Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 415 Take Me Down Twitter

Chapter 415 Take Me Down Twitter
At noon, the family had dinner at a nearby restaurant. Gu Yawen officially recognized Liu Yifei as her younger sister, and gave Liu Yifei a pair of jade bracelets as a gift.

Liu Yifei only recognized Gu Yawen as her older sister, and still called Wu Lan and Gu Wenlong aunts and uncles. This was also what Liu Li had specifically confessed.

As Gu Wenlong, it's not convenient to recognize a goddaughter.

After three o'clock in the afternoon, Liu Li took Liu Yifei back to Shanghai. This time, she came to the capital secretly and did not disclose it to the company.

Before parting, Liu Li discussed with Gao Yang, and decided to go back to Shanghai to rest for a few days, pack some luggage, and then come to the capital again, still temporarily staying at Gao Yang's house.

When Liu Yifei participated in the TV festival next month, she officially had a showdown and terminated the contract.

Xu Xiaodong took Wu Xiaoyue and sent Liu Li's mother and daughter to the airport.

After the mother and daughter left, Gao Yang turned to look for the father-in-law: "Dad, I plan to formally establish a security department in the company, and I would like to ask you to help contact a group of demobilized or retired soldiers."

Gu Wenlong said: "How many people does your company need?"

Gao Yang thought about it: "30 or 40 people are fine. If there are 40 people, you can have seven or eight female soldiers. If you have 30 people, you need five female soldiers."

Gu Wenlong was surprised: "Why do you need so many security personnel?"

Gao Yang said: "Prepare in advance. I plan to set up a security department with such a group of personnel as the backbone. In the future, companies all over the country will have security posts. When the company grows, it may need thousands of security personnel."

Gu Wenlong said: "Okay, now is the time for the army to arrange for the demobilization of veterans. Your company can just solve some jobs. I will find someone to help you contact a group of excellent quality."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Dad, according to the company's current development speed, it will be able to place a group of demobilized soldiers every year in the future. Companies all over the country need it."

Gu Wenlong said: "Okay, let's introduce this temporarily this year. Next year, you can make arrangements in advance and contact one or two troops to establish a long-term military-civilian joint construction cooperation relationship."

10:7 p.m., [-]:[-] a.m. Western time.

Gao Yang and Gu Yawen sat in the study room, set up a camera in front of the computer, and communicated with Wu Ruohan and Wu Fei and Chen Lan through the video chat function of 51talk.

After the two parties greeted each other, Chen Lan first reported the investment income in US stocks.

Chen Lan expressed emotion: "Gao Yang, so far, the value of the U.S. stock market held by our fund company has reached more than 7400 million U.S. dollars.

Your 400 million US dollars has increased by nearly 15 times, and it is close to 6000 million US dollars.

Our self-raised 100 million US dollars has also turned to more than 1400 million US dollars.

Looking back, I feel lucky, a little incredible.

The fund has been holding a heavy position in Monster Beverage. After we opened the position, the stock price has risen by more than 40 times, and the market value of this stock has more than 4000 million US dollars.

In addition, Yiwang, SBA Communications, Google, Apple, the overall trend is also good.

The account of the Android company, which invested 2500 million US dollars at the beginning, has now more than quadrupled to 4 million US dollars.

Andy was stunned by such a high rate of return, he is completely relieved now, he is ambitious in research and development, and the team of engineers has more than 100 people, hehe,..."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, this shows that our luck is not bad. At this stage, in principle, we should continue to hold positions. You can handle the specific operations yourself."

Chen Lan said: "Gao Yang, the real estate follow-up investigation team arranged by our company has made major discoveries in the past two or three months. The real estate market in the United States is obviously overheated, the default rate of mortgage loans is getting higher and higher, and the market size of subprime mortgage products is getting bigger and bigger. , The bonds are still selling well, which is very abnormal. Ruohan will tell you the specific situation when he returns to China."

Next, it was replaced by Wu Ruohan's report:
"Brother-in-law, the asset management company has 8000 million US dollars, has opened a US stock account, and started to build positions according to the plan. In the past few days, 3% of the positions have been built, and the plan is to run out of bullets in the next week.

In addition, the real estate market here, as well as the subprime loan market, I will focus on recording and analyzing, and report to you in detail when I come back..."

Today's conversation was also discussed by Gao Yang before Wu Ruohan went to the United States. The main purpose was to prevent being secretly monitored by a certain mirror. Even if the tool 51talk is used for video conversations, it may not be safe.

The 51talk that Gao Yang and Chen Lan used to talk is a special version, the background data information is automatically encrypted, and it will be automatically destroyed every time it goes offline.

After Wu Ruohan finished reporting, Gao Yang called Chen Lan to communicate:
"Sister-in-law, there is one more important thing that you need to do in the name of the Android company.

We tracked the social product market in the United States and found that a microblog product called Twitter appeared in March this year, only 3 days later than the 51 Weibo we developed.

We are optimistic about the development prospects of Twitter in the European and American markets. Now, while the company is still in its infancy stage, we asked my sister-in-law to invest in Twitter in the form of a VC on behalf of the Android company. We found out that this company is located in Silicon Valley. "

Chen Lan asked in surprise, "Gao Yang, you want to invest in venture capital in the name of an Android company? Then what is the specific goal of our investment?"

Gao Yang said: "Sister-in-law, let's invest in Twitter in the name of the android company. Our goal is to get a majority stake in the company through VC investment, without intervening in the specific operation and management of Twitter, and let the entrepreneurial team operate on their own terms." idea to do it.”

Chen Lan said: "If we go to Twitter to discuss investment, how do we evaluate it?"

Gao Yang said: "The valuation at this stage focuses on the development of its users. 51 Weibo is developing very well in China. Ruohan also understands the situation in this regard. She is prepared. You can communicate with her.

My personal judgment is that at a price of less than 500 million US dollars, you should be able to get a majority stake in Twitter, and you can consider negotiating about a 60% stake as required.

Judging from the development of 51 Weibo in the Chinese market, companies like Twitter are worth investing in.

If we can negotiate a cooperation with Twitter, we can ask Ruohan to introduce the situation of 51 Weibo, and invite the main founder of Twitter to come to Huaxia to inspect 51 Weibo and communicate with each other.

I had already communicated with Ruohan about investing in Twitter before she came to the United States.

When negotiating with the founding team of Twitter, you invited Andy Rubin to go with you, and you were responsible for assisting Ruohan in the negotiations, and it was up to Ruohan to decide how to invest in the end..."

Chen Lan said: "Well, we mainly live in California now, it should be very convenient to contact this company in the future."

The communication ended in less than half an hour, Wu Ruohan quit 51talk, Chen Lan said: "Unexpectedly, Gao Yang has his eye on a Silicon Valley start-up company."

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Sister-in-law, it's not like you don't know who my brother-in-law is. His eyes can't be wrong, so don't worry."

Wu Fei also said: "Xiao Lan, the Android company now has more than 1 million funds. Gao Yang wants to invest in this company, but it is only a matter of several million dollars, so you should implement it seriously."

Chen Lan said: "We have to discuss this matter with Mr. Lu Bin."

Wu Fei smiled and said, "Andy shouldn't have any objections, he has already admired Gao Yang so much."

In Gao Yang's study room, Gu Yawen sighed: "I never expected that you made 1.6 million US dollars by investing in US stocks."

Gao Yang pulled Gu Yawen over, hugged her in his arms, and said with a smile: "This shows that we are lucky."

Gao Yang let go, and lit a cigarette: "Yawen, Aunt Liu told me something today, Yifei recognized a godfather in the early years..."

After listening to Gao Yang's narration, Gu Yawen looked astonished: "There is such a person, relying on his wealth, relying on his kindness and self-respect, coveting the beauty of his own daughter..."

Gao Yang said: "This kind of thing is actually very normal. After some people are rich and powerful, they have no bottom line like this. Don't blame Aunt Liu for her thoughtfulness. Yi Fei now recognizes you as her sister. Her business, that is, our business.

However, I suggest that you don't tell your parents about this matter, as it will easily cause misunderstanding, and it will hurt your relationship. "

Gu Yawen said: "Husband, I understand, and I can understand Aunt Liu. Yi Fei recognized me as her sister, and we should protect her. But, that man named Jin won't let go of his thoughts on Yi Fei easily, right?" ?”

Gao Yang said: "This kind of person thinks highly of himself, and may be very arrogant, so he shouldn't just let it go. Don't worry, I'm already thinking about how to deal with it..."

(End of this chapter)

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