Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 390 Jingdong Raises 2000 Million Dollars

Chapter 390 Jingdong Raises 2000 Million Dollars

Faced with Gao Yang's stubbornness, Xu Xin also understood that her venture capital today can only invest in 51 Group's planned listing projects in the future in the form of PE investment.

Xu Xin asked again: "Gao Yang, if Jingdong develops in the future, where will the preferred IPO market go?"

Gao Yangdao: "Jingdong's IPO will most likely go to NASDAQ, followed by Hong Kong stocks. Jingdong, a company, must burn a lot of money and need continuous financing. It is unrealistic to achieve profitability in the short term."

Xu Xin finally felt relieved: "If Jingdong's IPO is the first choice for Nasdaq, I think the team of today's venture capital will be willing to invest in now."

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Sister Xin, if you are willing to invest in Jingdong, how much are you going to invest this time?"

Xu Xin said: "It should be 2000 million US dollars to invest in, I want to invest more, but you and Liu Dong are not willing to give it."

Gao Yang said: "Sister Xin, this is Jingdong's A round of financing, and you can follow up on the next B round."

Xu Xin rolled her eyes and said, "Nonsense, Jingdong's A round has been invested by you, and the A round of financing is 2000 million US dollars, which is rare in the world."

Gao Yang chuckled: "Sister Xin, Ali received 2500 million US dollars from Softbank for the A round."

Xu Xin suddenly had nothing to say, so she could only say: "You can define it however you want, anyway, in my eyes, Jingdong is now the B round."

Gao Yang asked again: "Sister Xin, how long will it take for Venture Capital to discuss the matter of investing in Jingdong today?"

Xu Xin said, "I'll talk to Liu Dong again tomorrow. If it's fast, it should be finalized within a month."

Gao Yang nodded: "Okay, I suggest holding a press conference in the name of Jingdong, which will be of great benefit to Jingdong and today's venture capital to establish a brand image."

Xu Xin said: "That's right, today's venture capital is mainly targeting the mainland market, and we also need to promote it."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "That's just right, Yuanda Company under Yawen's name has public relations and advertising agency business, and currently has a good influence in the industry in the mainland market. The brand promotion of 51 Group has always been done by Yuanda Company.

Yuanda Company has accumulated the resources of two to three hundred mainstream media in the mainland, and today Venture Capital can sign a contract with Yuanda Company for cooperation. "

Before, it was Xu Xin and Gao Yang who were communicating with each other, while Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan were by their side without interrupting.

Xu Xin looked at Gu Yawen at this time, and asked with a smile: "Yawen, your husband is helping you sell business, is your Yuanda company really so strong?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "It's not bad, Yuanda Company's revenue last year exceeded 2 million, and this year it is expected to reach 51 million. In terms of public relations agency, it has done twice for 200 Group and has more than [-] mainstream media across the country. Attending the press conference."

Xu Xin said: "Well, today Venture Capital can sign a contract with Yuanda Company to cooperate. However, we are a VC company, and the business volume in product promotion is not large. I can only say that it is better than nothing."

Wu Ruohan asked again: "Sister Xin, have you been living on Hong Kong Island all these years?"

Xu Xin said: "Yes, I have settled down on Hong Kong Island for many years, my husband works in an asset management company, and my two children go to school on Hong Kong Island."

Wu Ruohan said: "Great, we have registered an asset management company in Hong Kong Island, but it has not yet officially opened. My brother-in-law plans to officially operate this company next year, and I will often come to Hong Kong Island by then."

Xu Xin asked curiously, "Gao Yang, has the 51 Group also set foot in asset management?"

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "Yes, this asset management company has also registered a VIE company in Cayman, mainly to facilitate 51 Group's overseas investment."

Xu Xin asked again: "Then will you buy a house on Hong Kong Island in the future?"

Gao Yang nodded: "Probably, I might buy a house on Hong Kong Island next year..."

Xu Xin spent a day at Wanliu Hua Mansion and stayed overnight.

This time, in the name of reminiscing about old feelings, Xu Xin's main purpose was to discuss with Gao Yang about investing in Jingdong.

Although the daily operation of Jingdong is in charge of Liu Dong, who owns the absolute voting rights of the shares, and the founding team, Liu Dong still needs to discuss with Gao Yang about the company's strategic development plan and the introduction of VC capital. Gao Yang's opinion prevails.

At this stage, if Jingdong wants to realize the rapid expansion of business scale, the key lies in the all-round support of 51 Group.

Xu Xin naturally understood these principles.

After playing at Gao Yang's house all day, Xu Xin also wanted to get in touch with Gao Yang, a strange person, to understand his entrepreneurial thinking, strategic conception, style of dealing with people, and personality.

Xu Xin also felt that Gao Yang absolutely insisted on his own ideas and principles in business negotiations, and did not show affection.

As a friend, he is an easy-going person, and he speaks frankly, without the usual smoothness of business tycoons.

Xu Xin didn't know that she was targeted by Gao Yang, and she was determined to win.

For Gao Yang, whether it is the 51 Group or himself, he will invest in many start-up projects in the future, and these projects will become future unicorn companies.

Now, Xu Xin, the future investment queen, appeared in front of me. She was an old friend of Gu Yawen's family. How could she let her go? She must pursue a long-term cooperation with Xu Xin.

Gao Yang also believes that next year, when the asset management company of the 51 Group is unveiled and its capital strength is revealed in front of Xu Xin, it is impossible for this investment queen not to be tempted.

After contacting each other for a day and two nights, both Gao Yang and Xu Xin felt that the other party was someone they could cooperate with.

On July 7, Xu Xin went to Jingdong to visit Liu Dong again. After detailed communication, she took a detailed Jingdong company information and returned to Hong Kong Island.

Jingdong is expected to raise 2000 million U.S. dollars, and it is valued at 2 million U.S. dollars. Liu Dong is still very excited.

This is a soft girl coin in the early 1.6 million. With this money, Jingdong is really expected to take off.

Now, Liu Dong admires Gao Yang very much.

Originally, when Jingdong’s team was discussing the introduction of VC capital from Venture Capital Today, Liu Dong said that Mr. Gao of 51 Group believed that Jingdong could be valued at 2 million US dollars. At that time, the whole team was stupid.

As a result, it may actually become a reality now.

Since mid-July, Go Yang has focused on the companies of the 7 Group, focusing on the payment tool 51pay. If it is promoted and various online value-added services are carried out, it will increase the scale of revenue and generate cash flow.

51pay’s LOGO is designed as a giant panda’s head drawn with a simple pen. It is similar to the 51talk icon, but the style is much more abstract. At a glance, it can also remind users of the image of a giant panda.

The promotion of 51pay in the domestic market is still based on the Chinese name [51bei]. 51bei is a large font size, accompanied by 51pay in a small font size.

However, there are two versions of the 51pay icon, and domestic users can also choose the eye-catching English version of the number 51pay, below which is 51bei in small print.

This design was fixed at the beginning.

In the future, when 51pay is promoted in overseas markets, it will be a purely digital English icon.

Starting from July 7, Gao Yang participated in the work promotion meetings of various project companies almost every day for half a month. 10pay must be quickly promoted and used by users.

Regarding Jingdong’s support of 51pay on the e-commerce platform, 51 Financial Services Co., Ltd. also coordinated with Jingdong’s technical team several times, and finally confirmed that Jingdong began to officially support 7pay from July 27.

On July 7th, Jingdong users saw 27pay online, and Jingdong’s homepage also officially launched the relevant guidelines for users to register and use 51pay.

On that day, many users downloaded and installed 51pay.

On July 7, Gao Yang and Liu Dong successively received calls from Xu Xin. Today Venture Capital confirmed the investment of 28 million US dollars in Jingdong, and agreed with Jingdong's valuation of 2000 million US dollars.

The next step is to sign the investment agreement, go through the relevant procedures, and agree to hold a press conference on August 8.

On the same day, Jingdong will also use this press conference to officially announce that Jingdong Multimedia will change its name to [Jingdong Mall], and announce related plans to enter the home appliance business.

On July 7th, Jingdong's office was full of jubilation, and the money was burned, and it was still a huge sum of 28 million US dollars.

All of this is due to the strong support of the 51 Group and a big boss like Gao Yang.

In the eyes of Jingdong company employees, Gao Yang is already a big shot in the Internet circle, with a big thick leg, and Jingdong is lucky to hug this thigh...

(End of this chapter)

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