Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 434 Peel off his skin first

Chapter 434 Peel off his skin first
When Liu Li returned to Villa No. 7 in Wanliuhua Mansion, Liu Yifei locked herself in the room and lay on the bed with her eyes swollen from crying.

She dared not go online, even turned off her mobile phone, and dared not answer the phone.

Seeing her daughter suffered such a blow, Liu Li felt very distressed.

"Mom, they are too bullying..."

Liu Yifei threw herself into Liu Li's arms, crying again.

Liu Li held back her tears, and comforted her: "Yifei, your brother Yang has already made arrangements, and will help us seek justice."

After Liu Li talked about Gao Yang's series of arrangements for the meeting just now, Liu Yifei's mood gradually stabilized.

Liu Yifei said: "Mom, I believe Brother Yang can help us get justice. I didn't expect that Jin would be so bad and ruthless that he would even spread rumors about Brother Yang."

Liu Li sighed: "Mom told you a long time ago that this man surnamed Jin has a beastly face, but Mom has no skills, so she could only use his resources to pave the way for you.

In the past, you thought Mom was thinking too much and had illusions about his so-called warmheartedness. Now you should see this person clearly, right? "

Liu Yifei nodded: "I see it clearly now, Mom, I should have listened to you back then, learned dance from you, and didn't enter the showbiz or become a star."

Liu Li comforted: "Yifei, it's okay. After this hurdle passes, you will become more mature and know how to recognize people. With your brother Yang's support, you will realize your dream... "

The mother and daughter exchanged for a while, and Liu Li suddenly said: "Yifei, Mom wants to discuss something with you. In order to prove your innocence, Mom will accompany you to the hospital for an examination and issue a certificate to prove that you are still innocent." ,Do you want to?"

Liu Yifei's face flushed instantly, and she said in surprise, "Mom, is this necessary?"

Liu Li said: "Yifei, mom knows, with your current popularity, this arrangement will make you more embarrassed.

However, Gao Yang has arranged for the company to help us with the lawsuit. He has used so many resources at any cost, so we can't do nothing.

When you check it out and have a proof, that's the most direct evidence to repel those rumors.

We are just preparing first, and we don't necessarily need to use it when it comes to your privacy. "

Liu Yifei thought for a while: "Mom, I'll listen to you, let's go..."

Afterwards, the mother and daughter were locked in the house without going out the door. Liu Li didn't dare to tell Wu Lan about this.

After all, Gao Yang was involved.

After returning home from get off work in the evening, Wu Xiaoyue also came back, and ran to comfort Liu Yifei immediately.

During dinner, they didn't mention this matter. After dinner, Gao Yang asked Wu Xiaoyue to accompany Gao Yingxue, Li Xiuzhen and others to take the children out for a walk.

Gu Yawen quietly left Wu Lan and Gu Wenlong behind, and together with Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan, the five went to Gu Wenlong's study to discuss matters.

Gu Yawen briefly talked about Liu Yifei and Liu Li being slandered and attacked on the Internet, even Gao Yang was slandered, Wu Lan was stunned:
"Yifei still has such a godfather? Liu Li never told me about it."

Gao Yang said: "Mom, Aunt Liu told me before. At that time, Yawen just recognized Yifei as her younger sister. Aunt Liu was hiding a little bit of thought at that time, but I also understand the motive of protecting Yifei. , I also believe her.

I was afraid of causing you to misunderstand this matter, so I only told Yawen at that time. "

Gao Yang turned on the computer, connected it to a projector, and displayed all kinds of rumor posts locked by the company's technical department today:

"Dad, Mom, this is an obvious, organized slander, rumor, and personal attack with the help of online platforms.

We believe in Aunt Liu's conjecture that the organizer behind the scenes is almost definitely Jin Fei, who coveted Yifei but couldn't get it. In addition, Aunt Liu decided to break up with him completely, so I accompanied Yifei to the TV festival awards party. Thank me publicly.

Jin Fei's purpose was to spread rumors and take revenge, ruining the reputation of Yi Fei and Aunt Liu, including Yi Fei's career.

In addition, the business rivals of the 51 Group may also take advantage of the situation to damage my personal image and achieve the purpose of destroying the image of the 51 Group.

I have arranged for the company to take legal action, resolutely fight back, no matter the cost, and let these people pay the due price.

However, it may not be possible to find out Jin Fei, who is behind the scenes, just by going to court.

Coincidentally, after Aunt Liu talked to me about Jin Fei, I had a premonition that something like today might happen, so I made some preparations in advance.

I still need Dad's help, first peel off the man's skin..."

Gao Yang handed over the materials that Zhang Wei and others arranged to investigate Jin Fei and Jingtong Investment Group to Gu Wenlong.

Gu Wenlong flipped through it, and immediately frowned: "As this person, you actually arranged for someone to investigate him secretly?"

Gao Yang hurriedly said: "Dad, it's not an investigation, I just inquired about some situations secretly, and I guarantee that I didn't step on the line.

At that time, when I discussed and arranged this matter with Zhang Wei and Xu Xiaodong, they all raised this issue at the first time. I also told Zhang Wei to inquire quietly to learn some public information, and no stepping on the line is absolutely allowed. .

Therefore, about Jin Fei’s private life and the operation of Jingtong Investment Group’s corporate projects in Beijing and surrounding areas, Zhang Wei and the others have a total of 11 people, and it took more than 20 days. They only observed and inquired through formal channels, and came to the conclusion Some speculative conclusions.

As for the organization and collection of membership fees of the Famous Dog Association, it is completely public information. Zhang Wei and the others just found a few members, asked about the number of members, and speculated that tens of millions of funds may be involved, suspected of illegal fundraising .

Dad, is your department responsible for such things? "

Gu Wenlong nodded: "That's right, it's within the scope of economic investigation."

Gao Yang said: "Dad, from the fact that he coveted Yifei, it can be seen that this person is so arrogant and unscrupulous because of his wealth and social status.

The Famous Dog Association is the most obvious loophole we can find out so far. If the police investigate and find that it is really an illegal fundraising, then the skin on him can be stripped off.

Of course, I also doubt that this person and his company are very dirty.

This material was reported in the name of Aunt Liu, and she and Yifei were the most direct victims.

As for the 51 Group, we fought back through litigation to protect the image and reputation of the company and myself.

All Internet platforms of the 51 Group, since the establishment of, have required users to register with their real names in the background, otherwise, the number of users today will be much larger.

I also want to remind all netizens through this lawsuit that the Internet is not a place outside the law.

If I can participate in politics, my first suggestion is to implement real-name registration on the Internet..."

Gu Wenlong looked at Gao Yang, and felt quite shaken in his heart for a moment.

For the first time, this son-in-law made him feel like a demon.

As soon as Liu Li told Gao Yang about Jin Fei, Gao Yang began to guard against what happened today.

Seeing that Gu Wenlong didn't respond for a while, Gu Yawen said: "Dad, can we report through Aunt Liu?"

Gu Wenlong nodded: "Yes, this is a normal procedure."

Gao Yang, Gu Yawen, and Wu Ruohan then went to Liu Li to discuss and report Jin Fei's suspected illegal fundraising in her name.

Liu Li was stunned for a moment after hearing the cause and effect. Gao Yang actually had a way to prevent and deal with it so early.

This incident refreshed Liu Li's understanding of Gao Yang again.

In Gu Wenlong's study, after the three of Gao Yang left, Wu Lan was also shocked: "Wenlong, our son-in-law is too capable, how can you think so thoroughly when you think about it?"

Gu Wenlong smiled heartily: "He doesn't have this ability, so how can he quickly grow his company to the current scale. Speaking of which, Yawen's vision was much stronger than yours and mine back then."

In Villa No. 7, Wu Ruohan held Gu Yawen's arm: "Sister, brother-in-law is so scary."

Gu Yawen asked curiously: "Why is your brother-in-law so scary?"

Wu Ruohan said: "I really didn't expect that he thought about Jin's actions early in the morning, and immediately started to make preparations."

Gu Yawen smiled and said: "Ruohan, isn't this normal, he is a person who sees far."

Wu Ruohan sighed: "Sister, you know brother-in-law best, I'm far behind you..."

(End of this chapter)

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