Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 452 Wall Street, Here I Come

Chapter 452 Wall Street, Here I Come

The time soon came to mid-January 2007, when Gao Yang and his party got their business visas to the United States for 1 people, and the time limit was 5 days as usual.

5 people, besides Gao Yang, Wu Ruohan and Shao Hanyun, there are also Zhang Wei and Mo Li, a male and a female security personnel.

Both Zhang Wei and Mo Li had worked as special agents. Although they only worked on the periphery, they were also very good security guards.

It was Gu Yawen's request that Zhang Wei and Mo Li accompanied Gao Yang and others to the United States, just to prevent safety risks as much as possible. The streets of the United States are not as safe as China.

Gao Yang and his party are going to Las Vegas.

On January 1, together with professor Qin Xianglin, a quantitative expert, Gao Yang and his party of 21 will fly directly from Beijing to the United States.

On January 1, Gao Yang took his father Gao Yingxue to the Cancer Hospital of the Academy of Medical Sciences for a physical examination. The results showed that he was in good health and there was no problem in the lung examination.

Gao Yang was relieved a lot. According to his previous life memory, Gao Yingxue suffered from a cold recently, and he couldn't cure it for a long time. As a result, he was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer in July. Because the lesion was close to the pulmonary artery, he couldn't even perform surgery, and passed away at the end of the year.

In the past few years, Gao Yingxue's health has been really good. Apart from the mild gastritis, he seldom even had a cold throughout the year.

Now, Gao Yang doesn't dare to take it lightly, after the beginning of spring, if Gao Yingxue won't catch a cold, or even if he catches a cold, he will be fine in three to five days after taking the medicine, then Gao Yang will be completely at ease.

In the past few days, whether living in Jinyang or Beijing, Gao Yingxue, accompanied by Li Xiuzhen, insisted on walking several kilometers every day to exercise in this way.

After the New Year's Day, the super bull market of A shares still maintained an upward trend.

On January 1, the first trading day after the festival, the Shanghai stock index rose above 4 points in intraday trading, with a maximum increase of more than 2800%, approaching 6 points.

As a result, the market was smashed by big funds in the last 20 minutes, and it fell down like a straight line.

The highest daily trading volume of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has exceeded 800 billion.

On January 1, Friday, the stock index closed at 19 points again, and the trading volume also exceeded 2800 billion again.

After 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Gao Yang opened the stock account under his name——

Position: Shanghai Heavy Machinery 7210.8 lots (market value: 24725833 yuan)
Su Ning Electric 94500 lots (market value: 616896000 yuan)
Total market value: 6.4162 billion yuan
Cash: 170 yuan

Principal: 1900 million yuan
Total capital: 6.4162 billion yuan
Profit: 3276.95% (6.2262 billion yuan)
Gao Yang has basically been locked up for the past few years, and his floating profit has been nearly 33 times, with a net profit of 6.2 million.

Strictly speaking, the principal invested in this account is only about 1000 million. Since October 1999, when the account was opened with 10 yuan and entered the market, it has actually made a huge profit of 2.8 times.

Gao Yang asked his assistant Li Qin to notify Wu Ruohan and Huang Yufei to come over, and the two girls came over soon.

Gao Yang pointed to his stock account and said:

"Yu Fei, Ruohan and I are going on a business trip to the United States next week, and we plan to stay in the United States for half a month.

Now, Su Ning, who holds positions in my account, is considering liquidating all positions. I will write you a power of attorney, and you can communicate with Zhongxin Sales Department to unlock the pledge of this stock.

Then, you will help me to operate, and from next Monday, the warehouse will be gradually cleared. "

Huang Yufei smiled and said: "Mr. Gao, don't worry about it. When you pledged this stock, Su Ning's market value was only 2.3 million, and now it has exceeded 6 million.

I will help you sell Su Ning with a market value of 1.3 million, and your pledge of financing 1.2 million will be automatically released. "

Gao Yang said: "Okay, then you can just watch the operation, and besides, you can help me build the positions of Zhongxin Securities and the three non-ferrous stocks of Chihong, Yunnan Copper and Jiangxi Copper with the funds from the liquidation of Su Ning.

In terms of specific positions, Zhongxin and Chihong both consider 3% of the positions, and Yunnan Copper and Jiangxi Copper arrange the remaining 4% of the positions. "

Wu Ruohan said: "Brother-in-law, since Su Ning went public, it has increased by 20 times. Should we also consider liquidating our other accounts?"

Gao Yang thought about it: "How about this, if the company's account holds a lot of Su Ning, Yu Fei will arrange a trader to gradually reduce it to half positions from next week, and for those with less positions, you can consider liquidating.

The funds from lightening up and liquidating positions will be arranged to increase the positions of the stocks originally held, as well as the concept stocks and non-ferrous stocks of securities companies selected by your research recently.

In the accounts of Yawen and your aunt, the market value of Su Ning holding positions is relatively large, so they are reduced to half positions. "

Gao Yang looked at Huang Yufei again: "Yufei, this time we have substantially reduced our positions and liquidated Su Ning, you must control the rhythm, don't reduce your positions by smashing the market, and try not to affect its trend.

In addition, in my account, after Zhongxin’s position is completed, you can communicate with the sales department and use Zhongxin and Shanghai Heavy Machinery as new pledge targets to replace Su Ning’s pledge.

Please tell the sales department that I will consider increasing the financing after the funds from the liquidation of Su Ning are completed, and I may need to raise another [-] million yuan. "

Huang Yufei nodded and smiled: "Okay, Mr. Gao, the sales department also welcomes our financing.

In addition, I have a suggestion. The total market value of the company's account holdings is already 50 billion. Should we also consider financing, add some leverage, and increase positions in stocks we are optimistic about?

With a position of 50 billion yuan, a maximum of 30 billion yuan can be raised. "

Gao Yang thought about it: "You can consider financing, but don't raise too much. With a market value of 50 billion, just raise 15 billion. We still have to guard against the risk of sudden large fluctuations. After all, we have always operated with full positions."

Huang Yufei said happily: "Okay, Mr. Gao, next Monday, I will communicate with the sales department about the company's account financing."

Huang Yufei was very excited. According to Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan's analysis, this round of bull market will most likely rise by more than 5000 points, and the main rise of the bull market has not yet arrived.

At present, the carefully selected leading stocks in each sector are expected to rise several times on average on the basis of the current price.

The financing is 15 billion, and after the stock index rises by more than 5000 points, it will gradually withdraw. If Wu Ruohan has specific guidance for this 15 billion financing, it is very likely that the net profit will be more than 150 billion.

Very amazing income.

After 5 pm, it was almost time to get off work. Shao Hanyun, who had rushed back from Shudu, rushed to Gao Yang's office immediately, carrying a gift box.

"Mr. Gao, this is the Pu'er tea my mother asked me to bring you. She asked a friend to find it in Yunnan Province."

Gao Yang took the gift box and opened it. It was two cakes of Pu'er tea. After smelling it, Gao Yang said with a smile: "This is the best old tea. It has a lot of meaning. Why do you bother to spend so much?"

Shao Hanyun suddenly bowed deeply to Gao Yang: "Mr. Gao, my mother said that this is just a small kindness. Our whole family is grateful for your care and trust in me, and for sponsoring me to immigrate to live in the United States.

Now I have nothing to repay, but I can only wait to go to the United States and work hard for Mr. Gao. "

Gao Yang plans to spend 100 million US dollars to handle investment immigration for Shao Hanyun to the United States, and Shao Hanyun will also represent the android company and serve as a director of Twitter.

This friendship is very important to Shao Hanyun's family.

Shao Hanyun has already decided that when he goes to America this time, he will tell Dorsey that she will emigrate. If Dorsey confesses his love to her, she will accept it and start dating.

Gao Yang received Shao Hanyun's bow, and then said: "Hanyun, let's not talk about this, you should have a good rest, the day after tomorrow, we are leaving."

After returning home from get off work, Gao Yang spent the weekend with Gu Yawen and the children with peace of mind, at noon and night, with Wu Yawen.

Professor Qin Xianglin flew to the capital on the afternoon of January 1th. Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan went to the airport to meet him and settled in a hotel near Peking University. Since Professor Qin was going to have a party with two old friends at night, Gao Yang and Wu Ruohan were not accompanied.

At 1:21 p.m. on January 6, 6:6 a.m. New York time, Gao Yang and his party boarded a transoceanic flight from Air China to New York JFK Airport.

The 6 people are all arranged in the first class cabin, and the flight is expected to be more than 12 hours, Gao Yang is not willing to save money on air tickets.

Wu Ruohan sat on Gao Yang's right side by the window, and Professor Qin sat on Gao Yang's left hand side.

After the plane took off, after eating, Gao Yang chatted with Professor Qin for more than two hours, and then began to rest.

Combining the previous life and the present life, it was the first time for Gao Yang to go abroad, and it took more than ten hours to fly.

Gao Yang slept for 7 hours, woke up and started to eat breakfast again.

After that, I got up and moved around, went to the bathroom, and washed up. I felt that the ocean flight was not as difficult as I imagined.

Sit down, listen to Wu Ruohan's whispers, and chat with Professor Qin, the time passed quickly.

"Gentlemen and ladies, this flight will arrive at JFK Airport in New York in 15 minutes..."

The stewardess started the announcement.

Wu Ruohan opened the window baffle, and at the height of the plane, he couldn't see the night view of New York.

Gao Yang's heart trembled slightly:
Manhattan, Wall Street, here I come...

(End of this chapter)

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