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Chapter 392 51 Assistant, App Market

Chapter 392 51 Assistant, App Market

A few minutes later, Fang Jian and others rushed to the conference room of the president's office.

Gao Yang temporarily called everyone for a meeting, probably thinking about some new action again.

After everyone sat down, Gao Yang said: "Just now, brother Xu made two suggestions. One is to enter the application market and do software distribution. The other is to develop a browser. Brother Xu, please explain it first, and then we can briefly discuss it. "

Liu Xu began to explain his thoughts:
"I suggested to Mr. Gao to do software distribution and a browser, all of which are based on the fact that the total traffic of each platform of 51 Group exceeds 4.5 million, which has a very good user scale advantage, and the development of new platform products does not require traffic import. difficult.

Let's talk about software distribution first. According to the survey data released by CNNIC in the first half of the year, the number of Internet users in the country reached 1.23 million, 7700 million broadband access users, nearly 80 websites, and nearly 5500 million networked computers.

According to the survey data of CNNIC, software distribution is also a 5000 million market. At present, there are two main models. One is a comprehensive IT portal like AOL, and the other is a software distribution website like Huajun. In short, it is rather chaotic and has no scale. The absolute leading software distribution platform.

51 Group is a software distribution platform, relying on the advantages of user traffic, it is very hopeful that it will develop rapidly..."

Liu Xu suggested building a software distribution platform, and Gao Yang also understood that Liu Xu wanted 51 Guardians to do this project, so as to increase the cash flow of 51 Guardians and realize the profitability of the company's main business as soon as possible.

Regarding Liu Xu's suggestion, after discussing for a while, everyone agreed that it can be done. With the current resources and capabilities of 51 Group, it is not difficult to build a software distribution platform.

"Since all technical experts feel that an application distribution platform can be built, we will consider establishing a project and let 51 Guardians register a subsidiary."

After Gao Yang expressed his support, the conversation changed: "What do you think about the development of 3G technology, and when is it expected to be commercially available?"

Zhang Yiming said: "Mr. Gao, I have been following the development of 3G technology, and I have a hunch that it will not be too far away from commercial use, maybe in about two years.

In May 2000, the International Telecommunication Union announced the 5G communication standards. WCDMA in Europe, CDMA3 in the United States, and TD-SCDMA in China have become the three major 2000G technical standards in the world.

From the perspective of the development of mobile Internet access, WAP Internet access is currently used. In 2005, there were nearly 1200 million mobile Internet users in China, accounting for more than 10% of the number of Internet users counted by CNNIC.

This year, it is estimated that there will be more than 1500 million mobile Internet users nationwide, which is developing rapidly.

Mobile Internet access is developing faster than the Chinese market in Europe, America, Japan and other regions, and Japanese mobile Internet users account for the highest proportion of Internet users in the world..."

Zhang Yiming is now the CTO of and assistant to the CTO of 51 Group. Gao Yang is very satisfied with his attention to the development trend of mobile Internet.

Sure enough, he was the big guy who made Toutiao and Douyin in his memory.

In fact, in the past two years, Gao Yang himself has been tracking the development of 3G technology, as well as the domestic mobile phone Internet access, so Shao Hanyun specially arranged an employee in the president's office to collect and sort out such information for a long time.

Gao Yang praised: "Yiming expects that 3G commercial use may become a reality in about two years. I agree with it. This is a major trend. After 3G commercial use, it means that the era of mobile Internet has officially opened.

In the era of the Internet of Things, the entire Internet industry and its ecology may undergo some major changes, even revolutionary ones.

Brother Xu suggested building an application distribution platform. We should not only do it, but also strive to become bigger and stronger. In terms of research and development, we must focus on the mobile Internet era and make progress.

Assuming that 2008G commercialization will be launched in 3, then we still have nearly two years to prepare.

In terms of research and development, 51 Group has initially established a cooperation model with Baidu and Yiwang, and the research and development departments of the three companies have also established a communication mechanism.

According to the plan, 51 Group will build its own headquarters office building next year, and at the same time jointly build 51NB Research Institute with Baidu and Yiwang.

Now, the PC-side application distribution platform that 51 Guardians is going to do is temporarily named [51 Assistant]. The development of 51 Assistant needs to be coordinated with 51 Research Institute.

For the 51 Research Institute, we need to set up a research team for the application distribution market in the mobile Internet era after 3G commercialization is launched, set up a research team, introduce relevant talents, and prepare technology and talent reserves for entering the mobile application distribution market in the future..."

In today's meeting, Fang Jian knows some technology, except Gao Yang who is a technical novice, everyone else is an expert.

Everyone is no longer surprised by Gao Yang's vision in terms of technological development trends and his habit of long-term planning.

The establishment of the [51 Assistant] project and the research and development team of the 51 Research Institute to build a mobile application distribution platform were basically agreed upon soon.

Next, 51 Guardians and 51 Research Institute will come up with a specific project investment plan, discuss and approve it at the board of directors, and then it can be officially launched.

Liu Xu's laptop was replaced with the 369 secure browser launched by Qihu Company, which was projected on the wall.

"Everyone, let me talk about this very characteristic browser product that I have recently noticed, Qihu's 369 secure browser.

The founder of Qihu Technology is Zou Hongwei, and everyone must know him.

In 2003, Zou Hongwei sold 3271 to Yahu for US$1.2 million and became the president of Yahu Huaxia.

In 2005, after Ali acquired Yahu Huaxia, Zou Hongwei left Yahu with his technical team and founded Qihu Technology, which mainly works as a BBS search engine. The company's business scale is small.

After more than a year of dormancy, Zou Hongwei finally launched the 369 Safe Browser, which integrates website search and plug-in blocking such as pop-up ads. Although the essential routine is still the same as 3271, the creativity has been upgraded a lot.

My personal opinion is that Zou Hongwei should not be underestimated, and 369 Safe Browser is also a very good product, which is very likely to become popular and popular with users, and become a large-scale traffic portal.

On this basis, I doubt that Zou Hongwei will enter the free antivirus software market. Once the user base of 369 Safe Browser increases, he will not be slow to move. Maybe he has already started research and development preparations.

Whether it is Qihu Technology or Zou Hongwei himself, there is no shortage of funds and technical teams.

Now, Goose Factory has also launched QQ Doctor, imitating the thinking of our 51 guards, and entering the free antivirus software market.Based on the user traffic of QQ, it is estimated that the user scale of QQ Doctor will soon increase.

Then, 51 Guardians may face such two competitors in the future.

At present, 51Guard has more than 5000 million users, and is in a very favorable position to start. If we make another traffic product like 369 Security Browser, we will have a stronger moat in the future competition.

As Mr. Gao said, sooner or later there will be a battle between 51 Group and Goose Factory, which will even determine the future structure of social platforms.

We make a 51 safe browser, or a 51 clean browser, the strategic value is not low..."

Liu Xu's proposal quickly gained everyone's approval. This project was also decided to be done by 51 Guardians, named [51 Clean Browser].

It's just that Gao Yang was thinking, after the launch of 51 Clean Browser, would it suppress Zou Hongwei's 369 Safe Browser?

In the future, will there be a 3Q battle first, a 5Q battle, or a melee?

Gao Yang felt that it would be better to join hands with Zou Hongwei in secret, and let Qihu get out [QQ Bodyguard] to lead the battle, and then the 51 Group would come on stage to help, that would be fun.

Therefore, you should contact Zou Hongwei and persuade him not to engage in free antivirus software.

A PC can only be installed with one anti-virus software. Sooner or later, 51 Guardians will fight QQ Doctor. If Zou Hongwei creates another 369 Guardians, it will be really messed up.

After the meeting, Gao Yang asked Liu Xu: "Brother Xu, do you know Zou Hongwei?"

Liu Xudao: "I know him, but I'm not familiar with him. I have a friend who is more familiar with him. Mr. Gao wants to know him?"

Gao Yang nodded: "It's good to get to know him for a while, I want to chat with him."

Liu Xudao: "Then I'll ask a friend to contact Zou Hongwei."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Don't worry, let's talk about it after a while..."

(End of this chapter)

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