Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 433 Looking for a draw?Then hit him!

Chapter 433 Looking for a draw?Then hit him!

As the first Golden Eagle Goddess, Liu Yifei's popularity has soared again with her performance at the awards show.

After returning to Beijing, Wu Xiaoyue helped her edit the performance videos at the opening ceremony of the TV festival and the awards show, and posted them on the accounts of 51 Renren and 51 Weibo, where countless fans liked them.

After the TV festival is over, according to the plan, Liu Li will resign immediately, and then start to host the work of 51 Entertainment Company, and first discuss with the other party about the termination of her daughter Liu Yifei's contract.

On the morning of October 10, Liu Li suddenly rushed to Gao Yang's office with her laptop to ask for an interview.

As soon as she entered the room, Liu Li's eyes were red and swollen, and she yelled: "Jin Fei, that bastard, is too arrogant, too disgusting, too bullying..."

Gao Yang hurriedly asked: "Aunt Liu, what happened?"

Liu Li said: "A lot of posts suddenly appeared on the Internet today, including 51 Renren and 51 Weibo, maliciously implying that Yi Fei and Jin Fei have an improper relationship, and even teasing me and you. This is to destroy Yi Fei. Fei, Jin Fei must have arranged for someone to do it..."

Liu Li wiped away her tears, connected the laptop to the Internet, and then showed Gao Yang some of the Internet posts she found just now.

Several entertainment website forums, 51 Renren, 51 Weibo, Xinglang Weibo, Goose Factory Weibo...

The emergence of the 51 Group changed the development of the Internet in Gao Yang's memory.

For example, Xinglang Weibo and Goose Factory Weibo have only been online for about a month, because 51 Weibo is too popular.

Liu Li first dug out an online post with the eye-catching title:

"A coming-of-age ceremony for Liu Yifei, the golden carving goddess!"

Followed by a high-definition photo, in the photo, Liu Yifei was wearing a princess dress, and was hugged horizontally by Jin Fei in the gesture of a princess hug, Liu Yifei's hands were still hooked around Jin Fei's neck.

The online post explained that this is the scene where Liu Yifei's godfather, Jin Fei, spent 200 million yuan and invited half of the entertainment industry to celebrate her 18th birthday.

In this post, there is also a list of the support that Jin Fei has provided for Liu Yifei's debut in the entertainment industry over the years.

Then, it is implied that Jin Fei and Liu Yifei have an intimate relationship that surpasses that of father and daughter.

Posts like this are vicious enough.

In the more vicious post, there are photos of Liu Li's mother and daughter with Jin Fei, which seem to be very close, and even bluntly said that there is suspicion of mother and daughter serving one husband together.

Then, there were also posts about Gao Yang, there was a photo of Gao Yang and Liu Yifei walking arm in arm on the red carpet at the closing ceremony of the TV festival, and it was even revealed that Liu Yifei had severed the father-daughter relationship with Jin Fei, and hinted that Liu Yifei had now found a new golden partner. The Lord relies on...

As she spoke, Liu Li began to cry again: "It's so vicious, it's not as good as a beast!"

Gao Yang comforted: "Aunt Liu, don't worry, where is Yifei?"

Liu Li said: "I told her to go home first. On and 51 Weibo, some of her fans are mocking her and even cursing her. Yifei can't bear it..."

Gao Yang persuaded: "Aunt Liu, please forgive me for being rude, I want to confirm with you, Yifei didn't have these attacks, did she?"

Liu Li was surprised and said, "Gao Yang, you don't even believe in Auntie?"

Gao Yang said: "Aunt Liu, I was a little rude, sorry. I just want to confirm, and then think about how to fight back."

Liu Li said: "Then let me tell you, Yifei is still intact, and has never had a boyfriend, and there is no such relationship as being slandered between Jin Fei and me."

Gao Yang nodded: "Aunt Liu, thank you for your understanding. I will call a meeting immediately to take action, and you will also participate. Tell Yi Fei that we will definitely give her justice."

Gao Yang asked his assistant Li Qin to immediately inform the group CEO Fang Jian, Jin Yang, Chen Sen and Zhang Yue, the heads and CTOs of 51 Renren and 51 Weibo, He Shan, the director of the group's legal department, and Gu Yawen, to hold an emergency meeting together. Meeting.

Ten minutes later, everyone gathered in the conference room of the president's office for a meeting.

Gao Yang looked serious, and after introducing the general situation, he said:

"Everyone, Liu Yifei, the image spokesperson of 51 Group, her mother, Aunt Liu, who is going to be the general manager of 51 Entertainment, and even me, were suddenly attacked by organized malicious attacks on the Internet, which ruined people's reputation and was very vicious.

This is also a serious provocation to our 51 Group!
Now, I assign the task:
Including 51 Renren and 51 Weibo, other website forums, as well as Xinglang Weibo and Goose Weibo, it is necessary to search for the original online posts and save evidence.

Both 51 Renren and 51 Weibo are registered with their real names in the backstage. If you list the user profiles of these rumors, including some big Vs who forwarded them, you must lock up the evidence.

After locking the evidence, immediately block these accounts!

Second, 51 Group, 51 Renren, and 51 Weibo, including myself, must arrange to release a solemn statement.

Liu Yifei and Aunt Liu also want to issue a solemn statement on their accounts.

Third, after locking up the evidence, entrust Yongzheng Law Firm to send a lawyer's letter to these rumormongers, and make them the first defendant and the relevant network platform as the second defendant to sue the court.

If Yongzheng Law Firm is short of manpower, we can entrust several other law firms through Yongzheng.

We are going to fight a big lawsuit to scare these people, including these Internet platforms, and let them understand that the Internet is not a place outside the law and nonsense is allowed.

Don't worry about expenses now, even if we spend 1 million yuan and hire dozens of lawyers, we still have to win this lawsuit.

Winning this lawsuit is also the best publicity for the brand image of 51 Group.

Finally, after the materials are prepared, arrange a press conference as early as possible to publicly express our attitude.

After the meeting adjourned, all departments of the company took action immediately. The technical department seized the time to lock the evidence, and the legal department was responsible for assisting and giving pointers.

Actions on the legal side, including formal statements, are coordinated by the Legal Department...”

After arranging the work, Gao Yang directly announced the adjournment of the meeting without discussion, and immediately executed it.

Seeing Gao Yang quickly mobilize the entire company's resources, at the expense of huge sums of money, to seek justice for her daughter, Liu Li was very moved and cheered up instantly.

For such a man, entrusting his wealth and life to him is worth it.

After the meeting, Gao Yang just came back to the office when Gu Yawen, Liu Li and Wu Ruohan all came in.

Liu Li thanked her repeatedly first, and Gao Yang said: "Aunt Liu, there is no need to be like this. Let's not say that we are a family. This matter is also a matter of the 51 Group. Yifei is more sad now. You go home and accompany her. The company It will be taken care of."

Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan also comforted Liu Li, persuading her to go home to rest and accompany Liu Yifei.

Liu Li thanked her again, and Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan sent her downstairs together.

Gao Yang lit a cigarette in the office and sneered.

Boss Jin wants to smoke, so smoke him!

In addition, Xinglang, Goose Factory, and several online forums seem to be deliberately fanning the flames, so let's smoke together.

Soon, Gu Yawen and Wu Ruohan came back again, and with Gu Yawen's temper, she was so angry that she vomited blood: "It's too much, it's not as good as pigs and dogs!"

Wu Ruohan also said: "That's right, sister, brother-in-law, no matter how much money we spend this time, we must deal with these bad guys who are bleeding pus."

Gu Yawen said worriedly: "Gao Yang, Aunt Liu said that this matter must be organized by the surname Jin behind the scenes. Can we dig him out through a lawsuit?"

Gao Yang said: "Yawen, don't worry, when Aunt Liu told me about this person, I was already prepared, he won't escape."

Wu Ruohan asked curiously, "Brother-in-law, what have you prepared?"

Gao Yang said: "After get off work, let's talk when we go home..."

(End of this chapter)

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