Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 441 Criticize Vulgarity

Chapter 441 Criticize Vulgarity
Liu Yifei sacrificed her privacy for such a sudden attack, which surprised and shocked everyone, including Gao Yang and Liu Li.

This girl changed from her previous pure girlish demeanor to a fierce girl, Gao Yang was both surprised and admired.

As expected of the girl who played the role of Hua Mulan in my memory, she is so tough.

Gao Yang looked at the gossip reporter who asked the question just now, and asked, "The name of your magazine is Bigstar Weekly?"

The reporter replied: "Yes."

Gao Yang looked at him and said coldly: "I would like to add a few words to your question just now.

What I want to tell you is that Ms. Liu Yifei will be the spokesperson for 51 Group for a long time. Her personal image and reputation cannot be slandered by anyone.

51 Group has already registered an entertainment brokerage company, and Liu Yifei will be the first signed artist of this company.

Starting today, any publicity activities related to Liu Yifei are not welcome in your Bigstar Weekly.

Entertainment media like you are keen on tracking and selling the privacy of celebrity artists. In my eyes, this is vulgar or even vulgar.

I also invite you to go back and convey to your magazine that if there is any illegal spying on Liu Yifei and her family in the future, or if there are false reports, then your magazine will have to deal with the infringement lawsuit continuously. The defendant has been mentally prepared for bankruptcy and dissolution.

Our 51 Group, we will do what we say..."

Gao Yang looked away, and looked at the audience again:

"Today, I would like to take this opportunity to communicate with friends from the media.

Many people know that I was also a reporter, a reporter for mass media and IT media.

Now, the Internet platforms of 51 Group, such as, 51 Renren, 51 Fortune and 51 Weibo, all have certain media attributes, especially 51 Weibo.

For a long time, 51 Group has also focused on the pan-media direction in the development direction of Internet projects.

In my opinion, to be a media or a reporter, you need to attach great importance to professionalism, as well as professional ethics and social morality.

And some entertainment media are keen to sell the privacy of performing arts stars and public figures.

From the professionalism of the media, I think this is a manifestation of incompetence in management and operation.

From the perspective of professional ethics, I think this is shameless, has no bottom line, violates social morality, and also involves stepping on the line at the legal level.

I think such media is a disgrace to the entire industry.

Using vulgar content that violates professional ethics and social morality to attract people's attention and gain positions is unscrupulous and has no bottom line.

This time, on online platforms, organized malicious slander and personal attacks against Liu Yifei and her mother, Ms. Liu Li, were widely disseminated on the Internet.

This vulgar network communication phenomenon makes people indignant, shocking, and worrying.

Is such an Internet environment what we need, is it what the growing children need, and is it what the whole society needs?
As media practitioners, we should declare war on such vulgarization!

This time, on 51 Weibo and 51 Renren, some users maliciously slandered and spread maliciously, including some individuals in the entertainment industry.

These users have been blacklisted and permanently banned by various Internet platforms of the 51 Group. We do not welcome and do not need such users.

51 Group started from the first Internet project,, and we require real-name registration in the background for all user registrations.

Here, we also remind all users that although the Internet is a virtual environment, it is also a public place, not your own vegetable garden.

In the era of web2.0, the form of self-media network communication was born. Every user's speech content on the Internet should have boundaries and bottom lines.

The Internet has memory. Such a virtual environment is not a place outside the law. If you touch the bottom line, there will be a price waiting for you.

Today, on behalf of the 51 Group, I also solemnly appeal to the entire industry that every Internet platform, whether it is for its own development or commercial competition, must have bottom-line thinking, abandon vulgarity, combat vulgarity, and jointly maintain and promote a healthy and progressive Internet. Spread the environment.

The existence of the Internet and its continuous innovation, the value lies in facilitating communication, improving efficiency, and making our lives better, rather than allowing vulgar and smoky dross to prevail..."

When Gao Yang criticized the phenomenon of vulgarity on stage, the reporter from Bigstar Weekly in the audience finally couldn't sit still, got up and slipped away.

After Gao Yang finished speaking, the press conference ended.

The reporter with a laptop and a wireless network card has been posting 51 Weibo on the spot just now.

Although the press conference today was short, the breaking news came one after another:
51 Group has hired a team of 24 lawyers to sue rumormongers and online platforms for spreading rumors;
The golden eagle goddess Liu Yifei, in order to prove her innocence, revealed that she has no love history, and even went to the hospital for an examination and issued a certificate to prove that she is still perfect;
Liu Yifei's mother, Liu Li, responded that after her daughter recognized her godfather in the early years, Jin Fei, the boss of Jingtong Investment Group, supported Liu Yifei's development in the entertainment industry, and denounced Boss Jin for having bad intentions, and the relationship between the two parties broke down;
51 Group registered an entertainment brokerage company, supported Liu Yifei, and arranged long-term endorsement cooperation;

Gao Yang, the main founder of 51 Group, criticized the vulgar phenomenon of the media and the Internet...

51 Weibo and 51 Renren also arranged live text and picture live broadcasts.

When Liu Yifei boldly disclosed her privacy and fought back the Internet rumors, Zhang Yue, the CEO of 51 Weibo, who was standing in front of the live broadcast computer, immediately sent a text message to Gao Yang for instructions.

Gao Yang replied immediately, and followed Liu Yifei's speech, and broadcasted the live broadcast as it was.

After the press conference, the news on the Internet has been blown up.

A large number of fans of Liu Yifei praised her bravery and cheered for her.

Hundreds of thousands of fans, also on 51 Weibo and 51 Renren, criticized the rumormongers and praised the protection and responsibility of the 51 Group for Liu Yifei.

"Whoever spreads rumors and slanders will die a terrible death!"

"I guessed a long time ago that someone is organizing behind the scenes, and it really is!"

"We must find out who is behind the scenes!"

"The 51 Group is doing great, Mr. Gao is doing a good job, I love her more and more..."

For a while, these two days have been dancing happily on the Internet, Liu Li and Liu Yifei's mother and daughter, and even Gao Yang's scandal, people who spread the word with fuel and vinegar began to silence one after another.

Discussions on the Internet began to appear one-sided.

Some of the mainstream media also published short comments on their 51 Weibo official account, severely criticizing Internet rumors, and Gao Yang criticized the vulgar phenomenon.

A press conference quickly reversed the public image of Liu Li's mother and daughter.

For the plan arranged by Gao Yang, now, it is just the beginning...

(End of this chapter)

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