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Chapter 393 Crazy, sell 51 guards?

Chapter 393 Crazy, sell 51 guards?

After Liu Xu left, Gao Yang returned to his office, sat down to light a cigarette, and began to meditate.

Gao Yang began to search for past life memories related to the 3q war in his mind, and Qihu Technology went to the U.S. stock market, delisted from the U.S. privatization, and returned to the A-share backdoor and other events.

After these memories gradually became clear, Gao Yang always felt something was wrong when he thought of Liu Xu's proposal to develop [51 Clean Browser].

51 Group has developed such a browser, coupled with the current industry status of 51 Guardians, it is very difficult for Zou Hongwei to make Qihu Company the level he remembers from his previous life, and the probability is really slim.

Then, the possibility of the 3q war being staged is not great.

The 5q war will inevitably happen.

It is normal for Huaxia Internet company's explosive products to be imitated and plagiarized by peers.

Goose Factory is a master among them, and it is a master. Thanks to its QQ traffic blessing, it was once criticized by most of the Internet circles.

Many domestic small entrepreneurial companies with a bit of innovative ability have quickly declined due to the involvement of Goose Factory. There are too many cases to enumerate.

In the 3Q war that year, Qihu was almost wiped out, and later escaped because of its rapid listing on the US stock market.

After the 3q war, the goose factory has indeed become a lot stronger, and its status in the world has become more stable.

At this stage, if the 51 Group directly confronts the Goose Factory and a 5q battle breaks out, although Gao Yang is not afraid, but if the 51 Group will definitely win, Gao Yang is not sure.

Winning must be a tragic victory, and the price will be relatively high. To put it bluntly, it is burning money.

Gao Yang remembered that there was such a saying inside the goose factory:

Goose Factory wants to provide water and electricity for the Internet, follow the path of others, and make others have nowhere to go.

From the perspective of the development ecology of the Internet industry, Goose Factory is not a good bird, and Zhou Hongwei is also not a good bird. Zhou Hongwei is also known as the ancestor of rogue software.

However, after Qihu 369 returned to the A-share listing, the stock market value of Goose Factory was more than 10 times that of Qihu. Later, it was Qihu 369, not Goose Factory, that was sanctioned by Laomei.

Because at that time, Qihu 369 already had the status of the national team in the security market, and Goose Factory was still a pan-entertainment Internet company, mainly earning a lot of money every year through the game business...

The more he thought about it, the more Gao Yang felt that Qihu and Zou Hongwei should not be suppressed, but should be supported instead, and then a 3q battle would still be staged.

With the 51 Group joining forces with Baidu and behind Zou Hongwei, the 51 Group can reap the benefits of the fisherman, and it is unlikely that Zou Hongwei will be defeated by the Goose Factory.

If so, there is hope that the status of the goose factory will be weakened...

Just doing this, 51 Group will have to give up such a traffic platform as 51 Guardian, which is relatively risky. Gao Yang spent two or three years step by step before building a traffic platform layout that is not so perfect.

Before he knew it, it was time to get off work, and there were already more than a dozen cigarette butts in the ashtray in front of Gao Yang. Thinking about it, he smoked half a pack of cigarettes.

At this time, Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan came in, ready to greet Gao Yang to go home together.

Seeing so many cigarette butts in the ashtray, Gu Yawen scolded, "Why are you smoking so many cigarettes?"

Gu Yawen never stopped Gao Yang from smoking, and Gao Yang couldn't smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, so it was rare to suddenly smoke so much.

"Eh...", Gao Yang raised his head and smiled, "I was thinking about a big matter just now, so I smoked a few more cigarettes without knowing it."

Wu Ruohan asked curiously, "Brother-in-law, what are you thinking about?"

Gao Yang got up and stretched himself: "Haven't thought about it yet, let's go, go home..."

Starting from the afternoon of August 8th, Gao Yang thought for three whole days before finally making a decision in his heart.

Support Qihu Technology and transfer 51 Guardians to Zou Hongwei to do it.

It is not easy for Gao Yang to make this determination. After all, 51 Guard is developing very well, and the user scale has exceeded 5000 million. It is a very valuable traffic portal.

While giving up 51 Guardians, 51 Group also had to give up the browser project suggested by Liu Xu.

51 Group had to find another way to create a new traffic project.

Gao Yang repeatedly weighed and checked a lot of information, and finally concluded that the transfer of 51 guards has advantages and disadvantages, and in the long run, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

In the past few days, apart from being busy with some company affairs, Gao Yang spends several hours every day thinking about this matter and deducing it repeatedly.

At home at night, sometimes I sit in the study for an hour or two, and I smoke too much.

Gu Yawen had never seen Gao Yang like this before, knowing that he was thinking about big things, she served tea and poured water, not to interfere with Gao Yang's thinking.

On the night of August 8th, Gao Yang finally figured it out, went out for a run, sweated profusely, went home to take a shower, and made out with Gu Yawen for the first time in three days.

After being gentle, Gu Yawen asked with a smile: "Looking at you like this, do you understand the big things you're thinking about?"

Gao Yang said: "Yes, I've thought it over clearly, I plan to transfer 51 guards out."

Gu Yawen was surprised: "Why, 51 Guards is developing so well. This project is also your careful layout at the beginning."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I plan to invite Brother Lei and Brother Yan to dinner tomorrow night, and discuss this matter with them, then you will understand..."

On the morning of August 8, as soon as Gao Yang arrived at the office, he contacted Ding Lei and Li Yan. As it turned out, both of them were in the capital, so they made an appointment for dinner in the evening and went to Haidilao to eat hot pot.

Gao Yang opened the stock investment account of 51 Guardian Company, and saw that the market value of the stocks held by the whole position has reached more than 7600 million. The 2000 million invested in last year was nearly quadrupled by Wu Ruohan. Gao Yang was quite satisfied.

After getting off work in the afternoon, Gao Yang, Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan rushed to Haidi Lao Dahui Temple store ahead of schedule.

Jian Yu is still the manager of the Dahui Temple store, and Haidilao's Jingcheng branch is also located nearby. Fang Jian's wife, He Zifang, is now the chief financial officer of the Jingcheng company.

Gao Yang chatted with Jian Yu and He Zifang about Haidilao's operation this year in the private room, and Ding Lei and Li Yan rushed over.

After eating the hot pot, Gao Yang asked Zhang Wei to take Wu Ruohan and Shao Hanyun home first, and then together with Gu Ya, they drank tea and talked with Ding Lei and Li Yan.

The place to drink tea is the nearest E Province Building, which is the E Province Office in Beijing, and it is also a four-star hotel operated by the outside world.

Gu Yawen called the tea art master to leave, and made tea for the three of Gao Yang herself.

When eating hot pot just now, several people were talking about some insider affairs. At this time, Gao Yang just revealed the purpose of having this dinner tonight:
"Brother Lei, Brother Yan, I would like to invite you to a gathering today. I want to discuss something. I plan to sell the 51 Guards project..."

Before Gao Yang finished speaking, Ding Lei was surprised: "Gao Yang, is there a problem with the 51 Group's funds?"

Gao Yang shook his head and smiled: "51 Group doesn't have any financial problems."

Li Yan was also puzzled: "Gao Yang, 51 Group doesn't have a financial problem, so does 51 Guardian Company have a financial problem?"

Gao Yang said: "Brother Yan, 51 Guardian Company does not have any financial problems. 51 Company has been established for a year. So far, the revenue has reached more than 400 million, and there are still more than 400 million funds left in the bank account. The investment in this year Just 500 million.

In addition, 51 Guardians opened an A-share account at the beginning of its establishment and invested 2000 million yuan. Now it has a market value of more than 7600 million yuan and a floating profit of more than 5600 million yuan..."

Both Ding Lei and Li Yan were stunned: "Good guy, you used the company's start-up capital to invest in stocks, and you made two or three times as much?"

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Yes, investing and managing money is also a mode of fund management. 51 Group has set up an investment department, and my sister-in-law Wu Ruohan is in charge. She has a very good talent in this area."

Ding Lei suddenly didn't understand: "Gao Yang, let's not talk about the fact that 51 Guardians made a profit of 6000 to 51 million in stocks. Since [-] Guardians is developing very well, this project is also a traffic platform that you carefully planned at the beginning. Why did you suddenly Thinking of selling?"

Li Yan also said: "Yes, the value of the 51 Guardian platform to your 51 Group is self-evident. What are you guys planning?"

In the eyes of Ding Lei and Li Yan, Gao Yang's sudden desire to sell a traffic platform with great potential like 51 Guardians is almost crazy...

(End of this chapter)

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