Media Tycoon since 1999

Chapter 457 Hoover Dam

Chapter 457 Hoover Dam
At 9 o'clock in the morning, Gao Yang and his party of 9 people sat in the main venue of the forum, wearing a badge with the words ASF2007 on it.

There was a dense audience in the audience, no less than a thousand people by visual estimation.

On the stage, a big man appeared and was about to give a speech.

Sitting beside Gao Yang, Wu Ruohan softly translated for him:

"This guest speaker is Paul Tonali, President of Optimal Corporation...

Tonali said the business situation is good, profits are strong and mortgages remain the mainstay of the economy as a whole.

He said that there was some loss in the second-hand goods market last year, but it was less than 5%. This level of loss is within expectations and will not exceed 5% in the future.

The development of the real estate market is very stable, and once the adjustable rate mortgage product was launched, it was sold out immediately..."

Tonali on the stage was eloquent, and the audience applauded continuously. Listening to Wu Ruohan's translation, Gao Yang felt a little drowsy.

Gao Yang smiled softly: "Ruohan, you don't need to help me translate, what Tonali said is just a commercial language package, how much of this kind of boring speech is there?"

Wu Ruohan said: "Today is a whole day of forum keynote speeches. There are a total of 10 speakers. Tomorrow will be various small-scale exchange activities. If you feel bored, don't listen to the forum in the afternoon. Let Han Yun and Dorsey, Let's walk around with you."

Gao Yang thought about it: "Okay, let Mo Li stay with you, and Zhang Wei will go with us."

Wu Ruohan said: "You can play with peace of mind, with the help of Professor Qin, and my sister-in-law also knows some people, we will definitely be able to complete the task.

Professor Qin said that in addition to formal on-site exchanges, we will use various opportunities to find managers and traders for interviews such as dinners, bars, and golf clubs these days. "

At this time, three rows ahead of Gao Yang and the others, in the middle on the left, a middle-aged man in a suit suddenly raised his hand high and shouted, "I have a question."

Tonali on the stage noticed it immediately, and said with a smile: "The question-and-answer session is arranged after the speech, but this gentleman seems to be very eager, okay, what questions do you have?"

The man in the suit stood up and asked, "Mr. Tonali, how likely is it that the subprime mortgage losses you mentioned just now will be controlled within 5%?"

"The possibility is very high." After Tonali replied, he continued his speech.

The middle-aged man who asked the question just now suddenly raised his hand again and shouted, "I'll interrupt!"

Tonali on the stage stopped speaking: "Please speak."

The middle-aged man in the audience stood up and shouted: "Zero! The possibility of subprime mortgage losses remaining within 5% is zero!"

After speaking, the middle-aged man picked up his mobile phone, and then left the scene.

All around, many people watched him leave like a madman.

On stage, Tonali joked: "I think he might be from Bank of America."

The audience suddenly burst into laughter.

In fact, Gao Yang could roughly understand the conversation between the two.

For such an emergency, Wu Ruohan would naturally translate it to Gao Yang.

At this time, Gao Yang suddenly remembered a similar scene in the movie "The Big Short". This, shouldn't it be the fund manager described in the movie, Mark with a super sense of justice?
If that's the case, the film is too realistic.

After the forum in the morning, Qin Xianglin and Chen Lan greeted or exchanged a few words with a few people they knew.

At noon, return to the nearby Nobu Hotel at Caesars Palace for lunch, and the afternoon forum will start at two o'clock.

Gao Yang told Qin Xianglin, Chen Lan and others about the arrangements for the afternoon.

Qin Xianglin, Wu Ruohan, Chen Lan and Wu Fei, together with the female security guard Molly, continued to participate in the discussion activities.

Gao Yang stopped going to the forum to waste time, and planned to spend two days in the city with Shao Hanyun, Dorsey, and Zhang Wei.

In the evening, instead of having dinner together, Qin Xianglin would take Wu Ruohan and others to the reception, and began to look for bond guarantee managers and traders from major investment banks to negotiate deals.

Both Qin Xianglin and Wu Fei can understand it naturally. Gao Yang's English is not good enough, so someone has to translate it. Sitting on a forum and listening to someone's speech is tantamount to making a fuss.

After lunch break, the 9 soldiers divided into two groups, with Dorsey as the guide, driving Gao Yang, Shao Hanyun, and Zhang Wei to visit Las Vegas.

Shao Hanyun became Gao Yang's translator again.

After getting in the car, Dorsey asked Gao Yang: "Locus, the casino is a major feature of Las Vegas, do you want to try your luck?"

Gao Yang said with a smile: "No need, we are already sitting in the biggest casino in the world this morning."

Shao Hanyun understood Gao Yang's meaning, and after translating with a smile, Dorsey was still confused.

Dorsey asked again: "Locus, what kind of places do you like to go?"

Gao Yang asked: "Jack, is there any beautiful natural landscape near Las Vegas?"

Dorsey said: "There is Red Rock Canyon to the west, and Hoover Dam and Lake Mead to the east. The distance is not far. Red Rock Canyon is 20 miles to the west, and Hoover Dam is 25 miles to the east. It takes 40 minutes to drive there." arrive."

Gao Yang said: "Then let's go to Hoover Dam now, and Hongyan Canyon tomorrow."

Dorsey's off-road vehicle left the urban area and soon entered the highway. In the United States, the highway is abbreviated as Expy, and this section of the highway is the Las Vegas Expressway.

Exit the highway, followed by Boulder City Hwy, the abbreviation of this kind of road is Hwy, which means highway.

Next, the mountain road leading to the Hoover Dam is called Boulder City Byp (Boulder City Byp).

Along the way, Gao Yang was interested in the category names of these roads, and Dorsey explained the meanings in detail.

Just such a 25-mile road, which is equivalent to 40 kilometers, made Gao Yang feel the development of the American highway system.

This section of Byp branch road has much better traffic conditions than some national highways in Huaxia.

Gao Yang recalled that in another 10 years, China's infrastructure level would be very different. The high-speed rail is famous all over the world, and the highways will also extend in all directions.

Soon, the Hoover Dam arrived. Dorsey parked the car and began to be a guide for the three of Gao Yang.

"This area is called the Black Narrows, where the Nevada and Arizona borders meet.

The Hoover Dam is 221 meters high, the embankment is 377 meters long, and the total storage capacity of Lake Mead is nearly 350 billion cubic meters.

The Hoover Dam took 5 years to complete in 1936..."

Standing on the dam, overlooking the rushing Colorado River downstream, Gao Yang praised: "This is a great project."

Dorsey said: "Locus, the Hoover Dam was also poured with blood. During construction, 112 workers gave their lives."

Gao Yang took out the cigarette case from his pocket, took a cigarette and lit it: "Jack, do you understand securities?"

Dorsey shook his head: "Locus, I don't understand at all, and I have never bought stocks. Didn't you say that today's National Securitization Forum is the largest casino in the world?"

Gao Yang laughed happily: "Jack, the mortgage-backed securities market is completely different from stocks, most of them are traded over the counter.

You are at the helm of Twitter. Twitter will definitely have an IPO in the future. As the CEO of the company, you should have a basic understanding of the capital market.

I suggest that you take the time to read books on stocks. Your main wealth in the future lies in your Twitter shares. "

Dorsey nodded: "Okay, Locus, I'll take some time to find some books to read."

Gao Yang said: "Okay, when I go to San Francisco, I'll ask Ruohan to help you pick out some books in the bookstore. Jack, you have to adapt to the role of CEO as soon as possible. Your future is to become an excellent entrepreneur and a leader in the global Internet industry. Man of the hour.

Your knowledge base should be expanded around this goal. "

(End of this chapter)

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