Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 440 Selling Privacy?I give you!

Chapter 440 Selling Privacy?I give you!

On the afternoon of November 11, Gao Yang and his party returned to the capital. Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan went home directly instead of going to the office.

After returning home, Gao Yang immediately went to Villa No. 7 to visit Liu Li and Liu Yifei's mother and daughter.

To Gao Yang's surprise, Zhang Hangying actually came, and it seemed that he had a really good relationship with Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei introduced Zhang Hangying to Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan, saying that he was her good friend.

Gao Yang and Zhang Hangying have actually met each other before and know each other. When 51 Weibo held an online press conference, Zhang Hangying once sang a song.

The two had never spoken before, and had never communicated.

Faced with Gao Yang's aura, Zhang Yangying was also a little nervous. She took the initiative to extend her jade hand and shook Gao Yang lightly: "Mr. Gao, Yi Fei has been viciously spreading rumors. I can't help you, so I'll come and talk to her."

Gao Yang smiled slightly: "Thank you for your concern for Yifei, this matter will be dealt with soon."

Gao Yang then went to the study.

Liu Li came in soon, a little angry:
"Gao Yang, the statement you arranged was released today, many websites have reprinted it, and the media is also reporting it, but the person surnamed Jin still hasn't stopped.

Today, in those entertainment forums, as well as Xinglang Weibo and Goose Factory Weibo, some people are still spreading rumors, posting more photos of Yifei and me, and making up a lot of vicious rumors.

I don't dare to let Yifei watch these anymore..."

Gao Yang lit a cigarette and comforted him: "Aunt Liu, don't worry, the heavens will make her go crazy first. When these online platforms receive our lawyer's letter and enter the litigation process, they will have to pay the price."

After making tea, Wu Ruohan persuaded: "Aunt Liu, don't worry, what's black won't be white, and what's white won't be black either. You and Yifei will get justice soon."

Liu Li said: "Ruohan, I understand. I don't really want Yifei to go to the press conference the day after tomorrow. I'm worried that she won't be able to bear the media. Yifei said she wants to go."

Gao Yang thought about it and said: "Aunt Liu, I think you can let Yi Fei decide for herself. She has grown up, and there is actually no harm in daring to face such ups and downs in life by herself."

Wu Ruohan also said: "That's right, Aunt Liu, I think it's a good thing that Yi Fei is so brave. It's good for her growth, not bad."

Liu Li thought about it: "Okay, then let her face it."

On November 11, after work, Gao Yang held another meeting. After listening to the report, he was basically relieved. The materials of the legal department and the technical department were basically ready, and there was no problem in holding a press conference.

After returning home at night, Gao Yang called Liu Yifei into the study: "Yifei, there will be a press conference tomorrow morning, are you sure you want to attend?"

Liu Yifei bit her lip and said firmly, "Brother Yang, I want to participate."

Gao Yang nodded: "Okay, this is an experience for you growing up, you will face dozens of media tomorrow, it is normal for you to be stressed, you must be strong and calm.

You must remember that if you are going to answer questions from the media and some reporters have malicious intentions, you must also control your emotions. "

Liu Yifei said: "Brother Yang, I will calm down, I can assure you."

At 11:4 am on November 9th, 51 Group held a press conference at the Shangri-La Hotel.

Broad PR invited more than 50 media in Beijing, including mainstream newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, Internet media, and five or six entertainment media.

He Shan, director of the legal department of 51 Group, announced to the media on behalf of the company:
"Dear friends from the media, starting from the morning of October 10, a group of malicious slanders and rumors appeared on the Internet targeting Ms. Liu Yifei, the image spokesperson of 31 Group, Liu Yifei's mother, Ms. Liu Li, and Mr. Gao Yang, chairman of 51 Group. s post.

These online posts without factual basis maliciously spread rumors and seriously damaged the personal reputation of the above three parties.

At the same time, it also damaged the good public image and brand image of 51 Group, and hurt the feelings of more than 3300 employees of the company.

The 51 Group took immediate action, and the company's technology department quickly tracked and locked these online posts, consolidating the relevant evidence.

After our analysis, we highly suspect that this is an organized and premeditated act of malicious slander spread through the Internet.

The three parties and the 51 Group have jointly entrusted a team of 24 lawyers to collect and sort out relevant materials, and will initiate civil lawsuits against these online post publishers, malicious disseminators, and related online platforms to pursue their legal responsibilities.

As the director of the legal department of 51 Group and a practicing lawyer, I can tell friends in the media responsibly that the Internet is not a place outside the law, and it is not a place where you can escape legal responsibility after doing something wrong..."

Under the stage, beside Gao Yang sat Liu Li and Liu Yifei, mother and daughter, Gu Yawen, Wu Ruohan and many senior executives of the 51 Group, also with serious faces, sitting in a long row.

The content of today's press conference is very simple. He Shan spoke on behalf of the 51 Group, after affirming her solemn attitude.

Gao Yang, Liu Li, and Liu Yifei's mother and daughter came to the stage. Liu Li read out a statement first, and then denounced these online posts for maliciously spreading rumors and violating their reputation.

Afterwards, the three of them sat on the stage with He Shan and accepted live questions from the media.

The atmosphere at the scene was very serious. At the beginning, the questions from several media outlets were normal, and the three of Gao Yang answered briefly, expressing their determination to pursue the infringement responsibility.

Until, a male reporter from the entertainment magazine [Bigstar Weekly] asked a question, and the conversation changed instantly.

The reporter asked: "I would like to ask Ms. Liu Li and Ms. Liu Yifei.

The online posts you condemned posted a lot of photos related to you. These photos show that Jin Fei, the boss of Jingtong Investment Group, has a very close relationship with you.

In addition, it is rumored that Jin Fei is Miss Liu Yifei's godfather for more than ten years. Jin Fei has provided Miss Liu Yifei with a lot of funding and resources in the entertainment industry.

Ms. Liu Yifei is a signed artist of Jingfei Entertainment, which is also a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jingtong Group.

In addition, Ms. Liu Yifei celebrated her 18th birthday last year. Jin Fei once invited many people from the entertainment industry and spent 200 million yuan to hold a birthday party for Ms. Liu Yifei. As far as we know, these facts are true.

The so-called "no wind, no waves, no waves", what is your explanation for the relevant rumors on the Internet? "

After the reporter asked the question, Gao Yang's face instantly turned cold.

Liu Li said coldly: "This reporter needs an explanation from our mother and daughter, okay, then I will give you an explanation.

That's right, Yi Fei once recognized Mr. Jin as her godfather, and he also helped Yi Fei a lot, but all of this has passed.

This Mr. Jin was a classmate with me in the early years. When Yifei was a child, my marriage broke up and I brought Yifei to live a difficult life in Shanghai.

Because of a very accidental factor, this Mr. Jin wanted to recognize Yifei as his goddaughter, and expressed that he would enthusiastically help our mother and daughter, and I agreed at that time.

In recent years, Yifei has indeed helped some resources in the development of the entertainment industry.

What I want to tell you is that apart from these contacts between us and this Mr. Jin, there is absolutely no abnormal relationship between men and women that are maliciously spread by these online posts.

It is precisely because of this Mr. Jin's malicious intentions that our mother and daughter have cut off contact with him and no longer have any relationship with him. Moreover, Yifei will soon terminate the contract with his Jingfei Entertainment. "

The reporter added: "Ms. Liu Li, after you released your personal statement the day before yesterday, our magazine interviewed Mr. Jin Fei, and the information he disclosed was quite different from what you just said."

Liu Yifei who was beside Liu Li suddenly frowned:
"You Bigstar Weekly, do you like to spy on and sell other people's privacy?

Then I will satisfy you!

I have never been in love with anyone, let alone the relationship between men and women that these rumormongers claimed in their online posts.

I have gone to the hospital for a physical examination and asked the doctor to issue a certificate.

I commissioned a lawyer to sue these rumormongers, as well as related online platforms for spreading rumors.If the court needs it, I can provide this certificate at any time as evidence of my innocence!
Now, are you satisfied? "

Liu Yifei's bold words surprised many media reporters at the scene.

The reporter who asked the question from Bigstar Weekly blushed slightly, and quickly sat down...

(End of this chapter)

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