Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 418 Dorsey's Love

Chapter 418 Dorsey's Love
Next, the two parties began to discuss the specific terms of the agreement, which was generally discussed on the same day.

Western time, on the morning of September 9, the accounting firm hired by both parties began to draft the agreement style, and was ready to formally sign the investment agreement.

On the afternoon of the 22nd, the two parties formally signed the relevant legal documents, and the android company injected 400 million US dollars and became a major shareholder holding 60% of Twitter's equity in the form of VC investment.

Twitter will be registered as a new company, operating independently, and the founding team will continue to control and operate the company.

At 3:[-] in the afternoon, the two parties opened champagne at a nearby bar to celebrate the cooperation.

Jack Dorsey was dressed in formal attire today, with a handsome face and a pretty good figure, which won the attention of some girls in the bar.

Jack Dorsey kept his eyes on Wu Ruohan, watching her holding champagne in her hand, smiling, communicating with everyone, elegant and calm.

After waiting for the opportunity, Jack Dorsey's heart warmed up, and he went over with a glass of wine, and talked with Wu Ruohan:
"Miss Wu, I would like to take the liberty to ask, how many days will you stay in San Francisco?"

Wu Ruohan smiled slightly: "Mr. Dorsey, my business trip to the United States has been successfully completed this time, um...I will spend two more days in San Francisco, and I plan to return to China next Monday.

On behalf of the 51 Group, I invite Mr. Dorsey and your two partners and friends to visit Huaxia when they have time and to visit our 51 Group. "

Jack Dorsey nodded and smiled: "Thank you, Ms. Wu, I think we will go to Huaxia as guests. I also really hope that I can go to 51 Group for inspection and learn the excellent operation experience of 51 Weibo."

Wu Ruohan asked with a smile: "Mr. Dorsey, have you been to Huaxia before?"

Jack Dorsey shook his head: "I haven't been to China yet, but I know that China is a beautiful country with a splendid culture and a long history. When I was in college, I also met several Chinese friends , it’s just that we seldom contact each other now.”

Wu Ruohan smiled and said, "Okay, I'm looking forward to the day when Mr. Dorsey visits Huaxia."

Jack Dorsey suddenly asked: "Miss Wu, may I have the honor to invite you to dinner?"

Wu Ruohan was slightly taken aback, looked at the handsome foreign guy meaningfully, and said with a smile: "Thank you Mr. Dorsey for your kindness, but I live near the Hilton Garden Inn in the south of Polo Alto, and I can only stay at this hotel , have dinner with you."

Jack Dorsey said happily: "Thank you, Ms. Wu, please leave your contact information. I will arrive at the hotel at 6:[-] p.m. to wait for you."

Wu Ruohan said: "Mr. Dorsey, please book an extra table, I will bring my assistant along."

Jack Dorsey was startled again, then smiled and said, "No problem, then let's make an agreement. I will arrive at the Hilton Hotel on time at 6 pm."

Later, Wu Ruohan took Zhang Ling with her, and went back to Polo Alto, a small town in the San Francisco Bay Area, with Wu Fei and others.

The android company is located in Palo Alto and moved into a new office building this year.

Wu Fei and Chen Lan also bought a house in the south of Palo Alto this year, and the family basically settled in Palo Alto, which is convenient for Chen Lan to work in the android company.

Wu Ruohan and Zhang Ling did not live in the Hilton Garden Inn in southern Palo Alto, but in Wu Fei's house, which was not far from the Hilton Hotel.

When the group returned to Wu Fei's house, Wu Ruohan told Chen Lan about Jack Dorsey's invitation to dinner at night.

Chen Lan said with a smile: "Ruohan, I also noticed it just now. Dorsey looked at you with a fire hidden in his eyes. He invited you to dinner, and maybe he wanted to court you. Do you want to find a handsome foreign guy as a man?" Friends, marry to America?"

Wu Ruohan shook her head and smiled: "Sister-in-law, I'm not so open, I just think this guy is stupid and interesting, let's go meet for a while."

Wu Ruohan recalled the appearance of Jack Dorsey. He was about the same height as Gao Yang, with a handsome face and gentle and clean eyes. He was a very friendly and handsome guy.

In these two days of business meetings, Jack Dorsey's eyes often swept Wu Ruohan's face, and Wu Ruohan naturally felt it.

Wu Ruohan also noticed that the way Dorsey looked at her was more of admiration, and she was fairly well-bred, but it didn't make her feel any blasphemy.

When Dorsey invited him to dinner just now, Wu Ruohan had a narrow mind, wanting to see what kind of ugly things this guy was thinking.

At almost 6 o'clock in the evening, Chen Lan drove Wu Ruohan and Zhang Ling to the Hilton Hotel.

Soon, Wu Ruohan received a call from Dorsey.

Later, Dorsey appeared in the hotel lobby. After meeting, he invited Wu Ruohan's second daughter to have dinner at the reserved western restaurant.

After sitting down, Wu Ruohan introduced: "Mr. Dorsey, this is my assistant, her name is Zhang Ling, but she can't speak English."

The three of them quickly ordered the meal. After serving the meal, Zhang Ling started to eat in silence, while Dorsey and Wu Ruohan chatted while eating, and they talked more about the situation of 51 Weibo and 51 Group.

Wu Ruohan's English is pretty good, and her spoken English is also good, and she can basically communicate with Dorsey smoothly.

After eating this meal for nearly an hour, Wu Ruohan had a good impression of Dorsey after some exchanges. Dorsey had an engineer's temperament, and he spoke elegantly, and the eyes he looked at her were not aggressive.

After dinner, Dorsey paid the bill, and proposed to drink coffee, Wu Ruohan also agreed with a smile.

When he came to the coffee shop outside the hotel, Dorsey suddenly said, "Miss Wu, can I buy you a cup of coffee alone?"

Wu Ruohan looked at Dorsey, nodded, and then called Zhang Ling to sit at the next table.

In front of the coffee table, the two were sitting opposite each other, and Dorsey suddenly looked directly at Wu Ruohan boldly: "Miss Wu, you should still be single, am I right?"

Wu Ruohan asked with a smile, "Mr. Dorsey, how did you find out?"

Dorsey pointed to Wu Ruohan's left hand: "Miss Wu, where you wear the ring."

Wu Ruohan looked at Dorsey, was silent for a moment, and suddenly smiled: "Mr. Dorsey has observed me so carefully, do you want to pursue me?"

Facing Wu Ruohan's sudden confession, Dorsey was a little surprised, and his heart was also hot, and he boldly said: "Miss Wu, you can call me Jack, I sincerely hope to be friends with you.

You are beautiful, elegant and calm, very charming, yes, I was attracted by you from the first moment I saw you.

I am also single now, if Miss Wu doesn't mind, I very much hope to date you. "

Wu Ruohan suddenly giggled happily:
"Okay, I'll call you Jack.

Jack, you invited me to dinner today. According to your vision, in the next script, will I be moved by your handsomeness and demeanor, and then I will fall into your arms and have sex with you? "

Dorsey was stunned for a moment, and his mind was stunned for a while, before he woke up, he quickly explained:

"Miss Wu, I am indeed moved by your beauty and elegance, but I have no disrespect for you. I can swear that I am not the kind of man you imagined."

Wu Ruohan giggled again: "Jack, then, what kind of man are you? You know, we don't know each other well, we've only known each other for two days."

Dorsey blushed slightly: "Miss Wu, can I call your name?"

Wu Ruohan smiled and nodded, "Yes, no problem."


"Jack, my name is not Nuohan, but Ruohan. I suggest that you can spare some time to learn Chinese."

"Han, my name is Han, is that okay? Chinese pronunciation is really difficult..."

(End of this chapter)

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