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Chapter 404 Seven Years' Gift

Chapter 404 The Seven Year Ritual
On August 8, at the end of summer, Yaoyao and Shitou turned 23 months old. The two little ones could sit up and play when they were just 7 months old. In the past few days, they suddenly started to learn to crawl.

Although the movement is still a bit clumsy, it looks cute.

The summer vacation is coming to an end, Gao Yingxue and Li Xiuzhen are also planning to bring Jiang Xue and Xiao Jiang Bo back to Jinyang.

Gao Yang took Gao Yingxue again to the Cancer Hospital of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and asked a specialist for a lung examination.

In the end, there was still no problem, and Gao Yingxue was in good health.

On August 8, Gao Yang and Gu Yawen sent their parents to the airport, completed the check-in procedures, and arranged for the female driver Hu Chunfen hired by the family to accompany them all the way.

Before parting, Gao Yang repeatedly told him: "Dad, when you go back, you must be careful not to catch a cold in this autumn and winter season. If you catch a cold, don't hold on to it. You should see a doctor and take medicine.

In addition, you can take more walks with your mother every day, and walk a few miles, you can also exercise..."

Gu Yawen also said: "Dad, Mom, follow Gao Yang's arrangement, go back to Jinyang, and take care of yourself."

Gao Yingxue said with a smile: "Don't worry, we are all in good health, we will pay attention."

Looking at Gao Yingxue's back, Gao Yang secretly prayed in his heart.

After this winter and next spring, if Gao Yingxue is in good health, he should have survived the catastrophe in Gao Yang's memory...

A series of business negotiations for the sale of desktop business by 51 Guardians was finally completed on August 8.

At dusk, hearing Shao Hanyun report the news to Gao Yang on the phone, Gu Yawen took a shrimp dumpling, put it on Gao Yang's dinner plate, and asked with a smile:
"This transfer of the equity of 51 Guardians, the group's investment income will be 9000 million US dollars. How do you plan to arrange it?"

Gao Yang said: "I have already planned it out. The money will be transferred to an asset management company on Hong Kong Island and arranged to invest in U.S. stocks."

Gu Yawen was surprised and said: "With more than 7 million Ruanmei coins, you have arranged to invest in US stocks. What should other shareholders do if they have opinions? Last year's Spring Festival, shareholders did not pay dividends. Are you going to make the same arrangement this year?"

Gao Yang said: "This year's shareholder dividends should be distributed according to normal operating profits. We don't consider using this money to distribute dividends. This money should be considered for investment."

Gu Yawen persuaded: "Husband, I know you want to earn more money for the company and accumulate more funds. There is only one month left before the National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival. This year we celebrate both festivals together.

I suggest that it is better to take part of the money and pay more holiday allowances to employees.

This year, the company has added more than 1300 employees. The income gap between the companies is a bit large. Sunshine Company has the best benefits and the highest employee income.

You have also mentioned that some ordinary employees in regional companies only earn 4000 yuan a month.

This transfer of 51 Guardians requires a press conference. By then, all the employees of the group will know about it. You have to make everyone happy. "

Gao Yang thought for a while, then smiled and said, "Well, let's keep 1000 million US dollars for employee welfare expenses. During the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day, we will distribute holiday condolences at the standard of 8000 yuan per person, starting at 5000 yuan.

In addition, the three-fee subsidy standards for employees of regional companies have been increased, and the social security, medical insurance and provident fund payment standards have also been increased.

What's more, start the construction of the group's headquarters building ahead of schedule and strive for completion in 2007 or the first half of 2008. "

Gu Yawen asked curiously: "The construction of the headquarters building will cost hundreds of millions. Where will the funds come from?"

Gao Yang said: "Just get a loan from the bank, and the financial treatment will just offset the huge investment income from the transfer of 51 Guardians this time.

Now, the 51 Group is still in the three-year tax incentive period, so it borrows money in the name of the company for the construction of the headquarters building.

In my opinion, just borrow 6 million yuan.

The headquarters building plus the project of the Joint Research Institute is planned on the basis of a construction area of ​​30 square meters, which can accommodate 1.6 to 1.8 people in office. "

Gu Yawen was surprised and said: "We now add up all the employees in the country, including Yuanda Company and Yueju Company, and there are only more than 3600 people."

Gao Yang said: "It is to take advantage of the low land price and the low construction cost to complete the project in one step.

I am considering acquiring about 600 mu of land at one time in the Shangdi Development Zone and planning a 51 Science and Technology Park.

To build, simply build a top-level office environment, and then build supporting staff dormitory buildings, mainly for young employees who have just graduated from university and have not yet married.

In a few years, the number of employees of 51 Group in Beijing will definitely exceed 1. "

Gu Yawen was shocked: "In this case, 10 billion won't be enough."

Gao Yang said: "10 billion is definitely not worth it, but it's not a one-time payment. By the second half of next year, the company should not be short of this expense. The current bull market trend of A shares is obvious. By this time next year, We have great hope of earning billions or even tens of billions."

Gao Yang decided to invest in the construction of the headquarters building. Although Gu Yawen was shocked, she still smiled and said: "I know you never do things that you are not sure about. Since you have decided to do it, then I firmly support you."

Gao Yang said: "Yawen, you are the group's vice president in charge of logistics. After the headquarters building project is approved, you will have to work hard for a while. You need to take charge of the preparation work."

Gu Yawen said: "This is my job, it's hard work..."

This is a well-known seafood restaurant near the North Fourth Ring Road. Today is the Qixi Festival of the lunar calendar. Gao Yang is in a small private room in the restaurant, eating alone with Gu Yawen, celebrating Chinese Valentine's Day.

At the booth outside the private room, Xu Xiaodong and Hu Chunfen also had dinner together. Taking advantage of today's special festival, Xu Xiaodong wanted to strike while the iron was hot and get closer to Hu Chunfen.

In the private room, Gu Yawen put a small gift box in front of Gao Yang: "Honey, this is a gift I prepared for you."

Gao Yang opened it with a smile and said in surprise: "Patek Philippe, it's too extravagant. I heard that the watches of this brand start at a million dollars."

This is a Patek Philippe with a black dial, a silver-white case, and a black strap. It is exquisite in shape, elegant in a simple style.

It's very beautiful, and Gao Yang fell in love with it immediately.

Gu Yawen pursed her lips and smiled: "I know you don't want to be particular about what to wear, but this year is the seventh year we've been in love. With your current status, you should also wear a good watch. A watch can best show a man's personality." Temperament.

This watch is actually not expensive. I chose the ordinary model, which is 49.99 yuan, which is considered the top of Patek Philippe's ordinary models.

The watch in your hand was bought for less than 2 yuan at that time, and it has been worn for seven years, so it should be replaced. "

"Thank you, wife. Fortunately, I am also prepared..."

Gao Yang chuckled, took out an exquisite small gift box from his handbag, and handed it to Gu Yawen.

Gu Yawen opened it with a smile, looking surprised: "Jade pendant, this should be very expensive?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "I asked Sister Xia to help me choose this, I don't understand it at all.

I heard that the planting water of this jadeite pendant is called glass full of green, and the brand is called Jinyu.

Sister Xia said that the boss of this company is an experienced rough jadeite player, and the company has been established for more than ten years.

This pendant, priced at 66.66, has an authentication certificate.

Sister Xia has been playing with jade for many years, she will not miss it, she said that the price is not expensive for such planting water and craftsmanship. "

"It's 66, it's not expensive..."

Gu Yawen complained, but her heart was sweet. This was the first time Gao Yang bought her jewelry as a gift, and it cost so much money.

Gu Yawen said again: "Usually, if I buy you two better clothes, you think it's too expensive, but you spent so much money buying jewelry for me."

Before getting married, Gu Yawen didn't wear jewelry, and the jewelry she wears now is not expensive. Earrings, necklaces, and rings add up to less than 10 yuan.

Gao Yang said: "Yawen, my concept of wealth is that wealth is not used to show off, but to allow myself and my family to live comfortably.

Nowadays, some people like to show off how rich they are through luxury goods such as luxury cars, watches, jewelry or clothing.

Some men even hang a large gold chain directly around their necks.

In fact, no real rich person would be so ostentatious. To be too ostentatious, there are only disadvantages and no benefits. "

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Husband, I understand, if you buy me such an expensive jadeite, wouldn't it be too flamboyant for me to wear it out?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Emerald actually looks the same from a distance. Only those who really know how to do it can see it if they look carefully. Hundreds of thousands of jadeite pendants are actually not expensive. Sister Xia said that the most expensive It can sell for tens of millions."

Gu Yawen smiled sweetly: "I like this gift very much, thank you husband."

Gu Yawen took off the platinum necklace around her neck, Gao Yang helped her put on the emerald pendant, took a closer look, and said with a smile: "It's pretty, it matches your temperament."

Gu Yawen put on a new watch for Gao Yang again, and praised: "This watch also matches your temperament very well, very handsome."

Gao Yang took off the old watch, wiped it clean, put it into the box of the new watch, and said with a smile: "This watch will be locked in the safe as a souvenir."

Gu Yawen sat on Gao Yang's lap and kissed her softly: "My husband, I am very happy and lucky to have you by my side in this life."

Gao Yang also kissed back: "Yawen, I am also very happy to have you on this journey, thank you for being kind to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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