Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 383 If you dare to use it, I dare to pay double!

Chapter 383 If you dare to use it, I dare to pay double!
As the money-making effect of the stock market comes out, more and more funds are entering the market to invest in A shares.

In mid-June, after a slight correction in the Shanghai stock index, it broke through 6 points on July 7.

51 Financial Services Company entered the market with 1.8 million funds, Gao Yang designated the target, Wu Ruohan traded at home, completed the opening of the position in mid-June, and by the beginning of July, the floating profit of the full position had exceeded 6 million.

51 became popular all the way, and 51 Stock Bar and 51 Fund Bar have become the most popular SNS investment and wealth management forum in China.

The total number of users of 51 Fortune has exceeded 8000 million, and the daily active users are as high as 2500 million.

July 7th, a small heat, the weather is very hot.

51 Group once again held a grand press conference at the World Trade Hotel, inviting more than 200 mainstream media from across the country to attend as usual.

This time, the press conference of 51 Group did not keep a secret. In the media invitation letter, it stated that 51 Financial Services Company, a subsidiary of 51 Group, officially launched the third-party online payment tool 51pay.

The Chinese name of 51pay is [51bei].

The 51 Group is also going to do online payment, which is another big explosive news for the media circle.

Today, Goose Factory’s FortunePay is still unknown, and few people outside the circle know that Goose Factory also has online payment services.

In the media circle, almost everyone only knows that Ali designed and launched Zhifubao for his own e-commerce platform.

In 2005, the public data of showed that the sales volume reached 80 billion, which was a hot news at the beginning of this year.

At that time, some media commented that Ali’s e-commerce business only reached more than 2003 million in 2000, because Zhifubao was only launched in October of that year, and it took risks to promote it vigorously.

In 2004, the effect of Zhifubao came out. Ali’s e-commerce business achieved a sales scale of 10 billion that year.

By 2005, it suddenly increased by 8 times, reaching a sales scale of 80 billion.

Some media believe that 2005 can be regarded as the first year of China's e-commerce.

Today, the 51 Group, which focuses on social platforms, is a rapidly rising Internet rookie in China, and suddenly announced its entry into third-party online payment, which is naturally a big news in the eyes of the media.

Is 51 Group going to enter e-commerce too?
What channels will 51 Group use to enter into e-commerce? Is it possible to build an e-commerce platform like Ali?
Many media are curious about this.


The host of the press conference is still the old pair of Shen Xin and Zhou Wenbin.

Today's press conference, except for the BGM of "Small Knife Club Overture" before the opening, the whole process is quite serious.

The keynote speaker at the press conference was He Guangwen, CTO of 51 Group and professor of 51 Research Institute, also called Dr. He.

The other is Zhao Yongchun, the CEO of 51 Financial Services Company. Today Zhao Yongchun made his public appearance in front of the media for the first time.

Most of the top executives of the 51 Group were present today. Next to Gao Yang, there were still two big bosses, Ding Lei and Li Yan.

He Guangwen first took the stage and delivered a speech on behalf of 51 Group, and then began to explain the research and development process, application characteristics, technical solutions and so on of 51pay.

Then, Zhao Yongchun took the stage, and first explained the development of the third-party online payment market in China's Internet industry.

Zhifubao is not the only third-party online payment at present. For example, Goose Factory has Fortune Tong, which was incorporated in 2005.

There is also a company called Wangyin Online, a 3C e-commerce company Jingdong Multimedia, which was incorporated in 2003.

Zhao Yongchun began to describe the development prospects of third-party online payment, as well as the advantages and characteristics of 51pay's late development.

51pay’s late-comer advantage is that 51 Group has more than 4 million user traffic, and 51 Financial Services has in-depth cooperation with Hengsheng Electronics, a top financial IT company in China.

51pay has signed settlement agreements with three of the four major state-owned banks and six joint-stock banks across the country, which is sufficient to meet users' online payment needs.

He Guangwen and Zhao Yongchun gave a speech for over an hour.

Next, Gao Yang and Fang Jian invited Ding Lei and Li Yan to take the stage together, and together with He Guangwen and Zhao Yongchun, they accepted questions from the media for half an hour.

A beautiful reporter grabbed the first question and got up and asked: "I would like to ask Mr. Gao, 51 Group has launched an online payment tool such as 51pay. Is 51 Group going to enter e-commerce and will it compete directly with Ali?" ?”

Gao Yang took the microphone from Zhou Wenbin and replied with a smile: "We will try e-commerce, for example, is going nationwide, and this year it will cover 30 key cities across the country.

51 Tongcheng is an Internet company that provides daily life applications in the same city. We plan to try e-commerce in the same city. It is different from Ali’s model, and there is no direct competition.

However, this is not the focus of the 51pay application.

With the social platform as the core, 51 Group has built platform-based projects in multiple directions such as intra-city applications, social networking, finance, security protection, microblog, games, etc. The total traffic of users has exceeded 4 million.

51pay can first be used on platforms such as 51 Group, providing efficient and convenient value-added services for the majority of users.

In addition, Yiwang and Baidu have established a strategic partnership with 51 Group, and the platforms of Yiwang and Baidu will also support 51pay. "

Followed by a male reporter and asked: "The 51pay mentioned by Mr. Gao just now will be applied on the platforms of the 51 Group, as well as the platforms of Yiwang and Baidu. Specifically, how to apply it. The current free products of the 51 Group, such as 51 Guard and 51 anti-virus software, will it switch to charging?"

Gao Yang said: "Let Mr. Zhao answer this question."

Zhao Yongchun took the microphone and explained: "Third-party online payment mainly has two settlement modes: 2b and 2c, and there will also be deeper settlement modes such as 2b and then 2c.

For example, when we do e-commerce business, there is 2b between the platform and merchants, and 2c between merchants and online shopping consumers.

For example, Yiwang's game business also has settlement models such as 2b and 2c. In short, the simplification and convenience of the entire payment process brought about by online payment can improve transaction and settlement efficiency.

As for the application of 51pay on the various platforms of 51 Group, it has nothing to do with the free products of the previous platforms, but it is convenient for us to provide value-added services for users.

For example, on our financial platform 51 Fortune, we can provide investors with value-added services such as investment software and professional data analysis, and users can use 51pay to make payments.

In addition, we have always been free of SNS games such as 51 Happy Farm, Lianlianpeng, and Xiaoxiaole, and there are ranking competitions every month to present awards to the winners on the leaderboard.

In the past, the prizes we awarded were mobile phone top-up passwords. After these users open 51pay, we can reward cash directly. Users can withdraw cash from 51pay and deposit it into their bank cards..."

Another reporter asked: "Third-party online payment is currently promoted by several Internet companies, and the policy level is not clear. How does 51 Group view this issue?"

Gao Yang motioned to Fang Jian, CEO of the group, to answer this question.

Fang Jian replied: "From the perspective of the general development trend of the domestic Internet industry, the development of third-party online payment is inevitable, because it will help improve transaction efficiency and facilitate public consumption.

We will not speculate on policy-level matters, but you have also seen that Ali launched Zhifubao for almost three years. Last year, Ali’s e-commerce sales reached 80 billion, and there is no support for the network. The paid policy comes out. "

Gao Yang took the microphone again: "I'll add something to this reporter friend's question.

We believe that online payment has great potential for development and will profoundly change people's consumption and lifestyle.

For the payment platform itself, the most important factor to win users is the credit of the platform itself.

Therefore, in order to promote Zhifubao, Ali yelled such rhetoric as "if you dare to use it, I will dare to pay for it".

With the development of online payment, Ali has also achieved a sales scale of 80 billion e-commerce. This is the platform credit at work, and both merchants and consumers trust the platform credit.

51 Group also supports this, and we are willing to work with our peers to promote the development of online payment.

51pay will launch advertisements in the future, and everyone will see in the advertisements that 51pay will also have a credit promise, our promise is 'you dare to use, I dare to pay double'..."

Another reporter asked: "51pay is an English name, and at the same time there is a Chinese name [51bei]. What are the considerations for such a design?"

Zhao Yongchun answered this question: "pay is an English word that means payment. The character Bei in Chinese characters used to mean currency in ancient times.

51pay and 51bei, different names but synonymous, have a homophonic effect.

51 Bei is promoted for domestic users and is easy to identify.In addition, we believe that Huaxia's online payment will develop to the day when it goes abroad, so 51 Group also designed and registered the name 51pay at the same time..."

Next, the reporter asked Ding Lei and Li Yan, both of whom said that Yiwang and Baidu would support the development of 51pay, and at the same time, Yiwang and Baidu also invested in the company 51 Golden Stock.

The half-hour session of answering questions from reporters soon came to an end.

The next step is still to arrange 20 key media to do exclusive interviews, Gao Yang did not participate anymore, and Fang Jian, He Guangwen and Zhao Yongchun will accept the exclusive interviews with reporters.

Gao Yang left the venue and invited Ding Lei and Li Yan to dinner at noon.

At the dinner table, Ding Lei said: "Gao Yang, there is still no clear policy for third-party online payment, so there are still risks."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Brother Lei, if there is a real policy risk, how can Ali make an online shopping scale of 80 billion, which is estimated to at least double this year.

I always believe that the state will support it. Now, Internet companies are acquiescing to test the water and cross the river by feeling the stones.

Online payment is a key part of the development of the Internet industry, how could the policy not support it. "

Li Yan smiled and said: "Old Ding, I agree with Gao Yang's point of view, you are too worried. Online payment is a kind of application innovation. If it really develops and becomes popular, in terms of consumption alone, the market efficiency will be greatly improved. "

Gao Yang suddenly asked: "Brother Lei, Brother Yan, now that 51pay has been officially released, shouldn't it be time for our cooperation in the 51NB Alliance to go further?"

(End of this chapter)

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