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Chapter 419 You Are Not Enough To Chase Me

Chapter 419 You Are Not Enough To Chase Me
Dorsey lingered for a while, but still couldn't accurately pronounce the syllables of the word Ruohan, so Wu Ruohan agreed with him to call himself "Han".

Wu Ruohan explained that the Chinese word "汉" is a word that girls like to use for naming.

After solving the title problem, Dorsey explained: "Han, I'm actually not a person who is good at communicating. Today's move is very bold for me, but I really like you. When I think of you, I will come back soon." Huaxia is here, I can't wait to confess my love to you."

Wu Ruohan looked at Dorsey with a smile: "Jack, you should have had a girlfriend, have you ever been married?"

Dorsey asked in surprise, "Han, are these things important?"

Wu Ruohan nodded seriously: "If you want to be friends with me, then these things are very important to me, very important."

Dorsey said: "Han, I have never been married. Since I was in college, I have had three girlfriends. The last girlfriend broke up a year ago."

Wu Ruohan asked again: "Jack, have you ever had other partners besides these three women?"

Dorsey was a little puzzled: "Han, I did, but only had two brief contacts. In the United States, this is normal. The United States is a very open society."

Wu Ruohan looked at Dorsey with a smile again: "Jack, I know that Americans are very open about this, so when you say you like me, you like my exotic style and want to possess my body, right?"

Facing Wu Ruohan's straightforwardness, Dorsey was very uncomfortable, so he could only argue: "Han, you are a very special oriental girl. I used to know some Chinese girls, and you are completely different from them. I like you. Distinctive elegance."

Wu Ruohan looked directly at Dorsey, and said seriously: "Jack, I am a Huaxia girl, I have been living in Huaxia, and I have many family members.

Many Chinese women are more conservative in terms of gender, and I am more conservative.

You may have a feeling of love at first sight for me, and that's all. You don't know me well, so I think your liking for me is just a natural hormonal reaction when a man meets a beautiful or special woman.

For me, it's not emotion, let alone love.

In the eyes of many of our Chinese women, sex, love, marriage and family are one and cannot be separated. We need to choose our life partner carefully and make a careful decision.

The man I want not only needs to love me, appreciate me, and treat me well, but also has the ability, will work hard, and take his life seriously.

He must have a sense of responsibility, must have a family concept, must be able to live together for a lifetime, love his family, and grow old with me.

You don't know me well, you just knew me for two days, so you confessed hastily, saying that you like me.

This makes me think that you are too casual and rash, you have no sense of responsibility, you just want to find a beautiful woman for a short while. "

Dorsey felt that he was about to be overwhelmed, so he had to say: "Han, I'm really sorry for leaving you with such an impression.

I can only say that I obeyed my heart, you made my heart pound, but I was too eager.

When I think that you are going back to Huaxia soon, I feel a little anxious. I hope you can give me a chance to be your friend and get to know you better, is that okay? "

Wu Ruohan said with a smile: "Jack, you can install the chat tool we developed, 51talk, and we can maintain communication online when we have time.

If you want to be my friend, you have to be honest with me about what kind of man you are and what you've been through. "

Dorsey thought for a while and said, "Han, I'm 30 years old this year, I was born and raised in a small city in St. Louis State.

My father was an engineer, and my mother stopped working when I was born.

I'm a technology enthusiast who loves computers and programming.When I was 8 years old, my father gave me an IBM computer, and I was hooked on programming ever since.

When I was 15, I developed a taxi dispatch software and made a fortune.

At the age of 19, I started to go to college, majoring in computer science, and I started to pursue becoming a geek, which used to be very crazy.

Before I graduated from university, I received an invitation from a company. I dropped out of school and started my programming career.

In 2000, at the age of 24, I started a business with my friends, and then failed in 2001 when the dot-com bubble burst.

After that, I lived a miserable few years, dyed my hair, wore a nose ring, and lived like a hippie.

I learned how to do botanical illustrations, learned fashion design, and even helped my friends to raise their children to make ends meet.

I have experienced this kind of life for about four years. When I think about it now, I feel ashamed. In those few years, I lost my motivation for life, lost my dreams and pursuits.

Later, I decided to cheer myself up and went to work for a podcast service company. My life began to stabilize and my heart returned to peace. Unfortunately, with a strong competitor like Apple, this company failed very quickly.

In March of this year, we developed Twitter. We believe that it will be welcomed by the market and bring us achievements and wealth.

Han, I used to have a bad and depraved life for several years, but I have changed, I want to tell you that I am a responsible man, I am working hard..."

After listening to Dorsey's candid introduction to his life experience, Wu Ruohan's impression of this handsome foreign guy changed a lot.

Wu Ruohan said: "Jack, I believe in the authenticity of your stories, and I also feel your candor.

You remind me of a person, Mr. Gao Yang, the founder of 51 Group, he is my brother-in-law.

When I met my brother-in-law, I was just a sophomore in college and I was 19 years old.He happened to be 25 years old that year.

When you were 25 years old, you went down by yourself. My brother-in-law was the opposite. He came from a very poor family, the kind of poverty you can't imagine.

So he worked hard and went to the capital of China to be a reporter.

In just three years, he became the vice president of the group company from a reporter. At that time, his salary for a year of work was 40 million US dollars. In China, this kind of income is very high.

In 2003, my brother-in-law started his own business, and it has been less than four years since he started his business. He has become very successful, with more than 3000 employees scattered across China.

But he has never slacked off, working hard every day.

Jack, while my brother-in-law is working hard, he is also working hard to protect his family and bear the responsibility for the whole family.

He said that such hard work is to make his family live a more decent and calm life.

He has always taken on a lot, he is a very good man with a sense of responsibility.

Jack, we Chinese people attach great importance to family and the relationship between family members, which is completely different from you Americans.

Men in Huaxia need to be responsible for the whole family, including the elderly and children. Generations of people live together, care for and protect each other.

The 51 Weibo that shocked you all, the idea of ​​this product was first proposed by my brother-in-law.

Almost all the projects of 51 Group are conceived by my brother-in-law, and then arranged for a technical team to work together to make them.

Jack, if you want to work hard, succeed, and win my appreciation, then my brother-in-law is your role model.

My initial impression of you is not bad. You are more honest, which is an advantage and a quality.

It's just that it's not enough for you to want me to be your girlfriend and your lover.

What I want is a warm family in the minds of Chinese people, with an excellent and responsible man staying together for a lifetime, not just a momentary love between a man and a woman.

A frivolous relationship between a man and a woman has no meaning to me..."

Dorsey took a deep breath: "Han, thank you for being so frank, I really hope to be friends with you.

I am looking forward to visiting Huaxia, visiting your company, and communicating with your brother-in-law. "

Wu Ruohan smiled slightly: "Jack, then on behalf of Group 51, I welcome you to visit Huaxia in advance."

Such a frank conversation ended here. Wu Ruohan summoned the waiter, paid the bill, paid the tip, left gracefully, and left calmly.

Wu Ruohan, 26 years old, mature and intellectual, is no longer the eccentric little girl she used to be.

Wu Ruohan didn't let Dorsey drive him off, but stopped a taxi and rushed to Wu Fei's house with Zhang Ling.

Dorsey was covered by Wu Ruohan tonight, poured a basin of cold water, got into the car, and was depressed for a while before clenching his fists.

Secretly vowed to fight, to succeed, to win the heart of this oriental beauty.

She is so charming...

(End of this chapter)

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