Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 451 Finally Convinced

Chapter 451 Finally Convinced
Faced with Gao Yang and Stone's persuasion, Dorsey hesitated.

Gao Yang said: "Jack, as an investor, as well as an important partner like Biz, I support you. What are you hesitating about?"

Dorsey spread his hands: "Locus, I am worried that I am not capable enough to be a good CEO."

Gao Yang was amused: "Jack, what was your fanatical pursuit of becoming a geek back then?"

Dorsey said with a smile: "At that time, I was very young and thought it was cool to be a geek. Like many geeks, I also wanted to resist the monopoly and domination of the market by those big technology companies. As for now, the more important thing is to desire success. .”

Gao Yang said: "That's right, men should pursue success, pursue the wealth and social status brought by success, this will make us live more decently and be more respected, especially in the United States.

It's just that if you're only pursuing personal success from a geek perspective, the goals are set too small.

Twitter appeared because of you, and you have the responsibility and obligation to lead the whole team to success.

Look at me now, in terms of personal wealth, I can be considered successful in Huaxia, but the 51 Group is far from successful.

51 Group now has more than 3500 employees. I must be responsible to them and lead everyone to success and lead a rich and decent life.

Ten years later, the 10 Group may have 51 or even more employees. Only then can it be considered successful and have made important contributions to society.

At that time, I may personally have very considerable wealth and a higher social status.

With such conditions, I can do more and take on more responsibilities like investing in orchards and helping some villagers get rid of poverty and live a moderately prosperous life.

Jack, since I came to work in the capital, and later founded the Solar Energy Media Company, I never imagined that it would develop into an influential 51 Group today.

At that time, I didn’t dare to imagine that I had the ability I have now, but I have been studying hard. While working hard, I read a lot of books and enrolled in MBA training courses. Peer exchanges.

No one is born to manage and operate a company. We just learn and grow step by step, and keep running and advancing towards the set goals.

Jack, in my opinion, life is a process of continuous learning and continuous growth. Through continuous efforts, we will eventually succeed. This is a kind of enjoyment.

There is an old saying in China, which is called 'cultivating one's morality, regulating one's family, governing the country and the world'.

The general idea of ​​this sentence is that everyone must first be themselves, and on this basis, with the ability, they can take good care of their families.

If you have stronger abilities, you can participate in governing the country and seek benefits for the people of one side.

The greatest achievement is to have the ability to stabilize the world and benefit the people of a country.

From the perspective of managing and operating a company, in fact, the truth is the same.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and you should also take responsibility, this is the concept of the Chinese people..."

Dorsey bowed his head in deep thought, trying to digest the opinions expressed by Gao Yang.

Dorsey also understands that Gao Yang's attitude is very serious, and the support of Gao Yang and 51 Group is very important for the future development of Twitter.

Gao Yang lit a cigarette and waited for Dorsey's answer.

After a long time, Dorsey raised his head and smiled: "Locus, you successfully convinced me that I really need to change myself and not just indulge in being a geek. I agree to be the CEO of Twitter, study hard, and overcome my current abilities. insufficient."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Jack, I am very happy that you can change your mind like this, the future of Twitter must be controlled by you, and you must control it well.

Right now, Twitter is still very weak. After it grows and becomes successful, it will face an IPO and accept more capital to participate.

In this process, including Twitter's IPO, there will inevitably be various conflicts of interest.

In the United States, after an entrepreneurial technology company develops and grows, the founders will face constant wrestling with capital, and the founders will be squeezed out, or even forced to quit the company. Is it not uncommon? "

Stoner: "Locus, you're right. Jobs started Apple and was forced to quit."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "This is the important reason why I suggested Jack to control Twitter. Twitter was co-founded by the three of you, and Jack is the soul among you.

Twitter and 51 Weibo face different markets. In essence, the two Internet platforms are the same. In form, Twitter is a social application, but in essence, it is also an Internet medium.

The media has its own values, its own direction and position.

In the future, when Twitter develops a user scale of 5 million, 10 billion or even 20 billion globally, then such an Internet platform will have a strong influence on a global scale.

A brief statement made by a big person or an organization on Twitter may soon become a hot news of global concern.

From this point of view, I would like to ask, Jack, Biz, what do you think are the values ​​of Twitter, and what is Twitter's position? "

Dorsey said: "I think Twitter's values ​​should be objective and fair, and there must be a just position. On this basis, every user is guaranteed to have the right to free expression."

Stoner: "Yeah, that's the Twitter I imagined, and the Twitter I hoped for."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "I very much agree with the values ​​of the two of you. One day, when Twitter develops to this extent and has global influence, it will become a global super communication platform.

From the perspective of Internet technology and application development, my point of view is that technology and application innovation must firstly not do evil, and secondly have a bottom line.

For example, we cannot tolerate anti-human or racially discriminatory ideological speech, which can be widely disseminated through such a platform.

The proliferation of false information cannot be tolerated, or some organizations organize to fabricate false information to guide and deceive users.

Finally, in terms of global economic development and living standards, there are mainly several types of economies: developed, underdeveloped, and poor.

Twitter should have the correct value of serving global users and provide a communication platform for users around the world, rather than serving only users in developed markets in Europe and America.

If Twitter succeeds in the future and has huge social influence, it will inevitably be interfered by capital and even power, and even try to control Twitter.

So, I hope you three founders, with Jack as the core, will always keep Twitter firmly in your hands.

Stick to your own values, have a bottom line, don't do evil, and don't let Twitter become a tool for some people to do evil.

You are all geeks, and you have justice in your hearts. I hope that when Twitter achieves an IPO in the future and you all become rich, you can still stick to your geek thinking and uphold justice..."

Both Dorsey and Stone looked serious: "Locus, we will, and this is the original intention of our Twitter."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Then let's work hard together. I believe that you can lead to success with Twitter. The day after tomorrow, you will return to the United States. I will see you off. From now on, you are welcome to come to Huaxia every year to visit and work. Exchange, or vacation."

Tonight, Dorsey seriously stated that he is willing to be the CEO of Twitter, willing to be the leader of Twitter, willing to change himself for this, and Gao Yang is very pleased that the arrangements of the past few days have not been in vain.

In Gao Yang's memory, he had seen some reports about Dorsey, and in his impression Dorsey was an upright person who was keen on doing charity after his success.

In Dorsey's character, he is a bit indifferent to the world. After Twitter went public, he was once squeezed out of Twitter's management and only became a small shareholder.

Now, Gao Yang has invested in Twitter and wants to promote its development and growth. Naturally, he does not want to see such a thing happen again.

Tonight, Wu Ruohan, Shao Hanyun and Li Qin also understood what Gao Yang was planning to consider these days.

Gao Yang hopes to control the development direction of Twitter, and Dorsey is the one Gao Yang chooses.

On January 1, Gao Yang and his party flew directly from Jinyang to the capital. When they arrived in the capital, Shao Hanyun and Li Qin still accompanied Dorsey and Stone.

On the afternoon of January 1, Gao Yang accompanied Dorsey and Stone to the airport, saw them off, and told them that he would go to the United States in late January and also visit Silicon Valley.

After sending the two away, Gao Yang returned to the office and asked Wu Ruohan to find Shao Hanyun.

Gao Yang asked with a smile: "Hanyun, I heard from Ruohan that you and Dorsey communicated online for three months before. After this meeting, how did you get along?"

Shao Hanyun said generously: "I have a good impression of Dorsey, and he has a good impression of me, too. It can be considered that they have a good impression of each other."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "So, you have established a relationship with Dorsey?"

Shao Hanyun shook his head and smiled: "That's not counting. The past few days are mainly due to work arrangements. I just had a meal with him alone. Dorsey invited me. However, he didn't confess his love to me, probably Considering the distance across the ocean, it’s unrealistic.”

Gao Yang said: "Yuan, let me ask you seriously, do you really want to live in America?"

Shao Hanyun said: "Mr. Gao, if there is a chance, I really want to go. Without Dorsey's factor, I also want to go."

Gao Yang nodded and said: "Hanyun, how about it, Ruohan and I will go to the United States later this month, and you will go together.

You should discuss with your parents carefully about going to America to live, and then tell us after discussing it.

When you go to the United States, you can arrange investment immigration, and I will pay for the money.When you arrive in the United States, you go to Twitter to work. What do you think of this arrangement? "

Shao Hanyun was overjoyed: "Thank you Mr. Gao, I wish for such an arrangement. I will never forget Mr. Gao's care for me. When I go to the United States, I will study hard and help Mr. Gao control Twitter well."

Gao Yang nodded and smiled: "Xuan, you have been working hard, and I also hope that Twitter can become the place where you start to take off."

Wu Ruohan walked out of Gao Yang's office with Shao Hanyun's arm in his arms, and whispered, "Hanyun, my brother-in-law treats you well, right?"

Shao Hanyun said earnestly: "Mr. Gao treats me like a reinvention, I will definitely not disappoint his expectations..."

(End of this chapter)

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