than 30 people at the beginning to hundreds of people, and finally completed the internal test at the end of April 2006. It was released overseas on May 4, and the public beta was officially launched.

On May 5, after half a month of sideways trading, the Shanghai stock index once again stood at 30 points. The trend was very strong, and there was almost no decent correction.

The characteristics of a bull market are very obvious.

After 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Wu Xi came to report to Gao Yang, with an excited face: "Mr. Gao, "Kung Fu Panda" has become popular. The public beta will officially end at 12 noon the day after tomorrow. During the 25 days of the public beta, the number of registered users has exceeded 200 million. people, mainly in North America.

In June, we plan to officially launch fee-based operations. In addition to the public server in North America, we plan to open another public server in Paris.

The popularity of this Chinese kung fu culture game in overseas markets has exceeded expectations. We expect that the number of registered users will exceed 1000 million, and it is expected to earn tens of millions of dollars a year in the future. "

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Brother Xi, congratulations on your initial success. Have you completed the copyright registration for overseas markets?"

Wu Xidao: "It's all done, Mr. Gao, we want to register a company in North America, Europe and Southeast Asia one after another, establish a research and development center, recruit a group of overseas talents, and develop multilingual versions."

Gao Yang said: "I agree, the game business can also be very big, you just go boldly."

Wu Xi said again: "Mr. Gao, the English version of "Kung Fu Panda" is becoming popular, and we expect it to become popular in the domestic market. Therefore, we plan to develop a Hanfu version and put it on the domestic market."

Gao Yang lit a cigarette, and after thinking for a while: "Well, the domestic version can be made, but the operation of the game is left to Yiwang to act as an agent."

Wu Xi said in amazement: "Mr. Gao, there is no need for this. We can operate it by ourselves."

Gao Yang shook his head: "I promised Brother Lei back then that 51 Group, Yiwang and Baidu have their own main business development directions, and they do not constitute direct competition at the business level. This is the overall strategic development of the company."

Wu Xi understood: "Okay, Mr. Gao, how about the matter of authorizing Yiwang to represent "Kung Fu Panda"?"

Gao Yang asked: "What kind of rules are the current game agency share ratio?"

Wu Xidao: "It is mainly divided into first-level authorized agents and basic agents. The proportion of the share is still determined through negotiation between the two parties. Some first-line agents can share up to 80%, and there are direct buyouts. For example, Shengda bought out "Legend" at the beginning."

Gao Yang said: "Let's see, "Kung Fu Panda" is considering letting Yiwang be the sole agent in the Chinese market. I'll communicate with Brother Lei first, and consider the ratio of [-]-[-]% first."

Wu Xidao: "Mr. Gao, "Kung Fu Panda" has a user base of "Kung Fu Panda" in the domestic market, and it is very likely to become a blockbuster. It will be divided into [-] and [-]%. We are at a disadvantage, and Yiwang is the exclusive agent. into."

Gao Yang said: "Brother Xi, our strategic alliance with Yiwang and Baidu is not empty talk, 51 Games can definitely discuss the model of in-depth cooperation with Yiwang in the future.

On your side, you should also closely follow the dynamics of the global online game industry. When necessary, 51 Games can consider cooperating with Yiwang Games to jointly acquire one or two world-class game companies, and the two sides will develop together.

The scale of the Huaxia Internet market is indeed large enough, and it will become even bigger in the future. For example, Boss Chen once became the richest man by acting as an agent of "Legend".

Brother Xi, when we are doing the Internet, we should not just focus on the domestic market, and then work desperately with domestic counterparts to engage in introversion. We can develop and make money in overseas markets, that is our true skill.

If 51 Games wants to become bigger and stronger, it needs to have a strategic vision and layout. It must look at the world, seek cooperation with excellent domestic counterparts, and join hands with each other instead of competing with each other. "

Wu Xi smiled embarrassingly. It turned out that he was too small and the boss had a great vision.


On June 6st, Gao Yang had to spare time to spend Children's Day with his three children.

On the evening of June 6, Gao Yang invited Ding Lei to have dinner, and brought Wu Xi with him, while Ding Lei brought Wan Hong with him.

Wu Xi introduced the popularity of the public beta test of "Kung Fu Panda" in the North American market, and the plan to launch a Chinese version in the domestic market.

Gao Yang and Ding Lei agreed that "Kung Fu Panda" will be exclusively represented by Yiwang in the domestic market, and Sanqi will share the ratio.

After finalizing this principle, Wu Xi will communicate with the person in charge of Yiwang's game business for the rest...

(End of this chapter)

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