Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 409 Mom is paving the way for you

Chapter 409 Mom is paving the way for you
Gao Yang noticed Liu Li's instant reaction, and was not surprised, he just said seriously:

"Aunt Liu, Yifei deserves such top-level remuneration. Of course, 51 Group will also have corresponding restrictions, and some aspects may be stricter.

With an annual endorsement of 2000 million, we hope to sign a contract with Yifei for 5 years. Within these 5 years, Yifei will not be able to accept commercials for other domestic Internet companies or participate in commercial activities.

However, 51 Group's cooperative companies, such as Baidu, Yiwang and Qihu, can be exceptions, and we can even help Yifei introduce cooperation opportunities.

Second, and more importantly, within the five years, Yifei must maintain a good public image, and must not have self-destructive words or deeds or other incidents, such as tax stains.

Thirdly, Yifei also has to fully cooperate with some important promotional activities of the 51 Group.

If Aunt Liu can accept these conditions in principle, we can cooperate in this way for 5 years, and after 5 years, we can continue to negotiate.

Of course, for more specific contract details, I will arrange the company's product promotion department to negotiate with you..."

After Gao Yang finished speaking, Liu Li responded immediately: "Gao Yang, thank you for your strong support to Yifei. This kind of cooperation is exactly what we hope for. We can accept all the cooperation conditions you requested."

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "Okay, I hope we will continue to cooperate happily in the future. If Auntie Liu has time these few days, you can come to our company's product promotion department to discuss the specific details of the contract."

Liu Li raised her red wine glass and said with a smile: "That would be the best. Yifei and I came to the capital this time just to deal with this matter in time. She has been busy recently and has to receive a lot of professional training. Improve yourself."

The important matter of cooperation has been decided, and both parties are very satisfied. The next step is to have a good time with wine and chat about some interesting things.

Liu Yifei also talked about her own acting, and some interesting stories about her talent learning in Japan last year.

The young girl who has just turned 19 years old is pure and cute, and Liu Yifei's image and temperament can also be called stunning.

Liu Li has been secretly watching Gao Yang's eyes, and found that he rarely looked directly at her daughter, and occasionally glanced at her with a smile on his face, with a focused expression and polite eyes, giving off a very gentlemanly and cultivated feeling.

Liu Yifei would also observe Gao Yang secretly, feeling that this handsome boss with a good reputation is very special, different from most men.

The dinner ended at 8:[-] in the evening. Before leaving, Gao Yang heard that the mother and daughter were staying in a hotel in Beijing, but he was quite surprised, so he arranged for Zhang Wei to send Liu Li and her daughter back to the hotel.

Liu Li also said that after negotiating the contract with 51 Group, she would consider taking two days to buy a house in the capital.

Gao Yang and Shao Hanyun stayed at the club drinking tea, waiting for Zhang Wei to come back.

Suddenly recalling Gu Yawen's joke a few days ago, Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Hanyun, haven't you talked about a boyfriend yet?"

Shao Hanyun was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Gao, I haven't met a suitable one yet. I'm still young and I'm not in a hurry. Besides, I'm usually busy with work."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "It seems that you being my assistant has affected the person you are talking to."

Shao Hanyun hurriedly said: "No, no, Mr. Gao, you misunderstood, I didn't mean that..."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "There is no need to explain, it will definitely have an impact. Connotation, do you want to go to the project company to exercise?"

Shao Hanyun's eyes widened: "Mr. Gao, are you dissatisfied with my work?"

Gao Yang laughed: "You really think that I am quite satisfied with your job. But, you are willing to be my assistant all the time, and you don't want to stand alone and improve yourself?"

Shao Hanyun understood, and felt a little embarrassed: "Mr. Gao, I want to improve myself, but if I leave the president's office, then you won't have a suitable assistant for a while."

Gao Yang said: "Besides you, there are five other people in the president's office. Who do you think can fill your position?"

After thinking about it seriously, Shao Hanyun replied: "Then I recommend Li Qin. Li Qin has a bachelor's degree in business administration. She has worked in the president's office for a year and a half. She has the best image and temperament, works hard, and is very careful. I understand it better.

In addition, Li Qin has studied business English, and her spoken English is fluent, much better than mine. "

Gao Yang said: "Okay, then let Li Qin take over for you, Han Yun, which project do you want to work in, and what position do you want to work in?"

Shao Hanyun thought about it seriously again: "Mr. Gao, if possible, I would like to go to Weibo or to do content or operation, I can try it."

Gao Yang said: "Then next year, you will go to 51 Weibo as the vice president, assist Zhang Yue, and do a good job in content first, so that Zhang Yue can have more energy to think about operations. Operational training will be considered in the future."

On the other side, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel near Wangfujing, Liu Li and her daughter Liu Yifei have already settled down and registered for a double suite.

Liu Yifei brewed two cups of black tea, handed it to Liu Li, and sat down: "Mom, are we really not going to say hello to godfather when we come to the capital?"

Liu Li took a sip of tea and sighed: "Yifei, your godfather has indeed helped us a lot in the past few years, but he has been a little out of line in the past two years.

In the past two years, Mom has been working hard to repay his favor. Now that your career has begun to succeed, our favor has almost returned, so it's time to stay away from him. "

Liu Yifei recalled that her godfather sometimes looked at her with some explicit eyes, and some overly intimate movements, as well as Liu Li's reaction, so she lowered her head and said, "Mom, I understand."

Liu Li asked suddenly: "Yi Fei, what's your impression of Gao Yang?"

Liu Yifei said: "That's good. He is a well-known figure in the Internet circle. I observed him closely tonight, and I feel that he is well-mannered, a good person, and he speaks quite straightforwardly."

Liu Li asked again: "Do you know why Mom asked you to call him Brother Yang tonight?"

Liu Yifei asked curiously, "Mom, is there a reason for this name?"

"Of course there is."

Liu Li said with a serious face: "Yifei, Mom is paving the way for you.

In order to discuss your endorsement contract with 51 Group this time, Mom also asked some friends to help inquire about Gao Yang.

A few days ago, I finally found out some news. I heard that Gao Yang's background is quite deep, and ordinary people can't afford to provoke him. He is not a businessman like your godfather.

After such a contact today, my mother also felt that Gao Yang is a decent person, and he really appreciates you and is willing to support you.

He gave you a 1 million endorsement contract, which Mom never expected.

Yifei, mother wanted you to concentrate on dancing, but you just wanted to learn acting and become a star.

Now, how dirty showbiz is, how disgusting some people are, and you feel it too.

If you want to concentrate on developing in the entertainment industry and achieve a career, it is actually very difficult. If you have a good image and temperament, you are young and beautiful, and there will be many disgusting men who want to take advantage of you.

In the future, you should get closer to Gao Yang, and if you have time in the future, you might as well find an opportunity to visit their house as a guest and become a true friend.

With Gao Yang supporting you behind your back, there are not many people who dare to make up your mind.

Mom is almost 50 years old, it is really not easy to be a woman, especially a beautiful woman, do you understand? "

Liu Yifei said: "Mom, I understand, I've always been careful."

Liu Li thought about it: "At the end of October, you're going to participate in the TV festival awards, why don't you invite Gao Yang to be a guest and accompany you?"

Liu Yifei was surprised and said: "Mom, this is an event in the entertainment industry, will Brother Yang agree?"

Liu Li said: "You took the initiative to invite, call Gao Yang now, remember, you are a beautiful and lovely girl, you must have confidence in yourself."

Liu Yifei was even more surprised: "Call now?"

Liu Li said: "That's right, strike while the iron is hot, remember, call me Brother Yang."

Liu Yifei thought of Gao Yang's appearance, pursed her lips and smiled, and took out her mobile phone, and Liu Li reported Gao Yang's phone number beside her.

At this time, Gao Yang was returning to Wanliu in the car driven by Zhang Wei, when his cell phone rang, and when he saw it was an unfamiliar number, he pinched it without even thinking about it.

Liu Yifei looked embarrassed: "Mom, Brother Yang doesn't even answer the phone."

Liu Li patted her cheek: "Mom forgot, you and Gao Yang haven't exchanged mobile phone numbers yet, it's normal for him not to answer strange calls, you can use my mobile phone to call."

Liu Yifei took Liu Li's cell phone and dialed Gao Yang again with a smile.

This time, Gao Yang really accepted it.

Liu Yifei smiled sweetly: "Brother Yang, I'm Liu Yifei, are you home yet?"

Gao Yang was a little surprised, and said with a smile: "It's almost here, thank you Yifei, when Aunt Liu comes to our company to discuss cooperation, you are welcome to visit 51 Group."

Liu Yifei said: "Okay, Brother Yang, I will come, then you go home and rest early, I wish you a good night."

Gao Yang said: "Thank you, you should rest early too."

Liu Yifei said again: "By the way, Brother Yang, the strange call you didn't answer just now is my private mobile phone number."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "So it was you, I will save it, good night."

After hanging up the phone, Gao Yang saved Liu Yifei's private number, a little inexplicably, what's the meaning of this fairy young lady making such a sudden call?
In the restaurant, Liu Li asked, "Yifei, why didn't you mention the TV festival to Gao Yang?"

Liu Yifei smiled and said, "Mom, aren't you going to 51 Group to negotiate a contract? I'll go too. When the time comes, I'll go to Brother Yang's office and invite him face to face."

Liu Li thought about it: "That's good, it looks more sincere."

After Gao Yang returned home, he washed up and went to sleep.

When Gu Yawen heard that Gao Yang was going to spend 1 million yuan to sign Liu Yifei's endorsement for 5 years, she was quite surprised: "The asking price is so high?"

After Gao Yang explained the details of tonight's negotiation, he said with a smile: "Yawen, 5 million endorsements in [-] years sounds like a high price, but it's actually quite a deal.

Liu Yifei is already very popular, and it may become even more popular in the next few years. Her image and temperament are also very suitable for endorsement of 51 Group, and there is no second such female star.

We spent 51 million to lock in her five-year endorsement, which is of great benefit to the public image of the [-] Group and the development of users on various platforms.

Most of Liu Yifei's fans are young people, and there will be more young people becoming her fans in the future.

She will help us import many new users..."

(End of this chapter)

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