Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 399 Heart-to-heart: Why give up VIE

Chapter 399 Heart-to-heart: Why give up VIE
Regarding Gao Yang’s decision to fully withdraw from the chairman and legal representative of the project company, Fang Jian first expressed his support:
"Gao Yang's arrangement is right. 51 Group will soon have 3000 employees, which is not a small scale. It may grow to tens of thousands of employees, and it will not take two or three years.

It is very necessary to plan the management structure of a large company in advance. "

Gu Yawen, who hadn't interrupted, said with a smile: "The 51 Group has developed rapidly in the past two years, and Gao Yang is under a lot of pressure. You old classmates, help him share more. The core team of the 51 Group is you five old classmates. "

He Guangwen smiled heartily: "Yawen, don't worry, we old classmates will not let your Gao Yang be tired."

Gao Yang raised his wine glass again:
"Today is the first time for our five old classmates to get together alone this year. In the future, we will try our best to spend more time together.

Just like what Yawen said just now, the five of us are the core team of 51 Group. If we are stable and consistent in the company's strategic development direction and major decisions, then 51 Group will basically be stable at the management level.

Today, I invite everyone to drink, and I also want to sincerely talk to each other and explain some strategic ideas that have not been clearly explained before.

First of all, I have always insisted that the project companies under the group do not consider the design of the VIE structure or the shortcut of listing on the US stock market. I think, including you, many people in the management of the company have opinions on me, right? "

Jin Yang clinked the wine glass with Gao Yang and took a big sip: "That's right, Gao Yang, I don't quite understand this matter, and some people in the management of the company have objections, why do you insist on it like this?"

Gao Yang also took a big sip of wine, nodded and said:
"Jin Yang, I understand your doubts, but I have some thoughts and judgments, and it is not convenient for me to speak in detail at the company's management meeting.

At the board meeting this morning, I suggested that the company's executives take time to look at global financial history, and think deeply about the major events I reminded from the level of national economic games.

We all know that China has been reforming and opening up for almost 30 years, and the average economic growth rate has been maintained at a high speed of more than 10%, which has never happened in the history of the world.

Because we are an economy with a population of over 13 billion.

I have checked a set of data, purely in terms of GDP scale, calculated in US dollars, the total GDP of China in 1988 was just over 3100 billion US dollars, and that of the United States was 5.25 trillion, which was close to 17 times that of China.

In 2000, China's GDP reached 1.21 trillion, ranking sixth in the world. In this year, the US GDP exceeded 10 trillion for the first time, about 8.5 times that of China.

This year, in terms of multiples, in 12 years, the size of China's economy has quadrupled, while that of the United States has only less than doubled.

In 2005, China's GDP reached 2.29 trillion yuan, ranking fifth in the world, and doubled in five years.The United States is in the early 5 trillion, and the growth rate in five years is only nearly 13%.

This is the general trend, and it is also the trend of revival after a large economy integrates into the global economic system.

This is the scale of GDP denominated in US dollars. If calculated from the perspective of parity purchasing power that the academic circles call, China's economic scale may be much larger.

After nearly 30 years of opening up, the scale of China's economy has rapidly grown to a level close to 20% of that of the United States. Our economic growth rate is very fast, which has always been several times that of the United States.

According to this trend, in about six or seven years, China's economy will reach 50% of that of the United States, and by then, it will have already become the world's second largest economy.

Next, it may soon be able to reach 60%, 70% of the United States... until it surpasses the total economic volume.

Yawen's eldest brother is a Ph.D. in economics from Columbia University. I once discussed this topic with him.

I asked him, what will happen when China's economy grows to half of that of the United States, or even [-] to [-] percent?
My elder brother's first reaction was that there is a high probability that there will be trade conflicts.

In fact, I agree with his prediction, which is almost inevitable.

We all know that after World War II, the so-called Angza system dominated the global economic order, that is, the five countries of Angza, the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. They share the same culture and values.

The Anza system, in essence, has been savagely plundering the world since the steam industrial revolution, accumulating huge wealth and the right to speak in the global economy. After China has experienced a hundred years of hardships and pains, it has begun to integrate into the global economic system. Under the rules of the game, achieve a peaceful rise.

However, we will not continue to develop so smoothly all the time. Anza people are proud. They can eat meat themselves. If more than 13 billion people in China can eat meat and live a good life, they will not be willing .

People want us to eat grass, as long as we can eat enough, but we must not eat well.

Therefore, in the future, whether it is at the national level or at the corporate level, the probability of being blocked by people is very high.

At that time, purely from the perspective of business operation itself, if our company is listed on the US stock market, people suddenly want to change the rules of the game, depending on our cards, what should we do?
I told you at today's meeting that the Internet is different from traditional industries. User information data and industry information data may be one of the most core assets in the future, and may involve commercial secrets at the national level.

That's why I suggested that Mrs. Wu's lover, Miss Zhao, join our family, Ruohan, to set up an accounting firm.

This arrangement is not for them to make money through related transactions with the 51 Group, but for the purpose of not leaking our relevant data information overseas from the perspective of audit papers.

We need to support the growth of Yongzheng Accounting Firm. In the future, the IPO of the project company of 51 Group will be audited by Yongzheng, instead of following the fashion and inviting the world's top four to do it.

In this way, can everyone understand what I mean..."

Gao Yang's words were justified and well-founded, which left Jin Yang and the others stunned.

Jin Yang touched the back of Gao Yang's head and exclaimed, "Why do you have so much stuff in your head?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I love reading. I read for two or three hours every day. Do you think what I just said makes sense?"

"Makes sense!"

Jin Yang raised his wine glass and touched Gao Yang: "I understand a lot after listening to you sorting things out like this. It seems that I really need to read more books. I'm sorry, old classmate, I misunderstood you before."

Fang Jian said with a smile: "Gao Yang is a born strategist. He can see far and deep. I think what he said is quite right. We have to guard against it."

Gao Yang said: "This is the choice of the strategic direction. If the direction is wrong, in the end, one move may be careless and the whole game will be lost.

Let me tell you one more thing. China has a continuous civilization history of 5000 years. In the feudal era, the emperors of all dynasties were the most diligent. Do you know which dynasty it is? "

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Gao Yang curiously.

You also know these things?

Gao Yangdao: "Except for the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors in the legend, starting from the historical records, the most diligent collectively is actually the Qing government.

From the perspective of work, none of the emperors of the Manchu and Qing Dynasties neglected the imperial court. They were all diligent, and they were all professional emperors who slept from midnight to midnight.

However, starting from 1840, in just six to seventy years, the Manchu Qing collapsed rapidly. Because they underestimated the development of science and technology, turned a blind eye to the achievements of the steam industrial revolution, and made wrong strategic choices, the entire China was bullied for hundreds of years.

Compared with our business, the principle is the same. If you make a directional mistake, the end will inevitably be a collapse.

Therefore, since everyone recognizes my ability in strategic judgment, then I will control the strategic development direction of 51 Group, Guangwen will control the research and development, and the three of you will be responsible for the implementation.

In this way, with everyone working together, it is possible to ensure that the 51 Group will not encounter strong winds and waves, and will not be in danger of capsizing in ten or twenty years, or even a longer period of time..."

Jin Yang chuckled: "Gao Yang, don't worry, the five of us old classmates work together to cut money. It will be the same as before. You will point out the direction and we will organize a team to fight."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "This is the best way, we each play to our own strengths and strengths, work together, take a long-term view, and make the 51 Group bigger and stronger.

After promoting the listing of one project after another, not only us, but many brothers and sisters in the company can achieve financial freedom. At the same time, we can also make due contributions to society with a clear conscience.

The important thing is that we must maintain a learning heart, have time to read more books, understand the general trend of global development, and form our own independent thinking and judgment ability.

A few years ago, Chen Sen had a bad habit. He liked to read some well-known books, followed what others said, and was led astray by others. He always felt that foreign things outside were good, and we had problems everywhere.

I reminded him that since modern history, has there ever been such a large-scale economy in China, and has it experienced such a long-term and rapid development? Never before.

Every few years, we feel that social life has changed too much. With the Internet, self-media was born, and the influence of public knowledge is even greater.

These guys are bad, always stand at some small angle, to advocate that the ocean moon is rounder than the moon we see.

They never look at the huge changes in social life, the improvement of people's living standards, the continuous improvement of people's livelihood, and the fact that we live in a country with a population of 13 billion and great regional differences.

They don't look at the big picture, they only look at some minor issues, this is deliberately pretending to be blind and playing tricks..."

Chen Sen said embarrassedly: "Old Gao, don't expose my faults, I have stopped reading those people's books for a long time."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "Then let me tell you one more thing, which is the issue of national currency issuance.

We all know that the currency of each country, or legal currency, is essentially endorsed by national credit and issued by the central banks of various countries.

In the late 90s, Southeast Asian countries were heavily indebted to foreign countries, and the leverage of the entire country was too high. In the end, they were severely harvested by European and American capital. As a result, the economy collapsed and people's livelihoods withered.

The U.S. dollar is the most important international reserve currency. Do you know who owns the right to issue it? "

Chen Sen looked at Gao Yang curiously: "There is more to this, isn't it in the hands of the US government?"

Gao Yang said: "You guessed it right, it really isn't, the right to issue U.S. dollars is in the hands of the Federal Reserve, but the Federal Reserve is not a government agency.

It was jointly established by private bankers. The Federal Reserve is not a central bank in the traditional sense. It is controlled by Wall Street.

The past presidents of the United States, it is not that no one wants to take back the right to issue currency, such as Kennedy..."

Chen Sen was shocked immediately: "Fuck, Kennedy was assassinated back then, and there is such a background?"

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "This is just speculation by some people in the financial industry. As for the truth, who knows..."

(End of this chapter)

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