Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 410 The 800-acre Science and Technology Park

Chapter 410 The 800-acre Science and Technology Park

In the early morning of September 9, accompanied by Zhang Ling, the female security guard at home, Wu Ruohan rushed to Shanghai Jiaotong University to visit the top quantitative expert Professor Qin Xianglin.

Shao Hanyun also received a call from Liu Li early in the morning. Liu Li planned to go to 51 Group today to discuss Liu Yifei's endorsement contract.

Shao Hanyun first called Gao Yang to report, and then rushed to the hotel to pick him up.

Seeing that it was still Liu Li and Liu Yifei's mother and daughter today, Shao Hanyun was a little surprised: "Aunt Liu, did you and Yifei come to the capital this time without any security personnel to accompany you?"

Liu Li said: "The previous security guards didn't feel suitable, and they were going to replace them, but I haven't found a suitable one yet."

Shao Hanyun said: "Aunt Liu, there are four security personnel in Mr. Gao's home, two men and two women. Zhang Wei who sent you back to the hotel last night is Mr. Gao's full-time driver and security guard. Viagra also worked as a secret service before. If Auntie needs it, I can find Viagra and they will introduce it for you."

Liu Li, who was born in a cadre family, was a little surprised when he heard that Zhang Wei, who was driving last night, had also worked as a secret service.

Liu Li asked: "Hanyun, how did you find a security guard like Zhang Wei?"

Shao Hanyun said: "Aunt Liu, Mr. Gao's family contacted and arranged the arrangement. It is inconvenient for me to talk about the specific situation. If Aunt Liu wants to know more, she can talk to Mr. Gao or his lover Mr. Gu."

Liu Li smiled and said, "I understand, Yunyun, thank you for your guidance."

At this moment, Liu Li was convinced that the rumors about Gao Yang's profound background were true. It was a great blessing for her daughter to have a long-term cooperation with 51 Group and to be valued by Gao Yang.

After 9 o'clock in the morning, Shao Hanyun rushed to the Weber Building with Liu Li, mother and daughter, and entered the office of 51 Group. Liu Yifei took off her sunglasses, mask, and baseball cap.

Liu Yifei was wearing sportswear today, her hair was tied into a ponytail, and she was dressed like a college student.

However, as soon as this youthful and beautiful face was revealed, the office area of ​​51 Group became a little commotion.

Everyone recognized it, the company's image spokesperson, "Sister Fairy" is here.

However, although some young employees were very excited, they just whispered, and no one gathered around to ask for autographs or anything.

Shao Hanyun directly took Liu Li's mother and daughter to Gao Yang's office, and Gu Yawen was also there.

After entering the room, Gu Yawen greeted her warmly, took Liu Yifei's hand, and said with a smile: "Big star, so beautiful!"

Liu Yifei smiled sweetly: "Sister Yawen, you are beautiful."

In terms of appearance, Gu Yawen is no worse than Liu Yifei, but the faces of the two are not of the same type, and Gu Yawen's facial contours are rounder.

After sitting down and drinking a cup of tea, Shao Hanyun led Liu Li to the promotion department to discuss Liu Yifei's new endorsement contract.

Liu Yifei stayed in Gao Yang's office as a guest, and Gu Yawen also accompanied her.

Later, the employees of the group office reported to Gu Yawen, and Gu Yawen returned to her office.

Gao Yang originally wanted to read the materials on the Shangdi industrial park prepared by the office, and had to go to Shangdi for an on-site inspection in the afternoon. Liu Yifei stayed in the office as a guest, and Gao Yang had to drink tea and chat with him.

Gao Yang casually said: "Yifei, you have been cooperating with 51 Group for a long time from now on, if you need our help, you and Aunt Liu are welcome to speak up."

Liu Yifei smiled sweetly: "Thank you, Brother Yang, I really have something to ask for your help."

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "Yifei, tell me."

Liu Yifei said: "At the end of October, the 10th National TV Art Festival will be held. This year, an actor will be selected as the spokesperson for the festival. I was lucky enough to be selected. I would like to invite Brother Yang and Ya Sister Wen is a guest of the family and friends group, can you accompany me to participate in this event?"

Gao Yang was a little confused: "Yifei, this is an event in your show business circle. Yawen and I are outsiders, so it's not suitable?"

Liu Yifei smiled and said: "Brother Yang, you are also a well-known public figure now. I invite you and Sister Yawen to be relatives and guests. It has nothing to do with people inside or outside the circle. If Brother Yang can attend this event, it will be of great help to me. Da, I ask Brother Yang to help me with this, can you?"

Gao Yang thought for a while and said with a smile: "Okay, if I have time then, I can go."

Liu Yifei immediately said happily: "That's great, thank you Brother Yang..."

Later, Shao Hanyun came and took Liu Yifei to visit various office areas of the company. Gao Yang also began to look through the information on the Shangdi Industrial Park that was published in the office this morning.

After reading the information, Gao Yang frowned slightly, and then went to look carefully at a large map of the capital hanging on the wall.

Statistics show that Shangdi Industrial Park, also known as Shangdi Information Industry Base, was approved for construction in the early 90s, and it is also the country's first high-tech industrial park dominated by the information industry.

The planning area of ​​Shangdi Industrial Park is 1.8 square kilometers, which is divided into South District and North District.

Now after 15 years of construction and development, not to mention the South District, the North District has developed to the Xierqiqiao area. Lenovo, Baidu, Yiwang, Huawei, ZTE and other large companies are all located in Zhongguancun Software near the edge of the North District. Near the park, there are office buildings or R&D buildings.

The 51 Group wants to acquire five to six hundred acres of land in this area to build a 51 Science and Technology Park, but there is no such a large area of ​​land at all.

Opposite the industrial park, on the east side of Metro Line 13, there is a large piece of land, but the area on the east side is mainly planned for residential land.

It is not easy to find dozens of acres of vacant land in Shangdi Industrial Park, let alone Gao Yang wants to get five or six hundred acres of land.

If he just took dozens of mu of land and built a high-rise building with dozens of floors, Gao Yang felt that it would be boring. This would not match the future image and temperament of the 51 Group.

Gao Yang lit a cigarette, feeling a little depressed. Beijing is a place where Internet and technology companies gather, and they are mainly concentrated in the Shangdi Industrial Park, because there are preferential policies for land, taxation and other aspects of the industry.

Now, if the 51 Group develops in the special zone, it is estimated that it will be easy to solve the demand for a large area of ​​land. The problem is that it is unrealistic. Everyone lives in the capital, and the talents are also concentrated in the capital. It is impossible for large troops to move.

At this time, Gu Yawen came in with Zeng Qiang, the director of the group's post-departure center.

Gu Yawen said: "A few days ago, my dad asked someone to help me contact the district government. Just now a leader of the district government replied."

Gu Yawen walked to the map, pointed to an area and said: "This area is called Dongbeiwang Farm, with more than 6000 mu of land, and it is also within the planning range of Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park.

Dongbeiwang Farm belongs to the Jingnong Group, a purely state-owned enterprise, and is under the dual management of the city and the district.

The leaders of the district suggested that, in consultation with the Jingnong Group, set aside the land for the 51 Group to build a science and technology industrial park..."

Gao Yang saw that Dongbeiwang Farm was across the street from Zhongguancun Software Park, and was located in the north of the software park.

Gao Yang thought about it: "The location here is also suitable. I don't know if the land price is high. Besides, can we get about 800 mu of land?"

Gu Yawen was surprised and said, "You want to take 800 mu of land?"

Gao Yang nodded: "If we can allocate 800 mu of land, we will take it and solve the company's future land use in the capital at one time."

Gu Yawen said: "Then I'll ask District Chief Chen..."

Gu Yawen sat down and made a call with Gao Yang's office landline.

A few minutes later, Gu Yawen said: "District Chief Chen suggested that we go to the scene to see it in the afternoon, and discuss it after we see it."

Gao Yang nodded: "Then go and see, is District Chief Chen in charge of overall work?"

Gu Yawen said: "No, he is a member of the District Standing Committee and also serves as the deputy head of the district. He is in charge of the science and technology park, as well as urban construction and land. The full name of District Chief Chen is Chen Jianhua."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, then make an appointment with District Chief Chen. We will meet at the farm at three o'clock in the afternoon..."

(End of this chapter)

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