Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 414 Confession

Chapter 414 Confession
At 7 o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang got up, washed up, kissed Gu Yawen on the cheek, then changed into morning exercise clothes, and was ready to go for a run.

Gu Yawen came to relatives, and got up late these two days.

In the courtyard, Xu Xiaodong, Hu Chunfen, Wu Xiaoyue and Liu Yifei also changed into sportswear, waiting for Gao Yang to go out together.

The five of them jogged along the greenway on the bank of the diversion canal outside the community towards the Summer Palace. Every time they went there, they had to run for about five kilometers.

Later, He Li got up with sleepiness, and after washing up, she went to help Wu Lan take care of the two children as usual.

At almost 8 o'clock in the morning, several people in Gaoyang returned home with sweat on their faces. After taking a bath, the family sat down to have breakfast.

Just now, Gu Yawen approached Wu Lan for advice on recognizing Liu Yifei as an estimate of her younger sister. Knowing that her parents did not object, after sitting at the table, Gu Yawen looked at Liu Yifei and asked with a smile, "Yifei, are you willing to recognize me as your sister?" ?"

Liu Yifei quickly responded: "Sister, I am willing, I have always wanted to have a sister."

Wu Xiaoyue said with a smile: "Yifei, and me, call Sanjie and let me listen."

"Third Sister!" Liu Yifei called out, blinking, "But, I'll call you this time, you are only two months older than me."

Everyone in the house cheered up.

Liu Li breathed a sigh of relief, smiled all over her face, and expressed her thanks again and again.

Wu Lan said with a smile: "Yifei recognized Yawen as her sister, and we will be a family from now on. Let's go to the restaurant for lunch and celebrate."

Liu Li said: "Sister Lan, let me arrange this meal."

Gu Yawen said: "Auntie, we are all one family, so don't see each other anymore..."

After dinner, the family went out to visit the children. Gu Yawen taught her to change her words every day and called her Aunt Liu Yifei.

Opening her eyes wide every day, she said cutely, "Mom, do I have two aunts?"

Gu Yawen smiled and said, "That's right, Tiantian has two aunts."

After sneaking the children home, Gu Yawen called Liu Yifei to chat alone, and began to tell her some family affairs as a sister, and also told her not to be public in the future.

At this time, the desire to let her daughter recognize her as a relative came true, but Liu Li hesitated in her heart.

After thinking about it, Liu Li quietly found Gao Yang and said that she wanted to have a chat with him alone.

Gao Yang was a little surprised, so he invited Liu Li into his study.

As soon as she entered Gao Yang's study, Liu Li wanted to make tea, but Gao Yang hurriedly stopped her: "Auntie, you are an elder, I should do the tea making and pouring."

Liu Li was not polite any more, after Gao Yang made tea, tasted a cup, and praised a few words, she suddenly said:
"Gao Yang, there is something about Yifei. I should have told you guys before Yawen recognized her as my younger sister, but I felt a little ashamed to say it at the time, so..."

Although Gao Yang was surprised, he still had a slight smile on his face: "Auntie, it's okay to talk about it now, we are all a family, so don't worry about it."

Liu Li briefly talked about the fact that Liu Yifei recognized Jin Fei as her godfather when she was 5 years old.

Liu Li sighed: "Gao Yang, I didn't mean to hide this matter from you guys, I really felt helpless.

Jin Fei and I are classmates. That year I just left Yifei's father and took Yifei to Shanghai. Life was difficult at that time, and Jin Fei was already a very successful businessman.

I contacted for help, and Jin Fei also agreed. At that time, I was still young, and I was thinking about my father every day. That day Jin Fei met me in Shanghai, and when he saw Yifei like this, he offered to be Yifei's godfather. I agreed.

In the following years, Jin Fei also helped Yi Fei a lot. When Yi Fei was 15 years old, she returned to China and was admitted to Beijing Film Academy. Jin Fei used his connections and began to let Yi Fei take some commercials.

Including Yifei's later participation in TV dramas, he was there to help.

Originally, this was pretty good, and I was really grateful to this old classmate, but in the past two years, I feel that he has begun to change his taste.

Last year, on Yifei's 18th birthday, Jin Fei spent more than 200 million yuan and invited many friends from the entertainment circle to celebrate her birthday, so generous that his wife even had an opinion.

It was from that day that I obviously felt that something was wrong. In front of Yifei, as a godfather, his words and deeds became more and more outrageous. Only then did I understand his disgusting thoughts.

To be honest, I was really angry, and I started to take Yifei away from her godfather, and let Yifei go to Japan for more than half a year of training.

It's just that there is no way to completely cut off the contact. Jin Fei opened an entertainment brokerage company specially for Yi Fei. If she leaves the resources he provides, Yi Fei's path in the entertainment industry will be cut off.

This is her dream, and I can't bear it, so I have to guard her carefully, it's just us orphans and widows..."

Listening to Liu Li telling these things, Gao Yang was overwhelmed by ten thousand bloody horses.

It is completely unimaginable that the fairy lady on the silver screen has such an experience in life.

Gao Yang lit a cigarette and asked, "Auntie, what kind of background does this godfather Yifei have?"

Liu Li said: "Jin Fei doesn't have any great background, but he is very successful in business. He resigned from his unit in the late 80s and went to sea. First, he did foreign trade business in Shanghai and earned his first pot of gold. I went to Qiongdao again to do real estate, and started to start a family.

Around 94, Jin Fei returned to the capital and started to do business in real estate and building materials. Now it has developed into a group called Jingtong Investment Group, which holds shares in more than a dozen companies, including a listed company in Hong Kong Island. Net assets are estimated There are thirty or four billion.

A few years ago, it was known as one of the largest private enterprise groups in Beijing.

In addition, Jin Fei is also a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, which started in 98 and is now the second consecutive term.

He has strong capital and extensive connections in the capital. For the sake of Yifei's future, I have to swallow my anger, Gao Yang, please forgive me for not telling you these things before..."

Gao Yang said: "Auntie, it's okay, I can understand your difficulties. From what you said just now, Yi Fei is now signing a contract with Boss Jin's brokerage company?"

Liu Li's face flushed slightly: "Yes, I'm just hanging with this company as Yifei's manager."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Auntie, can Yi Fei terminate the contract with this company?"

Liu Li said: "The contract can be terminated, but if Jin Fei is serious, we can't afford to terminate the contract now."

Gao Yang asked again: "How much should Yifei pay for terminating the contract?"

Liu Li blushed: "It may cost tens of millions, and the contract can't be terminated yet. At the end of October, Yi Fei will participate in the National Television Art Festival. She has been selected as the image spokesperson for this TV festival. It is very important for Yifei that the TV festival will launch a spokesperson for the first time."

Gao Yang fully understood that he was presupposed as a white horse knight by this beautiful aunt who worked so hard to protect her daughter.

However, in Gao Yang's heart, saving the beautiful fairy lady out of the mud pit is a good thing, and it doesn't matter if it is used.

Besides, Gu Yawen has already recognized Liu Yifei as her younger sister, so they are part of the family.

Gao Yang thought for a while, and made a preliminary plan in his mind: "Auntie, if 51 Group registers an entertainment brokerage company, are you confident to take care of it?"

Liu Li gritted her teeth and said, "For Yifei, I must have confidence. Over the years, I have also met some friends in the circle."

Gao Yang said: "As long as Auntie has confidence, I will arrange to register a brokerage entertainment company, and it will start operation after the TV festival.

Yifei's 51-year endorsement contract with 5 Group will not be implemented for the time being, and will be implemented after she terminates the contract.

The money that needs to be paid for the termination of the contract will be paid in advance by our brokerage company first, and then it will be deducted from Yifei's endorsement fee. "

Liu Li said with embarrassment: "Gao Yang, Auntie, thank you very much, and please forgive me. I was really forced to do nothing, and I didn't intend to deceive you."

Gao Yang said: "Auntie, don't mention this matter again in the future, and don't talk to my parents. Wait until Yifei's matter is resolved, and then talk about it in the future, or, there is no need to mention it in the future..."

(End of this chapter)

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