Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 450 To be a geek, or to be a leader?

Chapter 450 To be a geek, or to be a leader?
Gao Yang brewed a pot of Pu'er tea by himself. The tea leaves are brought by him. The top-quality old tea is 8 yuan per kilogram.

The tea soup is red, crystal clear and has an attractive tea fragrance.This is old tea that has been aged for more than 10 years.

Gao Yang said: "Jack, Biz, according to the written records in Chinese history, the tea culture in China has a history of at least 3000 years.

More than 1300 years ago, during the feudal period of China during the Tang Dynasty, there was a Silk Road along Central Asia and West Asia, all the way to Europe. Chinese tea also flowed from the Silk Road to the Western world.

More than 1300 years ago, Europe was still very barbaric and backward, and it was the late period of the Dark Ages in the Middle Ages.

Beginning in the Song Dynasty of China 1000 years ago, a large amount of silk, porcelain and tea were spread to Europe through merchants.

The Ming Dynasty of Huaxia, which began in the middle and late 14th century, and the Qing Dynasty, which began in the middle of the 17th century, both exported a large amount of silk, porcelain and tea, and a large amount of silver flowed into China.

China's wealth and strength also made the western world envious.

In the history of world civilization, there are four ancient civilizations, and the only one that has not been broken until today is China.

Jack, Biz, let me take this cup of fragrant and refreshing tea, what I want to tell you is that China has been a unified country for more than 3 years since the Qin Empire in the 2000rd century BC.

In other words, the form of a country is an appearance, and the true connotation of China is civilization, a kind of civilization identity. For more than 2000 years, China has always existed and continued in the form of civilization.

Dynasties will change, and civilization has been passed on continuously. Chinese civilization is also the most inclusive civilization in the world.

As it is now, the feudal dynasty has disappeared in China for nearly a hundred years. There are 56 ethnic groups in China, united together to survive, develop and pursue a better life. Everyone agrees that this civilization has a long history and has been passed down for more than 5000 years. "

Dorsey said: "Yes, Locus, China has a long history and civilization, ancient and great, very charming, I like it very much."

Stone also said: "Yes, China is a great country. A city like Shudu has a history of more than 2000 years, which is very rare in the world."

Gao Yang's words changed: "Jack, Biz, you all came to China for a visit. In the past few days, you have been watching the flowers, first the capital, then the provincial capital and regional central city like Shudu, and then Jinyang. Medium-sized cities, finally Anhe County, and small towns and villages like Renshui Township.

I would like to ask you, what is the difference between what you have seen and heard along the way, and what you have learned about China through the media in the United States? "

Dorsey said: "It's very different. The media's description of Huaxia gives people a more negative impression. We have seen it with our own eyes these days, but it is not the case. The society is stable and the people are friendly. It is rare to see it in the city. Homeless people, people are working hard and enjoying life."

Gao Yang said: "In fact, many media practitioners in Europe and the United States have never been to China, but they have been giving advice from above, and even fabricated a lot of false information. From the perspective of professional ethics, this is a despicable behavior.

Now, let's go back to Twitter, Jack, Biz, what do you think of the value of Twitter, and its future development? "

Dorsey thought about it, and said to himself: "Although Twitter is still far behind 51 Weibo, in the US market, its development is fast enough. If there is no strong competitor like 51 Weibo, I think the future of Twitter is bright."

Gao Yang smiled and said: "Jack, I invested in Twitter through the Android company, 51 Weibo will not develop in markets other than China, and we will not launch any foreign language versions other than Chinese."

Stone: "If there is no direct competition from 51 Weibo, I think the development of Twitter will be very smooth, and Twitter is very hopeful to grow into an international Internet platform."

Gao Yang nodded: "Yes, the success of 51 Weibo in China has verified that a social platform like Weibo has a very large potential user base.

Twitter can be based on the North American market first, and then gradually develop to Europe and other regions.

As an important investor of Twitter, I hope that Twitter can grow rapidly and gradually establish a global influence.

Then, from the perspective of business operation and promotion, Twitter needs to do a lot of work. You can refer to the operation and promotion model of 51 Weibo, and combine it with the actual situation of the US and European markets to carry out medium and long-term strategic planning and implement it effectively.

To execute such a long-term business plan, Twitter needs a strong leader.

Jack, Biz, let me ask very seriously, plus Ivan Williams, among you three founders, who is the most suitable to be the leader? "

Stoner: "Locus, this man, without a doubt, is Jack."

Dorsey shook his head and said: "No, Biz, Ivan is the most suitable, he is more mature and has more business acumen, and what I like is programming, I am not good at dealing with people, because I am not good at communication .”

Stone shook his head: "Jack, I don't agree with you, you came up with the product idea of ​​Twitter, and you contributed the most to the birth of Twitter, and you also contributed the most in research and development.

Also, among the three of us founders, you have always had faith in Twitter, you are the soul.

In all respects, you are the real leader, and your inability to communicate is not an excuse for wanting to stand in the background rather than the front. "

Gao Yang said: "Jack, I agree with Bitz's point of view, you are the most suitable person to control Twitter, but you are still habitually thinking of geeks, which is wrong.

You need to look more at the role you need to play in Twitter, a company, from a business perspective.

Mr. Gates and Mr. Jobs were also geeks in their early years. When they founded Apple and Microsoft, they were no longer geeks. No reason, they could not lead the entire team, and Apple and Microsoft could not achieve great success. success.

Jack, Twitter is the way you lead people to success, you have to take responsibility for it, you need to give up your geek identity as soon as possible.

As for you are not good at communicating with people, it is very simple, just work hard to learn the skills of communicating with people.

In terms of the company's business operations, you can solve your own ability problems through the study of MBA-related courses.

Twitter has developed to the present level, and it needs to be managed according to standardized corporate operations. The company needs to have a formal organizational management structure, and it needs to set up a CEO.

Jack, I hope you can be the CEO of the company and lead the whole team to success. This is your responsibility. You should not shirk, let alone evade.

For the future of Twitter, you need to change yourself, and you have to change..."

(End of this chapter)

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