Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 406 Finding the Father of Subprime Mortgage Theory

Chapter 406 Finding the Father of Subprime Mortgage Theory
Zou Hongwei looked at Liu Xu, who smiled slightly and picked up the microphone:
"Let me first explain the question of this reporter friend, first of all, there is no need to worry.

After Qihu Technology acquires the desktop business of 51Guard, most of our original R&D and operation team will join Qihu Technology, and the research and development will not be interrupted, and the service will be maintained. This is one of them.

Second, 51Guard will focus on the enterprise market in the future and will establish a long-term cooperative relationship with Qihu Technology. The two parties will establish a joint anti-virus laboratory and closely monitor various new computer viruses or virus variants around the world.

In terms of technical strength, the joint laboratory is one plus one greater than two, and the research results will be applied to 369 security guards in time.

Therefore, users do not need to worry about the decline in research and development level or service quality after the 51 Guard desktop product is renamed 369 Security Guard, it will only be better. "

Zou Hongwei added: "Let me answer the reporter's question again.

Mr. Liu has explained clearly just now that after Qihu Technology took over the operation of 51 Guards and changed its name to 369 Security Guards, our two companies are a long-term cooperative partnership, whether it is product development and technology iteration, or providing users with services will be enhanced.

Secondly, the product combination of 369 Security Guard and 369 Security Browser can also provide users with more thoughtful security solutions.

Finally, Qihu Technology will also reach an extensive cooperative relationship with 51 Group.

51 Group is an excellent Internet company full of innovative genes. 51 Group has always put users first and served users well as its fundamental purpose.

The same is true for Qihu Technology, we are also very honored to establish a partnership with such an excellent company as 51 Group..."

Then, Fang Jian, who attended the press conference on behalf of 51 Group, also added:

"What Mr. Zou said just now is correct. 51 Group is a user-centered Internet company. This is reflected in our various Internet platforms. I believe friends in the media also feel it.

Because 51 Group wants to focus more on existing platform projects and expand new media projects, it has adjusted the strategic layout of platform projects. In the anti-virus market, it will focus on the enterprise market in the future.

In the future, 51 Group will cooperate extensively with Qihu Technology in many aspects such as marketing promotion and user development.

Qihu Technology will also support 51pay, a third-party online payment tool. Through 51pay, users of Qihu Technology can also become users of various Internet platforms of 51 Group, and the users of the two companies can have a high degree of overlap.

We also believe that Qihu Technology, which focuses on providing users with comprehensive security solutions, can provide better services to the original users of 51 Guards..."

Next, Xu Xin, on behalf of Venture Capital Today, and a representative of IDG, also answered questions from reporters respectively, and they were all optimistic about the development prospects of Qihu Technology after acquiring the desktop business of 51 Guardians.

In today's press conference, the caliber of publicity is that Qihu Technology and two VC institutions will acquire the desktop business of 2 Guards as a whole at a valuation of 51 million U.S. dollars. This is Gao Yang's tone.

2 million US dollars also created a new record for the merger and acquisition of Huaxia Internet companies. For the media, this is big news.

The press conference is still in progress, and many media have rushed to send a newsletter of this news through their own news websites or official accounts on 51 Weibo.

All of a sudden, the entire network began to repost and comment in large numbers.

Among them, there is no shortage of discussions on whether the desktop business of 51 Guardians is worth 2 million US dollars.

In the eyes of some professionals in the circle, 5000Guard, with more than 51 million users, is in an absolute leading position in the desktop market, with a huge advantage in traffic, and a fast development speed. The valuation of 2 million US dollars is not high.

This incident once again reflects the huge wealth effect after the success of Internet entrepreneurship.

After the news came out, Goose Factory immediately organized an internal discussion. In the eyes of many goose factory executives, it was a bit inconceivable that 51 Group suddenly sold the 51 Guardian desktop business.

"The 51 Group sold such a good project as 51 Guardians, have you lost your mind?"

"The 51 Group has always claimed that it does not accept VC. It seems to be true. This also shows that the 51 Group expanded too fast and the funds began to be unable to support it. That's why they reluctantly sold 51 Guardians."

"51 Guardians gave up the desktop business, which is a great thing for our goose factory."

"That's right. Zou Hongwei took over 51 Guards and changed his name to 369 Security Guards. It will involve a series of internal integration, as well as external publicity and promotion. This is an excellent opportunity for QQ Doctor to speed up."

"QQ Doctor speeds up the iteration progress, strengthens user drainage, and strives to change its name to Computer Manager as soon as possible, catching up with or even surpassing 369 Security Guard."

"Hehe, with QQ's absolute leading traffic advantage, it only takes two years at most for QQ doctors to let Qihu Technology drink footwashing water."

"Yes, 51 Guardians used to be under the traffic system of the 51 Group, and it was not easy for us to deal with it. Now, it is much easier to deal with a mere Tiger Riding Technology."

"Keep in mind our purpose, follow the path of others, and let others have nowhere to go..."

Today, the Goose Factory QQ doctor project team, as well as these high-level executives, are quite excited.

They all began to imagine the day when Goose Factory would rule the desktop security market.

This is a big new traffic entrance. In a few years, the potential user traffic can reach hundreds of millions.

51 Group created such a traffic portal, but because it was too arrogant to introduce VC capital, it had to give up, in exchange for 2 million US dollars in cash.

The elites of the goose factory are really overjoyed.

It's a pity that Gao Yang didn't know what they were thinking, if he knew, he would laugh out loud.

The real purpose of Gao Yang to give up 51 Guardians is to hope that the goose factory feels that the opportunity cannot be missed, so as to speed up the product iteration and user diversion of QQ Doctor.

Gao Yang didn't attend the press conference today, and Fang Jian's presence already gave Zou Hongwei enough face.

Today, Gao Yang was arranging other things in the office, and Wu Ruohan was summoned first:

"Ruohan, you have to go to the United States for a business trip, and the 8000 million US dollars will be transferred to the asset management company on Hong Kong Island immediately. You go to the United States to discuss with your elder brother and sister-in-law, and arrange for the funds to be invested in US stocks.

In addition, last year I suggested that my eldest brother and sister-in-law register a hedge fund and entrust them to track and investigate the dynamics of the US subprime mortgage market.

You go over this time and bring back the investigation.

Before going on a business trip to the United States, see if you can find a professor named Qin Xianglin. My elder brother said that Professor Qin is currently teaching in a domestic university.

If you can get in touch with Professor Qin, you can visit him and learn about the design principle of the US real estate market mortgage loan packaged by Wall Street as a subprime loan product.

This Professor Qin is a top global quantitative expert in the financial field. The theoretical basis for Wall Street's design of CDOs is said to be derived from a very influential paper of his.

Is there any way for you to get in touch with this Professor Qin through your former supervisor at the University of Finance and Economics, or other teachers? "

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother-in-law, the tutor of the University of Finance and Economics, I want to ask if I know this Professor Qin."

Gao Yang said: "Ruohan, for the situation of Professor Qin, you should first contact your eldest brother to find out, and then go to the University of Finance and Economics to find out about your advisor. It would be best if you can contact Professor Qin, but it doesn't matter if you can't get in touch temporarily. .”

Wu Ruohan asked again: "Brother-in-law, how long will it take me to go to America this time?"

Gao Yang said: "It's probably ten and a half months. After you go there, you can arrange your work according to the plan, so you can play for a few more days."

Wu Ruohan said: "Then I'm on a business trip, what about the A-shares?"

Gao Yang said: "Don't worry, I will watch it personally. We are currently holding positions, so we don't need to worry too much."

Wu Ruohan said: "Okay then, shall I go to the United States on a business trip alone?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Of course not, Hu Chunfen or Zhang Ling, you choose one and go with you."

Wu Ruohan thought about it, and said with a smile, "Then I'll pick Zhang Ling. Chunfen and Xu Xiaodong just got married, so I won't break them up..."

(End of this chapter)

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