Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 413 Big Star, Goddess Sister

Chapter 413 Big Star, Goddess Sister

Taking the opportunity of these few days, Liu Li helped Wu Lan take care of the children every day, and talked about some topics between middle-aged women.

Having heard about Liu Li's experience over the years, Wu Lan also appreciates the persistence of such a dance artist.

On September 9, Liu Li's mother and daughter had been guests for almost a week, and the procedures for mortgage purchases were almost completed. The next day, Liu Li will bring Liu Yifei back to Shanghai.

In the afternoon, Liu Li helped Wu Lan take the child out for a drive, while Wu Xiaoyue and Liu Yifei walked behind arm in arm and talked.

Liu Li glanced back, made up her mind, and whispered to Wu Lan: "Sister Lan, Yi Fei is as affectionate as Xiaoyue's sisters. I have a request, can I make Yi Fei recognize Yawen as her sister?"

Seeing Wu Lan's face froze for a moment, Liu Li hurriedly said: "Sister Lan, I know this, it's Yi Fei who has been promoted, and I only have her as a daughter. She only wants to develop in the entertainment industry. I'm really worried that she will one day Hurt."

Wu Lan said with a smile: "Liu Li, you're overthinking, what's so high, we're ordinary people, and Yifei is a good girl. If Yawen is willing to recognize her as her younger sister, I have no problem."

Liu Li was instantly overjoyed: "Thank you, Sister Lan. I will tell Yawen about this matter. If she is willing, Yifei will treat her as her own sister from now on. If she is not willing, we will not force it. I am also very relieved of Wen and Gao Yang's care."

Wu Lan said with a smile: "With Yawen's character, I think she will be willing. In the future, we can be regarded as a family. Do you really want to save your marriage?"

Liu Li sighed: "Sister Lan, I don't want to. It's already broken, and it can't be recovered. In the environment like the United States, he should have another woman. At the end of the year or next year, I will find time to go to the United States and go through the formalities. And it's liberated."

Wu Lan also sighed: "Since you have made up your mind, then I won't persuade you anymore. You are still young, and your appearance looks even younger. Now that Yi Fei has grown up, you can find someone else to live with , women, you must have a companion."

Liu Li smiled and said, "Sister Lan, this kind of thing depends on fate. I'm already old, and it's not easy to start a family again. After I arrange Yifei's affairs, I can relax..."

In the evening, Liu Li found Gu Yawen and asked her to recognize Liu Yifei as her younger sister, almost begging her.

Gu Yawen was a little surprised, so she said that she had no objection to this matter, but had to discuss it with Gao Yang.

After all, if you recognize your sister, you have to take on the responsibility of being a sister.

During the rest at night, Gao Yang was surprised when he heard about this incident, but he quickly understood Liu Li's intentions.

Gu Yawen said: "Honey, I think Yifei is pretty good, and it's not bad to recognize this younger sister, what do you think?"

Gao Yang remained silent, resting his head on his palms, thought for a while, and then suddenly smiled and said:
"Yifei is really good. It's also good for you to recognize her as a younger sister."

Gao Yang thought about it carefully, although he didn't pay much attention to the entertainment industry in his previous life, the Liu Yifei in his memory still had a good public image, and there seemed to be no gossip.

With the support of 51 Group, such a girl may have the hope of becoming an international star.

This is also good for the future development of the 51 Group.

51 Group, maybe they can consider becoming a film company, and it will be no problem to create a few high-quality films for Liu Yifei.

About recognizing Liu Yifei as his younger sister, Gao Yang didn't respond right away, but thought for a while before answering, Gu Yawen instantly understood that this matter might not be that simple.

Gu Yawen said: "Husband, Aunt Liu has been close to our family these days and is very enthusiastic. Tonight she asked me to recognize Yifei as her younger sister. I was quite surprised at the time. She thought it was not simple, so she said she would Discuss with you and then make a decision."

Gao Yang said: "Yawen, it's normal. I understand and understand what Aunt Liu is thinking. She has had a hard time for Yifei these years.

She also said that some people in the entertainment industry are dirty, and she was worried that Yifei would suffer, so she thought of establishing a close relationship with our family.

Although there are some scheming involved, as a mother, she wants to find a support for her daughter and pave the way for her. I think it's nothing, and it's really understandable. "

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Okay, then I will really recognize Yifei as my younger sister, I really like her..."

In the sleeping room of Wu Lan and Gu Wenlong, the couple were also talking about this matter.

Wu Landao: "Wenlong, Liu Li and Yi Fei have been living in our house these days, buying such and such small gifts for Tian Tian and their three children, trying their best to get close to our family.

In the afternoon, she suddenly proposed that she wanted Yawen to recognize Yifei as her younger sister.

Liu Li's mind is not pure, but she is a woman, guarding her daughter all these years, giving up her career and family, it is really not easy.

Therefore, it was inconvenient for me to refuse, so I asked her to tell Yawen.

I have a good impression of this girl, Yifei. If Yawen is willing to recognize her sister, I think that's fine too. What do you think? "

Gu Wenlong said: "It's a trivial matter, you can decide, I don't have any opinions."

In Wu Xiaoyue's sleeping room, two girls were lying in the same bed, and they were also talking about it.

Wu Xiaoyue said with a smile: "Yifei, my sister recognizes you as my younger sister, and we will be a family from now on, and I will be your older sister too."

Liu Yifei smiled and said, "Then should I call you Third Sister?"

Wu Xiaoyue laughed happily: "That's right, you have to call me Third Sister."

"You are only two months older than me, and you also want to be a sister."

"Even if I'm a day older than you, I'm still a big sister, so don't scratch me..."

After playing around for a while, Liu Yifei asked, "Xiaoyue, will Sister Yawen recognize me as a younger sister?"

Wu Xiaoyue said: "Don't worry, my sister is very kind to people, and so is my brother-in-law. Without them, I wouldn't have this family..."

In the guest room, Liu Li was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Liu Li also knew that she was a little too eager to ask Gu Yawen to recognize her daughter as a godsister after she had only been close for a few days.

Utilitarianism is too straightforward.

However, when I think of that man named Jin Fei, even though he is an old classmate, he has been Liu Yifei's godfather for more than ten years. In the past two years, Jin Fei has looked at his daughter's eyes, and he has some outrageous intimacy. It made Liu Li feel chilled, and even a little frightened.

In the past, Liu Yifei had to rely on the resources provided by Jin Fei in the show business circle, and Liu Li could only deal with Jin Fei cautiously.

Now, with the support of 51 Group, if Gu Yawen can recognize Liu Yifei as her younger sister, Liu Li will not be afraid.

The question is, whether Liu Yifei's godfather should keep Gao Yang and his wife behind the scenes, which makes Liu Li quite difficult.

This night, Liu Li suffered from insomnia, and she tossed and turned...

(End of this chapter)

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