Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 391 Safe Browser?Ha ha

Chapter 391 Safe Browser?Ha ha
On the morning of August 8, the press conference on Jingdong's investment agreement with Today's Venture Capital was held at the Century Jinyuan Hotel.

The public relations and advertising agency of Jingdong Company is now also run by Yuanda Company.

Today, besides 51 Group, Yiwang and Baidu are also Yuanda's customers.

Yuanda Company has developed more than 100 employees, serving several major industries such as IT, Internet, solar energy, and home appliances. There are more than a dozen employees who have switched from Australia and the United States.

Liu Dong was dressed in a formal attire and was in high spirits. Today's stage was mainly owned by Liu Dong.

Jingdong cooperated with Venture Capital Today and raised USD 2000 million.

From today, Jingdong Multimedia has officially changed its name to Jingdong Mall.

Liu Dong wants to use today's press conference to publicize Jingdong's business model, development plan and service concept, etc.

Then, in addition to representing Venture Capital Today, Xu Xin signed a shareholding investment agreement with Jingdong on the spot, and at the same time, she also wanted to give a speech on Venture Capital Today.

For today's press conference, Yuanda Company invited more than 30 mainstream media from all over the country for Jingdong, mainly media in Beijing, and more than [-] media from other places.

Gao Yang and Fang Jian both attended Jingdong's press conference today, as well as Gu Yawen.

The presence of Gao Yang and Fang Jian represented 51 Group's attitude of strong support for Jingdong.

Gu Yawen's identity is the vice president of 51 Group. Today, she is accompanying Gao Yang, and she is trying to save Xu Xin's face.

Gao Yang only attended today and did not speak. Fang Jian delivered a congratulatory speech on behalf of 51 Group.

It wasn't until Fang Jian spoke on stage that many media reporters knew that 51 Group had invested in Jingdong long ago and was the financial backer behind Liu Dong.

After that, Liu Dong's speech and Xu Xin's speech all mentioned that the support and cooperation of 51 Group will bring great help to Jingdong's development.

The press conference started at 9:[-] a.m., with two hours of speeches and on-site signing ceremony, followed by media interviews.

At the end of the press conference, Gao Yang was surrounded by media reporters as soon as he got up.

Now, Gao Yang is already a star figure in the Internet circle.

Surrounded by the media, Gao Yang could only smile and answer a few questions on the spot:
"51 Group's investment in Jingdong is optimistic about the development prospects of e-commerce. At the same time, it also very much agrees with the entrepreneurial team headed by Mr. Liu and Jingdong's business model..."

"51 Group is a strategic investment in Jingdong, and will not intervene in the management and operation of Jingdong. 51 Group will strongly support the development of Jingdong in its own way..."

"What kind of cooperation does the two parties have at the business level? I suggest you contact Jingdong for an interview, or contact the PR Department of 51 Group to arrange an interview with the corresponding person in charge..."

Gao Yang used to be a reporter, and he can understand the hard work of this job, so he didn't bother him, and answered a few questions on the spot.

Afterwards, Zhang Wei, Shao Hanyun, and Yuanda company staff rescued Gao Yang and took Gu Yawen to the VIP room to rest.

Sitting down in the VIP room, Shao Hanyun said: "President Gao, you are a news figure, I suggest adding two full-time security personnel."

Gu Yawen said: "Hanyun's suggestion is very good, why don't we hire two security guards?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "Where is the safety problem? Not at all, but we can arrange another driver to take shifts with Zhang Wei. Zhang Wei, if you have a suitable comrade-in-arms, you can recommend one."

Zhang Wei hurriedly said: "Mr. Gao, I have several retired comrades who are all good. I will report their information to Mr. Gu and Hanyun as soon as possible..."

After Jingdong's media interview was over, Liu Dong came over in person and invited Gao Yang and Gu Yawen to dinner.

Gao Yang also gave Liu Dong enough face today, so he stayed until now.

We had lunch at noon, and everyone was very happy. The agreement was signed. Today, the venture capital investment in Jingdong is completely confirmed, and the funds will be in place soon.

Gao Yang took the initiative to propose a toast to Xu Xin, and joked: "Sister Xin, your fund size is only a little over 1 million U.S. dollars, and you invested 2000 million in Jingdong. It's not like you said you were sowing a lot of seeds."

Xu Xin said with a smile: "I am a VC. During the project research stage, I conduct careful investigations and verify carefully. Once I have a decision, I choose to strike hard.

When we invest, we first look at the founder, and second, we look at the quality and planning of the project.

Liu is always a capable, passionate, and dreamy entrepreneur. I am very optimistic about him and Jingdong, so it is naturally a top investment.

I still want to invest 3000 million US dollars in it, but you don't want it. "

Liu Dong smiled heartily: "Thank you sister Xin, at this stage, 2000 million US dollars is indeed enough."

Xu Xin's 2000 million US dollars was invested in the form of capital increase and share expansion. The shareholding ratio of 51 Group and Liu Dong will also be diluted, but not much.

Jingdong's public financing of 2000 million US dollars has become a hot news today. 51 Weibo also made a special topic. Many media and industry insiders discussed this matter on the platform of 51 Weibo.

In Gao Yang's eyes, 51 Group's timely injection of 3000 million capital into Jingdong should make Jingdong's development speed about a year faster than the memory of the previous life.

Now, with today's venture capital of 2000 million US dollars, Jingdong's development is expected to accelerate for about a year.

Next, with the support of 51 Group and the payment tool 51pay, Jingdong is very hopeful that it will be able to apply for listing on the US stock market in four to five years.

After work in the afternoon, Xu Xin visited the office of 51 Group. It was enough to be accompanied by Gu Yawen. Gao Yang still sat in the office and dealt with some daily affairs.

After 3 p.m., Liu Xu, CEO of 51 Guards, came to Gao Yang to report on his work. The main reason was to provide some value-added services, such as online remote services, for users in the desktop market after the launch of 51pay.

51Guard currently has more than 6000 million users in the desktop market, and its cash flow mainly depends on advertising revenue and recommending downloads of some tool software.

After listening to Liu Xu's report, Gao Yang nodded and said: "Brother Xu, 51 Guards provides value-added services for desktop users, you can try it, and the charges should not be set too high. In addition, the tools and software we recommend should not be hard-bundled, and it will be done that way. Rogue software."

Liu Xudao: "Mr. Gao, we are all recommendations, and we don't engage in hard binding. There are two other things that I think need to be paid attention to.

First, Goose Factory has also started to enter the free security market. It launched [QQ Doctor] a few days ago and started public beta testing. Based on the user base of QQ, it is expected to develop rapidly.

The second thing is that Qihu has launched a product called 369 Safe Browser, which is very distinctive.

This is made by Zou Hongwei, who originally made 3271. It is basically the same way as 3271, but it has been enhanced a lot, the search engine is stronger, and technologies such as web pop-up ad blocking have been added, so it is called a safe browser..."

369 safe browser?
Gao Yang wanted to hehe twice, 51 guards stopped Zou Hongwei from being a 369 security guard, but he found a breakthrough from the browser, a powerful person will always have a way.

When Gao Yang was thinking about these things, Liu Xu said again: "Mr. Gao, 51 Group has already deployed many platforms, and the traffic products are relatively rich. I suggest building a platform for application software distribution. In addition, I suggest that we also develop an browser, we have a great user base..."

Gao Yang was stunned: "Brother Xu, your suggestion is very good, how about it, I will ask the president's office to call it, and we will discuss it now."

Gao Yang then asked Shao Hanyun to notify Fang Jian, He Guangwen, Zhang Xiaolong, Zhang Xuan, Chen Hua, Zhang Yiming and others to come to the CEO's office for a meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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