Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 400 Meeting with Zou Hongwei

Chapter 400 Meeting with Zou Hongwei

Today, Gao Yang invited a few old classmates to drink and have a heart-to-heart talk, explaining his consideration and choice for the future capital operation of 51 Group from an unimaginable grand perspective.

The Federal Reserve is not a central bank in the true sense. Jin Yang and others had never heard of this before. After hearing this, they were shocked.

I'm not a professional in this field, so I haven't paid attention to it at all.

However, everyone also knows that Gao Yang never brags about this kind of thing.

With this drink tonight, Gao Yang's goal of heart-to-heart talk has also been achieved, bringing a few old classmates back to the road of concentricity at the beginning of their business, especially Jin Yang.

Jin Yang is a top student, graduated from Peking University with a master's degree, and went to Cambridge to study for a year and a half, so he is actually quite arrogant in his heart.

Although Gao Yang has always led everyone to create miracles, after graduating from high school that year, he only went to a technical secondary school with a junior college grade.

Jin Yang was the No. 4 student in liberal arts in the county's college entrance examination, and the top three in the city. He Guangwen was No. [-] in the city's college entrance examination for science, and he was also the No. [-] student in science in the county.

At almost 9 o'clock in the evening, the dinner party broke up. After returning home, Jin Yang, He Guangwen, and Fang Jian all sat at the computer desks and searched the Internet for the Fed mentioned by Gao Yang.

They all have a certain foundation in English, especially Jinyang, who is still a foreign language major.

As a result, the searched information showed that Gao Yang really didn't talk nonsense.

Jin Yang couldn't help sighing: "Gao Yang is so amazing, it seems that there is nothing he doesn't understand, and he knows too much."

Lu Yanran said: "Gao Yang said that he would read books for two or three hours every day. It is not unreasonable for Gao Yang to stand tall and see far. From now on, you should stop playing against others. Without Gao Yang, you Can a few classmates achieve what they are now?"

Jin Yang smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will work hard to cooperate with him in the future..."

On the evening of August 8, at the invitation of a friend of Liu Xu, Gao Yang first met the founder of Qihu Technology, Zou Hongwei, who started his business with 16.

When Zou Hongwei heard that Gao Yang, the founder of 51 Group, had made an appointment for a dinner, he was very surprised. He doubted that the 369 secure browser he created had been taken by 51 Group.

The dinner invited by Gao Yang this time was chosen at the Capital Club to show his solemnity.

Those who accompanied Gao Yang to the dinner were Fang Jian and Liu Xu.

When Zou Hongwei heard that the dinner was arranged at the Capital Club, he just smiled, feeling that Boss Gao was a bit ostentatious, but in this age, Zou Hongwei had already achieved financial freedom.

After all, the original 3271 was sold for 1.2 million US dollars, and he was the president of Yahu Huaxia for a year and a half. He is already a well-known person in the circle.

Zou Hongwei, the chairman and CEO of the company, brought a vice president of the company named Chang Dong to the dinner.

The two sides met, and after being introduced by Liu Xu, Gao Yang and Zou Hongwei began to boast about their business, such polite remarks as long-awaited names.

Zou Hongwei was born in 70, from Henan province, and from the same city as Sun Chengyi.

Gao Yang is only less than four years younger than Zou Hongwei, so he is considered to be of the same age.

Zou Hongwei has a medium height of about 173 cm, wears a pair of rimless glasses, and is almost 36 years old, but his body management is relatively poor, a typical nerd, and he is blessed.

A 35-year-old man is also the age full of entrepreneurial passion.

The two sides sat down to eat and drink, and chatted about the industry for a while, Gao Yang suddenly smiled and asked:

"Mr. Zou, this secure browser developed by Qihu Technology is very distinctive. I guess Qihu should be developing a free desktop antivirus software similar to 51 Guards right now?"

Zou Hongwei was startled, and said in surprise: "Mr. Gao, does the 51 Group have an eyeliner on Qihu?"

Chang Dong was also very surprised. The research and development of Tiger Riding Guardian had just been carried out for more than a month, and it was all developed in a closed villa area in Huairou, so it was impossible to leak the secrets.

But Gao Yang said with a smile: "Mr. Zou was joking, 51 Group never spy on other people's business secrets, and Qihu Technology's entry into the free desktop antivirus market is just our analysis and speculation.

The logic is also very simple. 369 Security Browser is expected to become a hit. This is also the area that Mr. Zou is good at. If it is paired with a free anti-virus software like 51 Guards, it can form a mutual driving effect. Qihu Technology’s Platform traffic is expected to increase by leaps and bounds.

After that, relying on traffic advertisements and bundling and selling some tools and software from friends, Qihu will soon be able to generate cash flow.

Afterwards, VC capital is introduced, and when it develops to a certain level, Qihu Technology can be packaged and listed on NASDAQ.

I guess right, Mr. Zou? "

When Zou Hongwei heard it, his chest suddenly jumped.

Mud girl, this guess is right, it's like reading our investment plan.

Zou Hongwei forced a smile on his face: "Mr. Gao, 51 Group is already a big company. It is called by the media as a miracle of Internet entrepreneurship in the web 2.0 era, and 51 Guard occupies an absolute leading position in the free antivirus market.

Now, Goose Factory has also begun to enter this market. Qihu Technology is just a small company, Mr. Gao will not want to cut off our entrepreneurial path, will he? "

Gao Yang chuckled: "Mr. Zou, 51 Group is not so domineering. We invited Mr. Zou and Mr. Chang to dinner today to make friends and discuss cooperation."

Zou Hongwei was surprised: "Thanks to Mr. Gao's high opinion, I wonder how Mr. Gao hopes to cooperate?"

Gao Yang said: "Mr. Zou, 51 Group wants to give up the desktop-level free antivirus market, and plans to transfer the majority stake in 51 Guards. 51 Guards has more than 5000 million registered users, and its development is relatively mature. Is Qihu Technology interested in taking over? "

Zou Hongwei was shocked in an instant: "President Gao is serious, are you kidding?"

Gao Yang looked serious: "Mr. Zou, we are not kidding, 51 Group is going to make some strategic adjustments in platform projects, focusing more on the overall strategy with social as the core and pan-media as the business direction.

51Guard intends to withdraw from the desktop market and focus on the enterprise market.

At the same time, 51 Group also plans to be a relatively pure news website. "

Zou Hongwei exclaimed: "Mr. Gao, to be honest, I feel that the adjustment of 51 Group is a bit unbelievable. 51 Guards is developing very well and can continue to do so. I heard that 51 Group never accepts VC capital. Is it true?" ?”

Gao Yang said: "It's true, 51 Group has many investors, all of them are friends in the circle, and they don't need VC capital.

In addition, our platform companies did not design a VIE structure, nor did they consider going public in the US stock market in the past.

Like the current shareholding structure of 51 Guardians, 51 Group holds 60% of the shares, the original guard software team led by Mr. Liu holds 20% of the total shares, and Yiwang and Baidu each hold 10% of the shares.

We plan to sell a majority stake in the desktop business. If Qihu Technology is willing to undertake it, then cooperate with 369 Security Browser to help each other develop. It is estimated that in about three years, there is hope that the package will be listed on the US stock market.

Under the current management structure of 51 Group, it is estimated that it will take a long time for this project to achieve an IPO..."

After listening to Gao Yang's explanation, Zou Hongwei was a little convinced: "Mr. Gao, 51 Guardians will transfer the majority stake in the desktop business. How much is it going to transfer? How to estimate it?"

Gao Yang introduced: "If Qihu Technology is willing to undertake, we will transfer 55% to 60% of the total to meet the needs of Qihu Technology's absolute holding.

51 Group is willing to transfer 40% of the equity, and the rest of the equity transfer will be settled by Yiwang, Baidu and Mr. Liu, the team's shareholding.

Several of our investors have already communicated about this matter.

In terms of valuation, let’s calculate based on a relatively cheap valuation, the overall valuation of 2 million US dollars. "

Zou Hongwei shook his head and smiled: "Mr. Gao, the valuation of 2 million US dollars is too high, and Qihu Technology can't afford it."

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Zou is always an expert. 3271 was sold for 2003 million US dollars in 1.2. It is impossible not to understand the value of 51 Guardians. To be honest, if 51 Guardians is willing to introduce VC, let alone a valuation of 2 million US dollars, 2.5 million or even 3 million, there will be VC capital willing to come in."

Zou Hongwei smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Gao, I admit that the 51 Guardian desktop business is valued at 2 million US dollars, which is not very expensive, but if Qihu Technology wants to go ahead, it must have at least 60% of the equity, that is 1.2 Hundreds of millions of dollars, we really don't have the financial resources..."

(End of this chapter)

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