Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 456 Las Vegas

Chapter 456 Las Vegas

On January 1, Friday, Professor Qin Xianglin, who was free, spent more than an hour in the morning to conduct a training session for Chen Lan, Wu Fei and Wu Ruohan.

The content of the training is to use the US Securitization Forum held in Las Vegas from the 28th to the 31st to have interviews with participating bond guarantee managers and swap business traders.

According to Qin Xianglin’s estimate, shorting AA-level swaps is easy to talk about. Now that the risk of the CDO bubble has not been clearly exposed, shorting AA-level swaps is tantamount to giving money, and no trader will refuse.

Buying short AA-rated swaps theoretically has a high leverage of 200 times. This is the reason, just like buying a lottery ticket.

To buy short BB-level and BBB-level swaps, you need to make specific inquiries, negotiate, and strive for an optimized price.

Gao Yang decided that Titan Fund would use US$1 million to short BB and BBB swaps. Qin Xianglin suggested that 60% of it be used to short BBB and 40% to short BB.

Such a combination, combined, is expected to have an investment leverage of 20 times.

As for using 4000 million US dollars to go long AAA-level CDO, nominally, it is for hedging.

During the three days in Las Vegas, Chen Lan, Wu Fei, and Wu Ruohan all had tasks on their hands, and Qin Xianglin would also help negotiate some large deals.

The overall plan is to complete an investment of 10 million US dollars through about 2.2 investment banks and insurance companies, and hundreds of swap transactions.

At 5:[-] p.m., Qin Xianglin went out. In the evening, he would have dinner with William Butler, a powerful figure in the securities department of Goldman Sachs, to reminisce about old relationships.

After 1:27 p.m. on January 5, after more than 4 hours of flight, Gao Yang and his party of 8 arrived at the west coast of the United States, Nevada, which is close to California, and the world-famous casino city Las Vegas.

Jack Dorsey, who rushed over from California, drove a Ford off-road vehicle and rushed to the airport ahead of time to meet Gao Yang and his party.

The Nobu Hotel at Caesars Palace that Chen Lan booked is not far from the airport and is one of the most upscale hotels in Las Vegas.

The 1 US Securitization Forum, which opened on January 28, was held at the adjacent Caesars Palace Hotel.

Gao Yang, Wu Ruohan, and Shao Hanyun took Dorsey's car, and the others took two taxis.

After entering the urban area, there are various high-end tourist hotels along the way.

Along the way, Dorsey acted as a tour guide, introducing the three of Gao Yang to this famous city of tourism, leisure and entertainment in the United States.

Wu Ruohan kept translating for Gao Yang, Gao Yang suddenly asked with a smile: "Jack, do you often come to Las Vegas to play?"

Dorsey shook his head and smiled: "Locus, I've been here twice. The last time was 3 years ago. Las Vegas is a paradise for the rich. I couldn't afford to live in these high-end hotels at the time..."

Less than 20 minutes after leaving the airport, he arrived at the Nobu Hotel at Caesars Palace. Dorsey took a breath when he saw the room price.

The standard room is 990 US dollars!

This time when he came to Las Vegas, Dorsey originally planned to pay for the hotel out of his own pocket, but after Chen Lan booked the hotel, Shao Hanyun told him on the phone that the cost of staying in Las Vegas for three days this time was [-]%. Borrowed by Titan Fund.

Gao Yang and his party stayed in such a high-end hotel, and Dorsey also accepted the reality that he was still poor.

Dorsey realized that what Gao Yang said at the beginning, wealth can make people live more decently and calmly.

At dinner, Dorsey sat next to Gao Yang and exchanged Twitter:
"Locus, after Biz and I returned to California, we immediately organized a team to study and study 51 Weibo, and research and develop key problems. Now the task has been basically completed, and a new version is planned to be launched in a week.

The results of the internal test have made everyone very excited. In January, Twitter is expected to add about 1 new users. After the new version is launched, we expect that the number of new users will soon usher in an explosion.

This year, we plan to invest 60 to 80 US dollars for the promotion of Twitter, and we are planning a plan..."

When Dorsey was introducing the situation, Wu Ruohan was in charge of translation beside Gao Yang.

Gao Yang nodded: "Jack, your work efficiency is quite high. Have you discussed the company's management and organizational structure?"

Dorsey said: "It's been discussed. I will be the CEO and CTO, Biz will be the COO, Ivan will be the CMO, and the CFO plans to open recruitment. It just so happens that you are coming to the United States, Biz and Ivan, let me ask for your opinion." .”

Gao Yang said: "Jack, I have no objection to your arrangements like this. The operation and management of Twitter is a matter for your entire team. As I mentioned to you in Huaxia before, I just hope that you can firmly control the development direction of Twitter. .”

Dorsey said: "Locus, I will. I have made a decision, and I will not change it easily."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Jack, I have a suggestion, if possible, you'd better find an opportunity to let go of the position of CTO, in the current team, or introduce talents to serve as CTO.

Your main energy should still be placed on the role of CEO, and only by grasping the overall situation can you shoulder this heavy burden. "

Dorsey thought about it: "I will consider it after the new version of Twitter is launched and basically mature."

Gao Yang pointed at Shao Hanyun, and asked with a smile: "Jack, Hanyun wants to live in the United States. We plan to arrange for her to immigrate by investment. After that, I suggest you hire her as your assistant. What do you think?"

Dorsey said happily: "It would be great if Jessica could join Twitter."

Gao Yang said with a smile: "Han Yun has been my assistant for nearly three years. She has grown up very fast and her abilities are also very good. She should be able to help you a lot."

Dorsey glanced at Shao Hanyun: "Yes, Jessica has a wealth of work experience. 51 Group is a very good company. I have communicated with Jessica a lot."

Wu Ruohan pressed close to Shao Hanyun's ear, and whispered, "The way Dorsey looks at you is full of affection."

Shao Hanyun's pretty face flushed slightly: "Ruohan, I'm still early with him..."

On the morning of January 1, the annual American Securitization Investment Forum (ASF) opened at the magnificent Caesars Palace Hotel.

In Las Vegas, located in the south of the west coast, the temperature seems to be [-] or [-] degrees higher than that of New York. Gao Yang also changed into a light and tailored casual suit.

Wu Ruohan walked arm in arm with Gao Yang, she is a Prada all over her body today.

Round-toed black leather shoes, black stockings, knee-length pale pink skirt, long-sleeved white shirt, a gray loose knit sweater, an embroidered tote bag on the wrist, and triangular silver palladium earrings.

Coupled with Wu Ruohan's exquisite facial features, fair face, youthful fashion, beautiful and moving.

At 8:[-] in the morning, a group of people rushed to the forum venue on foot. Gao Yang saw that some people were wearing jackets or thin sweaters on the street, and some were wearing short-sleeved T-shirts.

When entering the venue, it only took a few minutes to sign in. Two foreigners in suits and leather shoes were surprised when they saw Qin Xianglin, as if they were quite surprised, and then came to greet him warmly.

Gao Yang saw it, and gained a new understanding of Professor Qin's connections on Wall Street.

Professor Qin really has friends all over the world, even more powerful than Gao Yang expected.

After signing in, Gao Yang and his party got their badges and entered the venue. Wherever they looked, there were crowds of people.

Men and women, or suits and leather shoes, or an OL outfit, mostly men.

From the perspective of skin color, Asians and Africans are rare, and people of color add up to less than 10%, and whites are the majority.

The densely packed booths are piled with paper coloring pages, mainly various financial institutions related to real estate loans, and there are even booths for auto mortgage loans and personal consumption loans.

Gao Yang glanced around and said with a smile: "This kind of activity is similar to our solar energy industry exhibition held by Sunshine Company. I'm afraid there will be tens of thousands of visitors."

Qin Xianglin said: "I participated in two ASFs in 2001 and 2002. At that time, there was no such exhibition, and it was very deserted. Only about 200 people from the industry participated.

Many of these visitors to the exhibition should be CDO holders, or people who are planning to invest in CDOs.

Our target is not on these people..."

(End of this chapter)

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