Chapter 412

Back at the company, Zhang Wei got off work, replaced by Xu Xiaodong in the Mercedes-Benz Big G, and sent Gao Yang and the others home.

Gu Yawen called Wu Lan and said that two guests would come tonight, so they should prepare meals for two more people.

Gu Yawen didn't say who the two guests were. When a big star like Liu Yifei came to the house as a guest, Gu Yawen also wanted to create some surprises for Wu Lan and Wu Ruohan.

Wu Ruohan went to Shanghai in the morning, and will come back in the evening, and will soon be on a business trip to the United States.

The big Mercedes-Benz G stopped in front of the No. 7 villa in Wanliu Huafu, and Wu Ruohan, who had already arrived home, greeted him.

When Liu Yifei with a plain face appeared in front of her eyes, Wu Ruohan was instantly surprised: "Ah, so today's guest is Sister Immortal."

Wu Ruohan had only seen Liu Yifei's performance at the company's press conference before, and had never had such close contact with her before.

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "Ruohan, Yi Fei has just turned 19."

Wu Ruohan chuckled: "Yi Fei played Wang Yuyan in Tian Long Ba Bu, fans call her fairy sister..."

Gu Yawen introduced Wu Ruohan to Liu Li and Liu Yifei, and Liu Yifei called her sister Ruohan.

After entering the house, Wu Lan was startled when she saw Liu Yifei, but she didn't expect this big star to visit her home.

After Gu Yawen introduced Liu Li's mother and daughter with a smile, Liu Li looked affectionate and called Wu Lan "Sister Lan", and Liu Yifei called Wu Lan "Auntie".

On the way just now, Liu Li has already found out that Wu Lan is 52 years old this year, 5 years older than her.

Later, Gu Wenlong also came home from get off work, Liu Li hurriedly called Gu Ju, and Liu Yifei called Uncle Gu.

Although Gu Wenlong was surprised that the mother and daughter appeared at home, his attitude was kind and polite.

Liu Li and Liu Yifei didn't expect Gao Yang and his wife to have three children and a pair of dragon and phoenix babies.

Tian Tian is very obedient. Under Wu Lan's guidance, she is called Aunt Liu Yifei and Liu Li is Grandma Liu.

Yaoyao and Shitou are cuter, so Liu Li and Liu Yifei couldn't bear it, each hugged one and masturbated for a long time.

After drinking a cup of hospitality tea and dinner was ready, everyone gathered around a table in the dining room. Seeing that Gu Wenlong and Gao Yang were both drinking baijiu, Liu Li took a glass of baijiu herself.

While drinking, Gao Yang also reported to his father-in-law and mother-in-law that he had discussed with the district government today about investing in the construction of 51 Science and Technology Park in Shangdi.

Gao Yang said: "If there is no accident, the land transfer fee of 800 mu of land is close to 7 million yuan, which is not too expensive. After the investment in the first phase of the project, the total investment is estimated to be more than 20 billion yuan..."

When Gao Yang reported such a large investment, Liu Li and Liu Yifei were secretly horrified.

That's what it means to have strength. Liu Yifei's godfather, who is gradually harboring malicious intentions, is not at the same level as the 51 Group. The difference is too far.

What's more, the Gu family still has the heritage of Gu Wenlong.

Liu Li immediately felt that her daughter would grow up smoothly in the future.

Gu Yawen also said: "Dad, Mom, District Chief Chen of the district government also made a clear request today that the legal person companies of the 51 Group should be transferred to Haidian for registration. He also promised that the intensity of preferential policies will not be lower than Mentougou."

Gu Wenlong nodded: "This is normal. There is competition among districts in terms of economic development. Everyone wants to bring a good company to their own jurisdiction.

Looking at the whole country, the competition among provinces, municipalities, and cities in attracting investment is also very fierce, and healthy competition is beneficial to the overall economic development of the country. "

Liu Li took the initiative to drink liquor and toast tonight. Taking this opportunity, she mentioned the 51 Group's support and help to her daughter and thanked her several times.

Gao Yang also understands what Liu Li wants to express. The cooperation between Liu Yifei and 51 Group is a win-win situation for everyone.

Gu Yawen mentioned to Gu Wenlong again, to help find two suitable security personnel, Gu Wenlong naturally nodded and agreed, it was just a small matter of a phone call.

Unexpectedly, after Liu Li expressed her gratitude, she toasted Gu Wenlong with a glass of wine alone, and suddenly shed a few tears, explaining:
"Director Gu, Sister Lan, we bother you like this, and we want to hire two suitable security personnel for Yifei, not for the sake of ostentation, but to deal with some fanatical fans, I really want to protect the children.

Yifei started filming when she was 15 years old, there are too many dirty things in the entertainment industry..."

After hearing Liu Li's confession, both Gu Wenlong and Wu Lan were a little surprised.

The interlacing is like a mountain, I didn't expect the entertainment industry to be so chaotic.

Wu Lan sighed and said: "You were born so pure and beautiful, it's really hard for you to face such dirty things at such a young age. Yifei, in such a dirty circle, do you still want to stick to this path? "

Liu Yifei said: "Auntie, I know how to protect myself. Engaging in acting is also my ideal in life. I will deal with it carefully."

Wu Ruohan said: "Yifei, if you meet bad guys in the future, just tell us, my brother-in-law will help you, don't be afraid."

Liu Yifei smiled sweetly: "I understand, thank you sister Ruohan."

Gu Yawen also said a few words of relief.

Wu Ruohan suddenly said: "Yifei, if I knew you were coming tonight, I would pick up our Xiaoyue back. She is a sophomore in Peking University. She is a true fan of you and is about the same age as you. Last year on June 18st, Xiaoyue When she turned [-], on the day she received your autographed photo, she was overjoyed."

Liu Li smiled and said: "Then let's bother for a few more days, and when Xiaoyue is on holiday for the weekend, Yifei's birthday is in late August, and Xiaoyue is more than two months older than her. We are also going to visit Look at the house and buy a house in the capital."

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "Aunt Liu, Wanliu's environment is good. There are two or three new buildings nearby. You can go and see if it's suitable..."

After dinner, the family went out for a walk to digest food. Wu Ruohan called Wu Xiaoyue.

Wu Xiaoyue was in the library, and when she heard that Liu Yifei was a guest at home, she was very pleasantly surprised, and planned to go home tomorrow night.

Wu Ruohan handed the phone to Liu Yifei again, and let the two girls chat for a while.

The next afternoon, as soon as Wu Xiaoyue finished class, she drove home in the BMW 523Li that Wu Lan bought for her this summer.

When Gao Yang came home from get off work at night, he saw Wu Xiaoyue and Liu Yifei were already as intimate as a pair of sisters.

The two girls were still sleeping on the same bed at night, as if they couldn't finish talking.

On September 9, Wu Ruohan, accompanied by Zhang Ling, flew to the United States for a business trip.

Back from Shanghai that day, Wu Ruohan had reported to Gao Yang that the visit to that Professor Qin went smoothly. Wu Ruohan was also amazed at Professor Qin's ability, and recommended Wu Xiaoyue to take the entrance examination for Professor Qin's graduate students in the future, and take the road of quantitative research.


For the next few days, Liu Li and her daughter stayed at Gao Yang's house as guests. Liu Li also mortgaged a 260-square-meter detached villa in the second phase of Wanliu Hua Mansion.

Gao Yang's family lived in Wanliu Hua Mansion, Liu Li would not consider other areas when buying a house, she would definitely choose this community.

From now on, between the two families, it will take about ten minutes to walk in the community, which is very close, and this is the place Liu Li is most satisfied with.

In the past few days, Wu Xiaoyue would go home every night and get bored with Liu Yifei.Wu Xiaoyue likes to watch TV series played by Liu Yifei and listen to her songs.

After knowing Wu Xiaoyue's background, Liu Yifei also envied Wu Xiaoyue for having such a good family, and even more admired Wu Xiaoyue's intelligence and hard work, a talented student in the Department of Mathematics of Peking University, really amazing.

In a few days, the two girls became girlfriends who talked about everything...

(End of this chapter)

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