Chapter 407
September 9th is Teacher's Day, Wu Ruohan went out early in the morning to visit her mentor at the University of Finance and Economics.

Gao Yang was at home, and he also called his homeroom teachers in middle school, high school and technical secondary school, as well as several teachers who were role models and respected by him.

Gao Yang has maintained this habit since 2000 when he was the executive editor-in-chief of the CPI National Edition.

In this regard, Gu Yawen also has an influence on Gao Yang. Every time during the holidays, Gu Yawen will call or send text messages to some of her teachers to greet her.

At noon, after returning home, Wu Ruohan went to the study to report to Gao Yang: "Brother-in-law, the professor Qin Xianglin you mentioned has been found. He is a professor at the School of Economics of Shanghai Jiaotong University."

Gao Yang smiled and said, "I found it so smoothly. Are your tutor and Professor Qin friends?"

Wu Ruohan said: "No, my financial engineering tutor, Professor Xu, is a good friend with Professor Ba of Peking University's School of Finance, and Professor Ba and Professor Qin are also good friends. My supervisor, Professor Tuoba, helped me contact Professor Qin. The professor would like to see me.

My tutor said that Professor Qin is the world's top quantitative expert with a high status.I will visit Professor Qin in Shanghai tomorrow, and I will leave for the United States next Wednesday at the latest. "

Gao Yang warned: "Ruohan, ask Zhang Ling to accompany you to the magic city tomorrow, and when you meet Professor Qin, you must have a correct attitude, be respectful to others, and perform the discipleship ritual. If such a powerful expert can teach you a thing or two, you will be able to It will benefit you immensely.”

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, I know, I'm not stupid."

Wu Ruohan turned to leave, Gao Yang's cell phone rang, it was Shao Hanyun's call.

"Mr. Gao, our company's image spokesperson, Liu Yifei's mother, Aunt Liu, asked me for your personal contact number."

Gao Yang asked curiously: "Hanyun, what is Aunt Liu looking for from me?"

Shao Hanyun said: "Mr. Gao, Aunt Liu didn't tell me. She said she wanted to call you."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Okay, then you can give her my phone number."

Liu Yifei is now a popular first-line actress in the entertainment industry. In mid-March this year, the new "Sculpture of God" TV series starring her has been on the air since it was broadcast.

Last year, Liu Yifei signed a contract with Sony Music and received professional vocal and dance training in Japan for more than half a year.

At the end of August this year, Liu Yifei just turned 8 years old, and released the Chinese music album "Liu Yifei" of the same name in the mainland. The album was sold as soon as it came out, and was snapped up by fans.

Liu Yifei has been cooperating with 51 Group for almost two years. Now she has more than 51 million fans on 51 and 2000 Weibo. She ranks first among actresses. Hot inside.

In the past two years, Liu Yifei and 51 Group have also achieved mutual success.

Liu Yifei's high popularity has played a great role in attracting users of 51 Group's various platforms.

And the user traffic of 51 Group also played a huge role in promoting Liu Yifei's high popularity.

Looking back, Gao Yang arranged for Liu Yifei to sign a two-year contract with an annual endorsement fee of 17 million when Liu Yifei just turned 200, which was naturally super cheap.

Gao Yang reckoned that Liu Yifei's mother, also her manager Liu Li, came to him suddenly because she wanted to talk about continuing cooperation.

Of course, the endorsement fee must also rise sharply.

Soon, Gao Yang received a call from Liu Li: "Mr. Gao, I'm sorry to disturb you and have a weekend rest."

Gao Yang said: "President Liu, you're welcome, what can you do for me?"

Liu Li said: "Mr. Gao, Yifei and I arrived in Beijing yesterday. In order to thank Mr. Gao for his care and support to Yifei in the past two years, we would like to invite you to dinner. I wonder if Mr. Gao has other arrangements for the evening?"

Gao Yang thought about it: "Well, Mr. Liu, I will treat you and Yifei to dinner tonight. After the time and place are fixed, I will let Hanyun inform you."

Liu Li hurriedly said: "Okay, then I will thank Mr. Gao first."

Gao Yang said another word of politeness, then hung up the phone. After thinking about it, Liu Yifei is a popular star after all, so it's better to arrange the dinner in a private place like the club.

Gao Yang called Shao Hanyun again and asked her to make reservations for the evening meal and then notify Liu Li.

After washing up, Gao Yang went to see the three children, who had just been coaxed to sleep by Gu Yawen and Wu Lan.

Gu Yawen pulled Gao Yang back to the bedroom for a lunch break.

After lying down, Gao Yang said: "Just now Liu Yifei's mother called me, saying that she and Liu Yifei arrived in the capital yesterday, and wanted to ask me out for dinner tonight, and I agreed."

Gu Yawen said: "The two-year endorsement contract that Yifei signed with us is about to expire, Auntie Liu probably wants to talk to you about renewing the contract and cooperation?"

Gao Yang said: "I guessed the same way. Liu Yifei is now a popular star. Her mother came to me directly, probably because she wanted to negotiate a high-priced contract."

Gu Yawen said: "Yifei is so popular now, the annual endorsement fee is estimated to be tens of millions."

Gao Yang said: "The asking price may be more than 1000 million. My idea is that 51 Group can pay high-priced endorsement fees, but there will be some strict requirements to sign a five-year long-term contract."

Gu Yawen said: "You have a good eye for people. She was only 17 years old when she signed Yi Fei as an endorser. She had just debuted not long ago and was not very famous. She became famous in just two years. Tonight's dinner, we I won't go, I will stay at home with the children."

Gao Yang said: "It won't take long to have a meal, you can go."

"I have Yunyun to accompany you, Yaoyao and Shishi can crawl all over the ground, I want to spend more time with my children on weekends."

Gu Yawen suddenly smiled and said: "Yifei is so beautiful, and she is a big star, she is so beautiful, I won't go, you can just enjoy it."

"What are you talking about, nonsense..." Gao Yang began to tickle Gu Yawen.

Gu Yawen giggled and begged for mercy.

After Gao Yang let go, Gu Yawen asked again: "Honey, for a young and beautiful star like Yifei, if given the chance, would you be tempted?"

"What do you mean?"

Gao Yang was delighted: "There are so many young and beautiful stars, I have to be tempted when I see one? I'm not a fanboy, nor do I have such a crazy possessive desire. With a beautiful and gentle wife like you, what am I not satisfied with?" of?"

Gu Yawen laughed again: "As long as you don't be emotional, you can still be tempted. I won't blame you..."

Gao Yang ignored her, hugged her directly in his arms, and started to fight her up and down, Gu Yawen immediately became obedient.

Gao Yang also knew that this was a joke that Gu Yawen liked to make occasionally, and she even made fun of Shao Hanyun in front of Gao Yang, which was also her way of flirting, so that Gao Yang could keep some freshness.

Shao Hanyun hasn't talked about a boyfriend until now. As Gao Yang's assistant, he may have work arrangements at any time, just like the dinner tonight.

It is naturally impossible for Shao Hanyun to have any thoughts about Gao Yang. Recently, Gao Yang has been thinking about sending this girl to the project company to cultivate her ability to stand alone...

(End of this chapter)

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